What is the product of Naoh Fe no3 3?

Approximately 2 mL of Solution A (on the left) is added to a sample of Solution B (on the right) with a dropping pipet. If a precipitate forms, the resulting precipitate is suspended in the mixture. The mixture is then stirred with a glass stirring rod and the precipitate is allowed to settle for about a minute.

Solution A: 0.5 M sodium hydroxide, colorlessSolution B: 0.2 M iron(III) nitrate, dark yellowPrecipitate: red-orange

Fe(NO3)3(aq) + 3 NaOH(aq) —> Fe(OH)3(s) + 3 NaNO3(aq)

  • Design
    • Kenneth R. Magnell Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
    • John W. Moore University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI 53706
  • Video
    • Jerrold J. Jacobsen University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI 53706
  • Text
    • Kenneth R. Magnell Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859

Fe(NO3)2 + 2NaOH → Fe(OH)2 + 2NaNO3

Iron(II) nitrate react with sodium hydroxide to produce iron(II) hydroxide and sodium nitrate. Sodium hydroxide - diluted solution. This reaction takes place in a nitrogen atmosphere.

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Fe(NO3)2 + 2NaOH → Fe(OH)2 + 2NaNO3

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Реакция взаимодействия нитрата железа(II) и гидроксида натрия с образованием гидроксида железа(II) и нитрата натрия. Гидроксид натрия - разбавленный раствор. Реакция протекает в атмосфере азота.

What is the product of Naoh Fe no3 3?
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What is the product of Naoh Fe no3 3?
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What is the product of Naoh Fe no3 3?
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Для приготовления буфера используют 0,2 М растворы Nа2HPO 4 х 12Н2О и NaH2PO4 х 2 Н 2 О.

Состав х мл 0,2 М раствора Na 2 HPO 4 + у мл 0,2 М раствора NaH 2 PO 4, доводят обьем до 100мл дистиллированной водой. Какие обьемы?

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What is the product of Naoh Fe no3 3?

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Вычислить рН и равновесную концентрацию HPO4^2- ионов в 0,5 М растворе
фосфорной кислоты.

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What is the product of Naoh Fe no3 3?

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Какова температура замерзания растворов цианида аммония NH4CN и уксусного альдегида CH3CHO, каждый из которых содержит 5 г растворенного вещества в 100 г воды. Кажущаяся степень диссоциации цианида аммония равна 60%.

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What is the product of Naoh Fe no3 3?

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Помогите пожалуйста, не разбираюсь в химии!!! 1)Составьте уравнения реакций, характеризующих химические свойства метилциклопропана. 2)Напишите уравнения реакций, с помощью которых можно получить а) циклогексан б) 1,1 деметилциклопентан в) 1,2деметилциклопентан

г) этилциклогексан

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Здраствуйте, 1составить все изомеры 3 3 диметилбутен -1
2Найдите молекулярную формулу углеводорода массовая доля водорода в котором составляет 11.1процентов Относительная плотность вещества по воздуху равна 1.863

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What is the product of Naoh Fe no3 3?

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You're dealing with a double replacement reaction that results in the formation of an insoluble solid that precipitates out of solution.

More specifically, a solution of iron(III) nitrate, #"Fe"("NO"_3)_3#, will react with a solution of sodium hydroxide, #"NaOH"#, to form iron(III) hydroxide, #"Fe"("OH")_3#, which precipitates out of solution.

So, the molecular equation that describes this reaction is

#"Fe"("NO"_3)_text(3(aq]) + 3"NaOH"_text((aq]) -> "Fe"("OH")_text(3(s]) darr + 3"NaNO"_text(3(aq])#

The complete ionic equation will include the solid and all the ions that are present in solution

#"Fe"_text((aq])^(3+) + 3"NO"_text(3(aq])^(-) + 3"Na"_text((aq])^(+) + 3"OH"_text((aq])^(-) -> "Fe"("OH")_text(3(s]) darr + 3"Na"_text((aq])^(+) + 3"NO"_text(3(aq])^(-)#

Notice tha the insoluble solid is not represented as ions!

The net ionic equation will only show the ions that actually take part in the reaction.

The reaction between the two solutions will result in the formation of the solid, which means that the ions that are not a part of the solid will not take part in the reaction.

More specifically, they will act as spectator ions. You can tell which ions are spectator ions by their presence on both sides of the equation.

So, the net ionic equation is

#"Fe"_text((aq])^(3+) + 3"OH"_text((aq])^(-) -> "Fe"("OH")_text(3(s]) darr#

Here's how this reaction would look like

What is the product of Naoh Fe no3 3?

Here the iron(III) nitrate solution is added to the colorless sodium hydroxide solution