What is the main goal of toyotas onboarding program?

Toyota's mission, as defined by the Toyota Philosophy, is "Producing Happiness for All." To this end, we conduct corporate activities based on the concept that all people working for Toyota, including our employees, suppliers and in-plant contractors, can stay physically and mentally healthy and continue to play an active role in a safe work environment. We believe that ensuring health and safety is one of Toyota's most important longstanding initiatives, and we have been pushing forward with our business activities in accordance with Toyota Motor Corporation's Declaration of Health Commitment and Basic Philosophy for Safety and Health.

Philosophy for health and safety

The physical and mental health of our employees is the driving force behind our good performance, and our top management has announced, in Toyota Motor Corporation's Declaration of Health Commitment issued in 2017, that Toyota aims to become a health-first company.

With regard to safety, the message "Safe work is the gate to all work. Let us pass through this gate" has long been passed on as the basic philosophy for safety and health, and incorporates Toyota's strong desire for its employees to never be involved in occupational accidents.

Health and safety function policy

Aiming to develop human resources and workplaces capable of positively thinking and taking action to safeguard their health and safety, Toyota is promoting the instillation and deepening of its interactive health and safety culture. We are working, on a global scale, toward developing people to help them work in a lively manner and enhance their ability to predict risks, and also developing workplaces to help create a positive work environment friendly to every single worker.

provides new employees with the basic background information (such ascomputer passwords and company rules) they need to do their jobs. Ideally, it should also helpthem start becoming emotionally attached to and engaged in the company.Thesupervisor usually explains the organization, introduces the person to his or her newcolleagues, familiarizes the new employee with the workplace, and helps to reduce first-dayjitters.The main goal of Toyota's onboarding program is to engage new employees in the company'sideology of quality, teamwork, personal development, open communication, and mutual respect.The first day includes a program overview, welcome and discussion of Toyota's organizationalstructure, history and culture and employee benefits. But the majority of the day is spentdiscussing Toyota's commitment toquality and teamwork.The gold standard is the basic analysis-design-develop-implement-evaluate (ADDIE) trainingprocess model that training experts have used for years. In thedesign step, the overall trainingprogram is planned, including training objectives, delivery methods, and program evaluation.Program development means actually assembling the program's training content and materials. Itincludes choosing the actual content the program will present and designing or choosing thespecific instructional method.DevelopTrainingmeans giving new or current employees the skills they need to perform their jobs. Ifemployees don't know what to do or how to do it, they will improvise or do nothing useful at all.Strategic trainingneeds analysis identifies the training employees will need to fill future jobsIn theevaluation step, it is determined what to measure and whether the training is causing theresults that are being measured. This step shows whether the training program was effective.In theanalyze step, the strategic and current training needs are determined.In thedesign step, the overall training program is planned, including training objectives,delivery methods, and program evaluation.In theimplementation step, the training is performed and received.In thedesign step, the overall training program is planned, including training objectives,delivery methods, and program evaluation.On-the-job trainingmeans having a person learn a job by actually doing it. Every employeeshould get on-the-job training when he or she joins a company. On-the-job training can includecoaching, job rotation, special assignments, and peer training
Ch. 7 Study GuideEmployee orientationprovides new employees with the basic background information (such ascomputer passwords and company rules) they need to do their jobs.Ideally, it should also helpthem to stat becoming emotionally attached to and engaged in the company.Thesupervisorusually explains the organization, introduces the person to his or her newcolleagues, and familiarizes the new employee with the workplace, and helps to reduce first-dayjitters.The main goal of Toyota’s onboarding program isto engage new employees in the company’sideologyof quality, teamwork, personal development, open communication, and mutualrespect.The first day of Toyota’s onboarding program focuses mostly onquality and team work.It alsoincludes a program overview, welcome and discussion of Toyota’s organizational structure,history and culture and employee benefits.In thedesign stepof the ADDIE process, the overall training program is planned, includingtraining objectives, delivery methods, and program evaluation.ABC Industries has decided that it will hold web-based training session and provide an iPad foreach employee who attends.The company is at thedeveloping stepin the ADDIE process.On-the-job trainingincludes coaching, job rotation, special assignments, and peer training.Withvestibule training, trainees learn on the actual or simulated equipment, but are trained offthe job.Management development(any attempt to improve managerial performance by impartingknowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills) facilitates organizational continuity bypreparing employees and current managers to smoothly assume higher-level positions.Management replacement chartssummarize potential candidates for each management slot, aswell as each person’s development needs.Overcoming employee resistanceis the hardest part of change.Individuals, groups, and even