Why is he leaving me on open all of a sudden

Flirting via text can be one of the most exciting phases of a blossoming relationship or fling. You can get a sense of your mutual chemistry and your partner’s sense of humor, all while sharing and learning details about yourselves. And you’re not confined by a set period of time together, like being on an IRL date where you’re trying to cram in your life story with time for questions before drinks. But because shooting off a text can be done pretty much wherever, whenever, this also means that sometimes the lack of response (or a super-delayed response) is a message in and of itself.

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This is where the term “being left on read” originates. Whether your partner has got read receipts on or not, being “left on read” means that they’re ignoring you, literally leaving your message on “read” after having seen it or otherwise just not responding. Sometimes, they’re leaving you on read for an hour to, like, do their job which they are paid to do, and sometimes, they’re leaving you on read to send a message that they’re not as interested as you are. Either way, remind yourself that it’s not personal. Here are some things to keep in mind about being left on read.

1. Generally, it means you may not a priority at this time.

Simply put, this is the crux of what being left on read means, as Chivonne Henry, MS, licensed marriage and family therapist explains. Okay, this seems harsh, but think about it—“this time” could mean “within this minute, hour,” etc. or, if it’s been a few days, within this period in their life.

We’ve all done the thing where we freak out over someone not responding, only to feel foolish when they eventually do respond, and it’s clear they were just tied up in something at the moment and not purposefully trying to be rude. Being left on read for an hour or even a day in the appropriate circumstances shouldn’t be cause for you to totally give up on a person, but if it’s been a few days with nothing on their end, you’ll probably feel better yourself if you start to move on.

2. Reexamine the text to see if your last message even needed a response.

Henry suggests looking at your last message again and seeing if your last text even needed a response. Sometimes there’s no response because the convo just kinda died or because your last message was a bit vague. No stress! If they’re interested, they’ll find a reason to text you again with a fresh conversation thread.

In the future, if you wanna nix any concern about vagueness in your messages, go with a more direct approach when texting. Instead of saying, “Let’s hang out soon,” try being more clear with “I’m interested in you and I want to spend time with you and get to know you,” as Tennesha Wood, matchmaker and dating expert explains. Ask for what you want directly with “I want to see you— can we meet up tonight?” instead of an open-ended “WYD.”

3. Be patient.

“Many times we can simply be overthinking it and can assume the person may be purposely ignoring us when they just may be busy,” Henry adds. Because there’s the chance that this is simply a temporary delay, give the other person the benefit of the doubt. Don’t triple- or quadruple-text them like, “did you get my message???” as this is...not super respectful of their life and boundaries and kinda clingy. Think about how annoyed you get when someone does this to you.

4. Stop texting.

Yes, getting left on read can be confusing and even hurtful at times, Henry says, but resist the urge to keep texting. “All communication is communicating,” she adds. Sometimes, the other person is leaving you on read as a stone-cold power play—in which case, you don’t want to make it worse for yourself by continuing to barrage them with messages.

5. Do you.

“Go about your life, because you are important, so treat yourself as such,” dating coach Julie Pham suggests. As tempting as it is to let a read receipt bring you down, try to live your life and ignore it. “When you constantly wait around for someone else, you’re communicating to yourself and others that you are secondary,” Pham says.

6. Ask yourself if this is a pattern.

If you are always being left on read or feeling like you are with this person, check in with yourself about your relationship patterns and expectations you have, Sasha Jackson, LCSW, explains. It’s possible you’re going after people who are not available (emotionally or otherwise) or that you’re not clear on your expectations.

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When you send something on Snapchat and someone just views it. No big deal if the conversation is nothing trivial, but could get annoying if you asked a important question that you need to know about now.

by Crediblesea October 30, 2018

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On Snapchat, when someone you've been snapping views one of your messages but hasn't yet responded. Stop whining, it's not that big of a deal and it doesn't mean they hate you, it just means they're busy or they thought the conversation had ended.

Liza: Oh God! Paulie left me on open! That bastard! We're over now! I want to die!
Winnie: Stop your cryin. He's at work and he's not supposed to be Snappin you in the first place. Just cause he's busy and you're left on open for the moment don't mean he hates you.

by University of Markov October 13, 2019

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There was a post a girl posted who had anxiety and mentioned that they guy left her on open, but his snap score goes up every hour. I can't find it again so I'm making a post for anyone who needs to hear it.

No matter how busy someone's life is NEVER accept the excuse of them being too busy. I was in a relationship for 4 years, always initiated texts BF wouldn't reply for hours because he was "busy" (we were both students- I worked, he didn't)


Stop, and DON'T let anyone make you feel like crap. And can we STOP using the EXCUSE of being busy when you've opened a message?! We all get busy but if you can open a message, you can reply to it!

Editing: I'm not saying to constantly message eachother. Being in eachothers pokets is unhealthy! Texting every 5 minutes is unhealthy- besides no one has that many interesting things to say!

But choosing not to reply for a day to a week is ignorant. If you're genuinely interested in someone and only talk once a day- thats fine. If you don't reply for a couple of hours thats also okay. But using the excuse of being "busy" when you have replied for over a day is rude and ignorant. And I'm sorry but no matter how many people post but... busy I'm not interested, it's an excuse to not invest yourself into someone.

If someone says "we talk once or twice a day" I don't care because thats acceptable. If you were interested in someone and didn't reply for a week because they were busy you'd be vexed right? Right.

Edit 2: I don't think I clarified well enough, I'm not the girl who used snapchat or has anxiety. I don't use snapchat to talk on, and will not use to people on fb or snapchat as contact for anyone I'm interested in. I only made the post because there are too many people using the excuse of being busy not to reply and leaving people on read. And other people messaging supporting that it's okay, and is perfectly acceptable. No thank you.