What does catnip do to a dog

What does catnip do to a dog

i Janie Airey/Lifesize/Getty Images

Anyone who has ever seen a cat zero in on catnip knows the effect the plant has on felines. But many people don't realize that dogs like catnip, too. Catnip contains minerals such as magnesium, flavonoids, tannins and vitamins C and E. It also contains essential oils that help keep dogs' digestive systems healthy. Always consult your veterinarian before giving dogs catnip as medicine.

Though catnip is a stimulant for cats, the plant has the opposite effect on dogs and is sometimes used as a sedative or nerve tonic for them. If your dog gets nervous when going to the vet or in the car, for example, try putting a few fresh catnip leaves in his drinking water. You can also sprinkle some dried catnip -- 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon of per pound of food -- on his food or mix in some catnip tea.

A popular use of catnip among people is as a diuretic, and catnip is sometimes used for the same purpose in dogs. Catnip oil promotes urination, thus relieving the body of extra water and toxins such as uric acid or waste from colds or allergies. A small amount of catnip also can keep a dog's system regular but, as with people, be careful not to give too much.

Dogs suffer from intestinal and stomach ailments just as people do, and catnip is an excellent remedy for both species. Catnip can relieve gas, which makes it a great treatment for flatulence. It also has antispasmodic properties, which help reduce cramps and spasms, diarrhea and dyspepsia. Small amounts of fresh catnip, catnip oil or catnip tea can also calm a sick dog's stomach and keep her from vomiting.

Catnip is a natural emmenagogue, meaning it stimulates blood flow in the pelvic region. In women, catnip is used to help regulate and ease menstruation. The same can be done for dogs, but as in humans, catnip should never be given to a pregnant dog.

Catnip contains thymol, a compound that can be used as antiseptic. This makes catnip ideal for treating external wounds. Fresh catnip or catnip oil can be applied to cuts and scratches dogs may get, or applied to sores. Applying catnip oil also helps repel mosquitoes and other insects that may bite dogs.

If you’ve ever seen a cat respond to catnip, you might be wondering if there’s such a thing as catnip for dogs. Do dogs respond to catnip in the same way as cats? 

Well, as with most things, the answer isn’t simple, and the jury is still out on whether catnip works on dogs, or if there’s an equivalent. We’re going to take a look at whether catnip is safe for dogs, if it works, and all your other catnip-related questions.

Can dogs have catnip? 

The good news is that catnip, which is a herb scientifically known as Nepeta cataria, is safe for dogs. Dogs can safely smell catnip, and it isn’t harmful if they get it on their fur or skin. They can also safely eat catnip, so if your dog just chewed up your cat’s catnip toy, don’t panic! Catnip is even safe for puppies – phew! 

Does catnip work on dogs? 

When cats smell catnip, they get a dose of the active compound nepetalactone. This compound makes around two thirds of cats behave strangely – often they will become mellow and roll around on the floor, although some cats get overexcited. It even works on many big cats. So, is the same true for dogs?

Well, the answer is probably not. But ‘probably’ is the important word there, as the answer is that we simply don’t yet know whether dogs are affected by catnip. And, if they are, whether it’s all dogs or just some, and what those effects are.

A quick literature search suggests that the effect of catnip on dogs has never been studied, but many herbalists advise that, although dogs don’t respond to catnip in the same obvious way as cats do, it might still have an effect. 

Since humans have taken catnip tea for centuries for its calming effect (nepetalactone is very similar, chemically, to the compounds in valerian), it stands to reason that the same calming effect may work on dogs. 

What does catnip do to a dog

(Image credit: Getty Images)

What are the effects of catnip on dogs? 

Whilst the effects of catnip on dogs aren’t well researched, I think we can be pretty confident that it doesn’t cause the big behavioral changes that we see with cats. If it did, we’d know about it by now! 

The effects on dogs are a lot more subtle, if they exist at all. Whilst relaxation and drowsiness are the desired effects, you might also notice that catnip causes frequent bathroom visits – it’s a diuretic and promotes urination. 

How long does catnip last in dogs? 

Given that any effects of catnip on dogs are so subtle, and any effects have not been properly studied, we simply don’t know how long catnip lasts in dogs.

It stands to reason that it’s not going to last for more than an hour or two, as most herbal modifiers tend not to be long-lasting. It may even be true that catnip lasts only a few minutes – in cats, the effect tends to wear off after a few minutes, after all. 

What does catnip do to a dog

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How much catnip can I give my dog? 

If you do decide to give catnip to your dog, you’ll need to know how much you should give. Firstly, you shouldn’t give catnip to a pregnant dog – it might stimulate uterine contractions and premature labour. You also shouldn’t give catnip to dogs that are on other medications or that have known heart or urinary problems as they may be made worse. 

The best way to give catnip to your dog is in dog treats. That way, the treat company has done the hard work of dividing the catnip up into safe, easy-to-give amounts. But if you can’t find dog treats containing catnip, you can use the dried herb – a teaspoon sprinkled over the food is best for most dogs. 

Catnip won’t suit all dogs though, so if it doesn’t work for your dog, there are plenty of other dog calming supplements to try!

Can dogs overdose on catnip? 

As we’ve said, catnip is safe for dogs – so if your dog has a one-off large dose because they ate it accidentally, you shouldn’t worry. But overdosing your dog on catnip long-term could have side effects, including diarrhea, vomiting, and urinary problems.  

What does catnip do to a dog

(Image credit: Getty Images)

What to do if your dog eats catnip 

Don’t panic if your dog eats catnip – it’s perfectly safe. Of course, a large dose could cause stomach upset just as for any large intake of fiber, but it’s unlikely to have any other effects. 

Having said that, if your dog has eaten catnip and you’re worried about their behavior, you should trust your instincts and contact your vet. And don’t forget to call your vet if your pregnant dog has eaten catnip! 

How to stop your dog eating catnip plants 

If your dog has taken a particular liking to catnip plants in your garden or house, it’s best not to let them help themselves. Dogs don’t know what’s good for them and can easily eat too much catnip. Besides, if they eat it all there won’t be any left for the cats! 

Stopping them from eating catnip plants can be difficult. Try fencing off the plants and training a good ‘leave it’ command, rewarding them with something better when they leave the plants alone. 

If they’re particularly persistent, you might have to remove the plants altogether – switching to the dried form for your cats might help you to ensure that your dog doesn’t eat too much!

What does catnip do to a dog

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Is there an equivalent of catnip for dogs? 

Whilst there has, yet again, been no research into its effects, pet owners have found that dogs respond to anise in much the same way as cats respond to catnip. Anise, a herb related to parsley, has a strong licorice smell. 

There are plenty of videos on YouTube of dogs reacting to anise, but it’s also important to note that anise has been used to train scent dogs for a long time – and if the reactions were that reliable, the trainers wouldn’t want to use something that caused behavioral side effects. In other words, it appears that some dogs react to anise, but that doesn’t mean that all dogs do!


Whilst catnip is perfectly safe for dogs, it has a much milder effect on dogs than cats – if any at all! And although anise is sometimes called ‘catnip for dogs’, it doesn’t cause the same reaction in all dogs. But both are safe to try if you’d like to experiment with catnip for dogs.