At what temperature is the rms velocity of hydrogen molecule equal to that of oxygen at 47 degrees Celsius?

At what temperature is the rms velocity of hydrogen molecule equal to that of oxygen at 47 degrees Celsius?

At what temperature is the rms velocity of hydrogen molecule equal to that of oxygen at 47 degrees Celsius?
At what temperature is the rms velocity of hydrogen molecule equal to that of oxygen at 47 degrees Celsius?

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At what temperature is the $\mathrm{rms}$ velocity of hydrogen molecule equal to that of an oxygen molecule at $27^{\circ} \mathrm{C} ?$ (a) $10 \mathrm{~K}$ (b) $20 \mathrm{~K}$ (c) $18.75 \mathrm{~K}$ (d) $19.75 \mathrm{~K}$

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At what temperature is the rms velocity of hydrogen molecule equal to that of oxygen at 47 degrees Celsius?

At what temperature is the rms speed of hydrogen molecules, which have a molecular weight of 2.02 g/mole, equal to 2000 m/s? The answer is 51 degrees Celsius.

Read complete answer here. Furthermore, at what temperature is the rms velocity of hydrogen molecule?

At what temperature is the r.m.s. velocity of a hydrogen molecule equal to that of an oxygen molecule at 47°C? (d) 20K.

Also Know, what is rms speed of hydrogen? The root mean square speed of hydrogen molecule of an ideal hydrogen gas kept in a gas chamber at 0∘C is 3180 metre/ second.

Similarly, at what temperature is the RMS?

The rms speed (in m/s) of oxygen molecules of the gas at temperature 300K, is.

What is the ratio of rms speed of oxygen and hydrogen molecules at the same temperature?

At identical temperatures, the rms speed of hydrogen molecules is 4 times that for oxygen molecules. In a mixture of these in mass ratio H2:O2=1:8 , the rms speed of all molecules is n times the rms speed of O2, molecules, where n is. A .

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At what temperature is the rms velocity of a hydrogen molecule equal to that of an oxygen molecule at 47∘ CA. 80 KB. 73 KC. 3 KD. 20 K

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At what temperature is the rms velocity of hydrogen molecule equal to that of oxygen at 47 degrees Celsius?

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80 K`-73 K`3 K20 K

Answer : D

Solution : `upsilon_(rms) = sqrt((3RT_(H))/(M_H)) = sqrt((3RT_("OXY"))/(M_("OXY"))` <br> `(T_H)/(M_H) = (T_("OXY"))/(M_("OXY"))` <br> or, `T_(H) = T_("OXY") (M_H)/(M_("OXY")) = (47+273) 2/32 = 320/16` <br> `= 20K`.