What does a rhythm strip show?

The rhythm is either sinus rhythm or not sinus rhythm. Sinus rhythm refers to the origination of the electrical activity coming from the sinus node — also known as the sinoatrial node, or SA node.

This results in an upright P wave in lead II on the ECG.

If there is a P wave before every QRS complex, and it has a sinus morphology, then normal sinus rhythm, or NSR, is said to be present. A sinus morphology is an upright P wave in lead II and biphasic (up and down) P wave in lead V1.

The first ECG strip below shows a P wave with sinus morphology, thus normal sinus rhythm. If the P wave has a morphology different from the typical sinus morphology, it is termed ectopic, meaning coming from somewhere other than the sinus node. The second ECG strip below shows an ectopic atrial rhythm. Note that the P wave is down in lead II and only up (not biphasic) in lead V1.

Ectopic atrial rhythms including atrial tachycardia, multifocal atrial tachycardia and junctional rhythms all have P waves that are not of sinus morphology and will be reviewed in detail later.


What does a rhythm strip show?

If there is sinus rhythm, and the heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute, then sinus bradycardia is present. If there is sinus rhythm, and the heart rate is greater than 100 bpm, then sinus tachycardia is present. The links below take you to examples of each of these.

  • Sinus Bradycardia ECG Example
  • Sinus Tachycardia ECG Example

If there are no P waves present, or the P wave morphology is not normal, then the exact rhythm must be determined. Various arrhythmias — including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and ventricular rhythms such as ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation — are discussed in detail in their respective sections in ECG Reviews and Criteria.

Below are three more examples of rhythms other than sinus rhythm: atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter and multifocal atrial tachycardia.


What does a rhythm strip show?

Note that when atrioventricular, or AV, dissociation is present (complete heart block or VT), as previously described, there may not be a P wave before every QRS complex. However, as long as the P wave is upright in lead II, sinus rhythm is still said to be present.

ECG interpretation, using a step-by-step process, ensures we always provide the best patient care. Since no two emergency scenes or patients are the same, it’s imperative to be methodical about the elements of the call that we can control.

ECG tracings — the diagnostic tool that analyzes the electrical function of the heart and measure voltage (vertical measurement) versus time (horizontal measurement) — can be confusing, so here are the ten steps I follow on every ECG (or EKG) to ensure I correctly identify the rhythm.

1. Is the ECG rhythm regular or irregular?

What does a rhythm strip show?

Schematic representation of normal sinus rhythm showing standard waves, segments, and intervals. (Image by Anthony Atkielski)

As you look at the rhythm, locate the QRS segment which represents the depolarization (the electrical charging of cells) within the ventricles, the two lower chambers of the heart that gather and expel blood towards the body and lungs. Within the QRS, identify the R wave, the positive wave above the isoelectric line (baseline). Using a six second strip, measure the R to R intervals between QRS segments and determine if the rhythm is regular or irregular.

If you discover an abnormality or irregularity here — or in any of your subsequent findings on the ECG — ask your patient if this is normal for them and look for any associated symptoms such as C.H.A.P.S. — chest pain, hypotension, altered mental status, poor perfusion, or shortness of breath.  

2. Calculate the heart rate

Take a radial pulse at the patient’s wrist, confirm it with the number displayed on the cardiac monitor or print a six-second strip of ECG paper and count the number of QRS complexes and multiply by 10 to arrive to a minute heart rate. From there, decide if the patient's heart rate is bradycardic (less than 60 beats per minute); within a normal range (60-100 bpm); tachycardic (100-150 bpm) or a potentially dangerous rhythm above 150 bpm such as supraventricular tachycardia or ventricular tachycardia with a pulse.

At this stage of ECG interpretation, be careful not to jump to a quick interpretation. Instead, note the information you find and continue with the subsequent steps.

3. Find the P waves

The P wave represents the depolarization of the atria, the two upper chambers of the heart, which receive blood from the vena cava and pulmonary veins. When searching for P waves: Ask yourself, are the P waves present? Are they upright in Lead II on the cardiac monitor? And are they followed by a QRS segment? If the answer is yes to all, it is likely the electrical impulse began in the sinoatrial (SA) node, the normal pacemaker of the heart.  

4. Measure the PR interval

The PR interval is the time interval between the P wave (atrial depolarization) to the beginning of the QRS segment (ventricular depolarization). The normal PR interval is 0.12-0.20 seconds, or 3-5 small boxes on the ECG graph paper. A prolonged PR interval suggests a delay in getting through the atrioventricular (AV) node, the electrical relay system between the upper and lower chambers of the heart.

5. Measure the QRS segment

The normal QRS segment has three graphical deflections — the first negative wave (Q wave); the positive wave above the isoelectic line (R wave) and the negative wave after the positive wave (S wave) — and the normal time duration is 0.04-0.10 seconds. If you notice a prolonged QRS segment, it might be due to a bundle branch block which could be relatively benign or a sign of underlying heart disease.

6. Observe the T wave

The T wave represents repolarization (recovery) of the ventricles and should be upright in Lead II and appear after the QRS segment. Any variations in the T waves are important to note. Inverted T waves could be due to a lack of oxygen to the heart; too much potassium (hyperkalemia) could cause peaked T waves; flat T waves may be due to too little potassium and a raised ST segment — the end of the QRS segment to the beginning of the T wave — might be due to a heart attack.

7. Note any ectopic beats

An ectopic beat is a change in a heart rhythm caused by beats arising from fibers outside the SA node, the normal impulse-generating system of the heart. If you notice ectopic beats, determine if they are premature atrial contractions (PACs); premature junctional contractions (PJCs) or premature ventricular contractions (PVCs). Also, note how many ectopic beats are present in the ECG, the interval at which they are appearing, their shape, and if they arise singularly or in groups.

8. Determine the origin

The last step before correctly indentify your ECG is to determine where the rhythm is originating. Here are some key elements to look for:

  • Sinus: 60-100 bpm; regular rhythm; P waves upright, round and present before each QRS segment; normal PR interval; normal QRS duration.  
  • Atrial: Rhythm may be regular or irregular; normal QRS segment, but P waves premature and different shapes — flattened notched, peaked, inverted or hidden.
  • Junctional: Look for a junctional type P wave — inverted before, during or after the QRS segment that is normal in duration.
  • Ventricular: Wide and bizarre QRS segment and no P waves since the impulse is originating below the SA node.
  • Paced rhythm: Observe low voltage pacer spikes before the QRS.

9. Correctly identify the rhythm

What does a rhythm strip show?

Now that you’ve methodically analyzed the rhythm, you should be able to easily identify it. Once you do, consider your ECG interpretation in the context of the other information you’ve gleamed on the call — the patient’s chief complaint, mental status, OPQRST/SAMPLE histories, and vital signs — and then decide upon a correct treatment plan. When in doubt, always treat the problem you assess not the cardiac monitor.

10. Stay current on ECGs

If you’re still learning or want an additional reference on that 3 a.m. call when you’re mind is a bit foggy, don’t be afraid to create a job aid on a notecard, listing the key steps to analyzing an ECG rhythm.

Also, stay current on your ECG skills by using Skill Stat’s free, online ECG simulator, reading about clinical cases in Life in the Fast Lane’s informative ECG Library, and check and trying out these EKG challenges. 

The rhythm is best analyzed by looking at a rhythm strip. On a 12 lead ECG this is usually a 10 second recording from Lead II.

  • Confirm or corroborate any findings in this lead by checking the other leads.
  • A longer rhythm strip, recorded perhaps recorded at a slower speed, may be helpful.

7 step approach to ECG rhythm analysis

1. Rate
  • Tachycardia or bradycardia?
  • Normal rate is 60-100/min.
2. Pattern of QRS complexes
  • Regular or irregular?
  • If irregular is it regularly irregular or irregularly irregular?
3. QRS morphology
  • Narrow complex: sinus, atrial or junctional origin.
  • Wide complex: ventricular origin, or supraventricular with aberrant conduction.
4. P waves
  • Absent: sinus arrest, atrial fibrillation
  • Present: morphology and PR interval may suggest sinus, atrial, junctional or even retrograde from the ventricles.
5. Relationship between P waves and QRS complexes
  • AV association (may be difficult to distinguish from isorhythmic dissociation)
  • AV dissociation
    • complete: atrial and ventricular activity is always independent.
    • incomplete: intermittent capture.
6. Onset and termination
  • Abrupt: suggests re-entrant process.
  • Gradual: suggests increased automaticity.
7. Response to vagal manoeuvres
  • Sinus tachycardiaectopic atrial tachydysrhythmia: gradual slowing during the vagal manoeuvre, but resumes on cessation.
  • AVNRT or AVRT: abrupt termination or no response.
  • Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter: gradual slowing during the manoeuvre.
  • VT: no response.

Differential Diagnosis

Follow links below for examples of individual rhythms.

Narrow Complex (Supraventricular) Tachycardia




Broad Complex Tachycardia (BCT)


Note: All regular BCTs should be considered to be VT until proven otherwise.



1. Every P wave is followed by a QRS complex (= sinus node dysfunction)
  • Sinus bradycardia
  • Sinus node exit block
  • Sinus pause / arrest
2. Not every P wave is followed by a QRS complex (= AV node dysfunction)

For escape rhythms to occur there must be a failure of sinus node impulse generation or transmission by the AV node.

Advanced Reading



  • Mattu A, Tabas JA, Brady WJ. Electrocardiography in Emergency, Acute, and Critical Care. 2e, 2019
  • Brady WJ, Lipinski MJ et al. Electrocardiogram in Clinical Medicine. 1e, 2020
  • Straus DG, Schocken DD. Marriott’s Practical Electrocardiography 13e, 2021
  • Hampton J. The ECG Made Practical 7e, 2019
  • Grauer K. ECG Pocket Brain (Expanded) 6e, 2014
  • Brady WJ, Truwit JD. Critical Decisions in Emergency and Acute Care Electrocardiography 1e, 2009
  • Surawicz B, Knilans T. Chou’s Electrocardiography in Clinical Practice: Adult and Pediatric 6e, 2008
  • Mattu A, Brady W. ECG’s for the Emergency Physician Part I 1e, 2003 and Part II
  • Chan TC. ECG in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care 1e, 2004
  • Smith SW. The ECG in Acute MI. 2002 [PDF]
LITFL Further Reading

What does a rhythm strip show?

Chris is an Intensivist and ECMO specialist at the Alfred ICU in Melbourne. He is also a Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor at Monash University. He is a co-founder of the Australia and New Zealand Clinician Educator Network (ANZCEN) and is the Lead for the ANZCEN Clinician Educator Incubator programme. He is on the Board of Directors for the Intensive Care Foundation and is a First Part Examiner for the College of Intensive Care Medicine. He is an internationally recognised Clinician Educator with a passion for helping clinicians learn and for improving the clinical performance of individuals and collectives.

After finishing his medical degree at the University of Auckland, he continued post-graduate training in New Zealand as well as Australia’s Northern Territory, Perth and Melbourne. He has completed fellowship training in both intensive care medicine and emergency medicine, as well as post-graduate training in biochemistry, clinical toxicology, clinical epidemiology, and health professional education.

He is actively involved in in using translational simulation to improve patient care and the design of processes and systems at Alfred Health. He coordinates the Alfred ICU’s education and simulation programmes and runs the unit’s education website, INTENSIVE.  He created the ‘Critically Ill Airway’ course and teaches on numerous courses around the world. He is one of the founders of the FOAM movement (Free Open-Access Medical education) and is co-creator of litfl.com, the RAGE podcast, the Resuscitology course, and the SMACC conference.

His one great achievement is being the father of three amazing children.

On Twitter, he is @precordialthump.

| INTENSIVE | RAGE | Resuscitology | SMACC