When using the VOT to make a VOR receiver check the CDI should be centered and the OBS should indicate that the aircraft is on the?

On an HSI, what does the tail of the bearing indicator show ?

the radial the aircraft is currently on.

When navigating using only VOR/DME based RNAV, selection of a VOR NAVAID that does not have DME service will

result in loss of RNAV capability.

When checking the course sensitivity of a VOR receiver, how many degrees should the OBS be rotated to move the CDI from the center to the last dot on either side?

For IFR operations off established airways, ROUTE OF FLIGHT portion of an IFR flight plan should list VOR navigational aids which are no more than

An aircraft 60 miles from a VOR station has a CDI indication of one-fifth deflection, this represents a course centerline deviation of approximately

2 miles. Assuming a receiver with normal course sensitivity and full-scale deflection at 5 dots, aircraft displacement from course is approximately 200 ft. per dot per NM. Because one-fifth deflection equals 1 dot, the aircraft is 12,000 ft. or 2 NM off course (200 ft./NM × 60 NM = 12,000 ft.).

Which situation would result in reverse sensing of a VOR receiver?

By flying a heading that is a reciprocal of the course set in the OBS, you will have two situations: You will be flying to the station with a FROM indication, or you will fly from the station with a TO indication. Either will result in reverse sensing.

When using VOT to make a VOR receiver check, the CDI should be centered and the OBS should indicate that the aircraft is on which radial ?

How should the pilot make a VOR receiver check when the aircraft is located on the designated checkpoint on the airport surface?

Set the OBS on the designated radial. The CDI must center within plus or minus 4° of that radial with a FROM indication.

Effective navigation by means of GPS includes

determining the current status of all databases.

What is a consideration when using a hand-held GPS for VFR navigation?

Position accuracy may degrade without notification.

To track inbound on the 215 radial of a VOR station, the recommended procedure is to set the OBS to

035° and make heading corrections toward the CDI needle.

To track outbound on the 180 radial of a VOR station, the recommended procedure is to set the OBS to

180° and make heading corrections toward the CDI needle.

How should the pilot make a VOR receiver check when the aircraft is located on the designated checkpoint on the airport surface?

Set the OBS on the designated radial. The CDI must center within plus or minus 4° of that radial with a FROM indication.

How many feet are the VOR dot deflections ?

How many mile is each VOR DOT deflections ?

2 miles per dot. (5 dots = 200 ft x 5 = 12000 ft)

When the CDI needle is centered during an airborne VOR check, the omnibearing selector and the TO/FROM indicator should read ?

within 6° of the selected radial.

Why does the FAA maintain a VOR Minimum Operational Network (MON)?

To support navigation of non-DME/DME equipped RNAV aircraft in the event of GPS outage.

Which situation would result in reverse sensing of a VOR receiver?

By flying a heading that is a reciprocal of the course set in the OBS, you will have two situations: You will be flying to the station with a FROM indication, or you will fly from the station with a TO indication. Either will result in reverse sensing.

When navigating using only VOR/DME based RNAV, selection of a VOR NAVAID that does not have DME service will

result in loss of RNAV capability. VOR/DME-based RNAV units need both VOR and DME signals to operate. If the NAVAID selected is a VOR without DME, RNAV mode will not function.

How to quickly determine what radial the aircraft is on ?

use bearing pointer. The tail of the bearing pointer indicates which radial the aircraft is currently on.