Where in the chloroplast is the chemiosmotic gradient developed










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Use your model and the information in Chapter 10 ofBiology,7th edition, to answerthe questions.1. The various reactions in photosynthesis are spatially segregated from each other withinthe chloroplast. Draw a simplified diagram of a chloroplast and include these parts: outermembrane, grana, thylakoid, lumen, stroma/matrix.Refer to Figure 10.3, page 183, inBiology,7th edition.a.Where in the chloroplast do the lightreactions occur?In the thylakoid membranesb.Where in the chloroplast is thechemiosmotic gradient developed?Across the thylakoid membrane; H+ionsare pumped into the thylakoid spacec.Where in the chloroplast does the Calvincycle occur ?In the stroma or liquid portion of thechloroplast2. In photosynthesis, the reduction of carbon dioxide to form glucose is carried out in acontrolled series of reactions. In general, each step or reaction in the sequence requiresthe input of energy. The sun is the ultimate source of this energy.a.What is/are the overallfunction(s) ofphotosystem I?b.What is/are the overallfunction(s) ofphotosystem II?c.What is/are the overallfunction(s) of the Calvincycle?In noncyclicphotosphosphorylation,photosystem I producesNADPH. In cyclicphotophosphorylation,photosystem I producesATP.Photosystem II generatesATP. To fill the electronhole in photosystem II,water is split into 2 H+, 2e,and1/2O2. (The electronfrom photosystem II fillsthe electron hole inphotosystem I.)The Calvin cycle uses theATP and NADPHgenerated in the lightreactions to reduce CO2tothree-carbon compounds ina cyclic series of reactionsthat regenerates the originalfive-carbon sugar requiredto accept the CO2. Thethree-carbon compoundscan be used to makeglucose or other organiccompounds required bythe cells.

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