Why did Lorelai break up with Max Reddit?

I can think of a few reasons. Maybe Lorelai was suppressing her feelings for Luke. Maybe she was scared to lose this sense of independence she’s always had by letting someone else in. I’m on my millionth rewatch and the show makes a point to show her being hesitant about accepting Max Medina Maaaaax Medina’s proposal….

For starters, he proposed right after she told him they should break up. If your girlfriend is suggesting a breakup how can you possibly think your relationship is stable enough to get married? Also he does it right after Luke establishes that he’s basically in love with Lorelai and will ALWAYS be in her life. He really should’ve seen that as a big red flag. There are also so many times she just completely flaked out on their relationship and showed him that she wasn’t ready to have him as a husband and stepfather to Rory. He should’ve been smarter and never proposed.

So, these days I'm watching season 2 of GG. I saw an episode where Lorelai and Rory go on a road trip after the former cancels her wedding. However, I'm really shocked because the entire fuss in that episode was about how Lorelai was dealing with her breakup. I failed to understand why dint they show how did the news of breakup was communicated to Max and how did he take it!

I just watched the Road Trip to Harvard episode, and Lorelai's reaction at the Cheshire Cat to Rory asking what happened in the breakup really bothers me. Her daughter, who's never had a father figure, was about to get a stepfather living with her and then it was abruptly taken away and Lorelai really doesn't think she owes Rory any kind of explanation? The breakup doesn't just affect her, it affects Rory too! Lorelai did the right thing not marrying a man she doesn't love, but it's so bizarre how she doesn't understand why Rory has a right to know what happened.

I've only watched Gilmore Girls through once. And am rewatching through it now... and first I totally forgot that Lorelai and Max actually get ENGAGED (wat)... my brain had completely forgotten how intense their storyline was.

BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW MAX IS SO KIND AND UNDERSTANDING AND *DREAMY* AND AMBITIOUS AND LORELAI JUST RUNS AWAY AND TELLS HIM NOTHING? He does not deserve that and just because Lorelai is afraid of commitment, he gets heartbroken and we don't even hear about him anymore?!?!?!

I need some validation y'all. Tell me your thoughts.

I'm rewatching the series (again) before the new ones comes out. Has anyone else always been bothered by the fact that the audience never got to see how Lorelai ended things with Max right before their wedding? I feel like this is a major scene missing from the puzzle of early Gilmore Girls.

I always wondered this ... why didn't they work out? Did Lorelai not love him, was she not ready to get married? If so, why did she agree to his proposal?

So just finished S2E3 “Red Light on the Wedding Night” which ends with Lorelai and Rory setting out on a road trip after Lorelai realizes she doesn’t want to marry Max. Interested in theories since I realize this is purely hypothetical: How did Lorelai break up with Max? I’m assuming she didn’t just ghost him. Did she call him the night before the road trip? It seems so cruel to end an engagement via phone, I don’t like to imagine her doing that. Interested in what everyone else thinks.