How did the methods used by railroad workers to protest their working conditions compare with the tactics employed by the Greenbacks who also sought reform?

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How does the presence of a labor union change negotiations between employers and workers?

Date Assigned: Tuesday, Jan 19, 2016 Date Due: Wednesday, Jan 20, 2016

  1. Carefully read pages 564-571 of Ch. 17 (Labor Gets Organized), complete the Key Terms, and answer the following analysis questions below (and attached as a word document).
  2. Watch the Crash Course Video on Industrialization and answer the questions on lined paper. It is important that you read first.

Chapter 17: Industrial America: Corporations and Conflicts Analysis Questions (Part III)

1. As you read through this section, consider and answer the following: In what ways and to what extent did organized labor improve the condition of workers during the Gilded Age?

2. Describe the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. What were its causes and effects?

3. Who was Henry George, and how did his book, Progress and Poverty (1878), encourage radical movements in the American labor system?

4. Compare and Contrast: How did the methods used by railroad workers to protest their working conditions compare with the tactics employed by the Greenbackers, who also sought reform?

5. Explain how the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor illustrates how workers organized unions and confronted labor and management for control over wages and working conditions.

6. Identify Causes: What factors contributed to the rapid rise of the Knights of Labor? To its decline?

7. How did the Haymarket Square labor demonstration impact the American labor movement? Explain.

8. Place Events in Context: Why did farmers and industrial workers cooperate, and what political objectives did they achieve?

9. In what ways and to what extent did the Interstate Commerce Act depart from the government policy of laissez faire? (Look up laissez faire if necessary) How did this departure reflect the changing role of the federal government in regulating economic life?

10. Trace Change Over Time: How did the key institutions and goals of the labor movement change, and what gains and losses resulted from this shift?

11. Put It All Together: Compare the accomplishments and limitations of American farmer-labor movements of the 1870s and 1880s, such as the Greenback-Labor Party and the Knights of Labor, with those of the American Federation of Labor. Why did the latter choose a different strategy?

12. Chapter 17 Big Idea Question: What new opportunities and risks did industrialization bring, and how did it reshape American society?

Date Assigned: Tuesday, Jan 19, 2016
Date Due: Wednesday, Jan 20, 2016

  1. Carefully read pages 564-571 of Ch. 17 (Labor Gets Organized), complete the Key Terms, and answer the following analysis questions below (and attached as a word document).
  2. Watch the Crash Course Video on Industrialization and answer the questions on lined paper. It is important that you read first.
  • Link:

Chapter 17: Industrial America: Corporations and Conflicts Analysis Questions (Part III)

1. As you read through this section, consider and answer the following: In what ways and to what extent did organized labor improve the condition of workers during the Gilded Age?

2. Describe the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. What were its causes and effects?

3. Who was Henry George, and how did his book, Progress and Poverty (1878), encourage radical movements in the American labor system?

4. Compare and Contrast: How did the methods used by railroad workers to protest their working conditions compare with the tactics employed by the Greenbackers, who also sought reform?

5. Explain how the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor illustrates how workers organized unions and confronted labor and management for control over wages and working conditions.

6. Identify Causes: What factors contributed to the rapid rise of the Knights of Labor? To its decline?

7. How did the Haymarket Square labor demonstration impact the American labor movement? Explain.

8. Place Events in Context: Why did farmers and industrial workers cooperate, and what political objectives did they achieve?

9. In what ways and to what extent did the Interstate Commerce Act depart from the government policy of laissez faire? (Look up laissez faire if necessary) How did this departure reflect the changing role of the federal government in regulating economic life?

10. Trace Change Over Time: How did the key institutions and goals of the labor movement change, and what gains and losses resulted from this shift?

11. Put It All Together: Compare the accomplishments and limitations of American farmer-labor movements of the 1870s and 1880s, such as the Greenback-Labor Party and the Knights of Labor, with those of the American Federation of Labor. Why did the latter choose a different strategy?

12. Chapter 17 Big Idea Question: What new opportunities and risks did industrialization bring, and how did it reshape American society?

This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 4 pages.

Date Assigned: Tuesday, Jan 19, 2016 Date Due: Wednesday, Jan 20, 2016

  1. Carefully read pages 564-571 of Ch. 17 (Labor Gets Organized), complete the Key Terms, and answer the following analysis questions below (and attached as a word document).
  2. Watch the Crash Course Video on Industrialization and answer the questions on lined paper. It is important that you read first.

Chapter 17: Industrial America: Corporations and Conflicts Analysis Questions (Part III)

1. As you read through this section, consider and answer the following: In what ways and to what extent did organized labor improve the condition of workers during the Gilded Age?

2. Describe the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. What were its causes and effects?

3. Who was Henry George, and how did his book, Progress and Poverty (1878), encourage radical movements in the American labor system?

4. Compare and Contrast: How did the methods used by railroad workers to protest their working conditions compare with the tactics employed by the Greenbackers, who also sought reform?

5. Explain how the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor illustrates how workers organized unions and confronted labor and management for control over wages and working conditions.

6. Identify Causes: What factors contributed to the rapid rise of the Knights of Labor? To its decline?

7. How did the Haymarket Square labor demonstration impact the American labor movement? Explain.

8. Place Events in Context: Why did farmers and industrial workers cooperate, and what political objectives did they achieve?

9. In what ways and to what extent did the Interstate Commerce Act depart from the government policy of laissez faire? (Look up laissez faire if necessary) How did this departure reflect the changing role of the federal government in regulating economic life?

10. Trace Change Over Time: How did the key institutions and goals of the labor movement change, and what gains and losses resulted from this shift?

11. Put It All Together: Compare the accomplishments and limitations of American farmer-labor movements of the 1870s and 1880s, such as the Greenback-Labor Party and the Knights of Labor, with those of the American Federation of Labor. Why did the latter choose a different strategy?

12. Chapter 17 Big Idea Question: What new opportunities and risks did industrialization bring, and how did it reshape American society?