What are anginas in english

En esta página: anginas, angina

'anginas' tiene referencia cruzada con 'angina'. Se encuentra en una o más de las líneas abajo.'anginas' is cross-referenced with 'angina'. It is in one or more of the lines below.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2022:

Principal Translations
anginas nfpl coloquial (órganos: amígdalas)tonsils npl
 Cuando tomo líquidos fríos se me inflaman las anginas.
 When I drink cold beverages my tonsils get inflamed
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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2022:

Principal Translations
angina nf coloquial (tejido linfoide en la faringe) (more often plural)tonsils npl
 A los cinco años le quitaron las anginas.
 He had his tonsils taken out at the age of five.
anginas nfpl coloquial (inflamación) (inflammation of the tonsils)tonsillitis n
 El médico de urgencia le dijo que tenía anginas y que debía tomar antibiótico durante una semana.
 The emergency doctor told him he had tonsillitis and that he had to take antibiotics for a week.
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'anginas' aparece también en las siguientes entradas:


croup - quinsy - sore throat


A Spanish-speaking client yesterday used the word 'anginas' and was describing something in the throat. The only translation I can find is 'angina,' which of course makes perfect sense but has nothing to do with the throat...

Any ideas'


updated ABR 10, 2012

posted by Joy

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updated ABR 10, 2012

posted by 0031c0ec

Robert B. Scott said:

I freequently see people in my practice who complain of anginas, my take on it is sore throat such as strep throat or secondary to post nasal drip etc. Not a specific diagnosis but a symptom. Amigdilas= tonsils ---| amigdalitis is a specific diagnosis of tonsilitis.

whatever anginas are supposed to be according to the dictionary, provincial mexicans say "tengo anginas"
as they refer to the fact that their anginas are swollen. whatever these anginas are, they swell up and irritate.

updated FEB 25, 2009

posted by Martin-Rizzi

I freequently see people in my practice who complain of anginas, my take on it is sore throat such as strep throat or secondary to post nasal drip etc. Not a specific diagnosis but a symptom. Amigdilas= tonsils ---| amigdalitis is a specific diagnosis of tonsilitis.

updated FEB 25, 2009

posted by Tumblebug

Carys said:

'anginas' are tonsils

Since you are the second person to say that, I checked with the RAE, and it turns out that angina is used colloquially for tonsils and for tonsilitis, although the more correct word is amígdalas.

angina. (Del lat. ang'na, de ang're, sofocar). 1. f. Inflamación de las amígdalas o de estas y de la faringe. U. m. en pl. con el mismo significado que en sing.

2. f. pl. coloq. amígdalas.

So, Joy, your client could have been talking about having a sore throat due to problems with the tonsils.

updated FEB 25, 2009

posted by 00bacfba

updated FEB 25, 2009

posted by Carys

Martin Rizzi said:

anginas = tonsils

Martin, I don't think that's correct. As others have said, tonsils are amígdalas, and anginas are something else.

By the way, when the Star Wars movies came out, and I saw Princess Amidala, I wondered if the Spanish version of the movies would have her named Princesa Tonsila or something. hehe

updated FEB 25, 2009

posted by 00bacfba

updated FEB 25, 2009

posted by Martin-Rizzi

amígdalas = tonsils

What are anginas in english

Ninoska said:

and look for the translation of amigdalas if you want ...


updated FEB 25, 2009

posted by Valerie

and look for the translation of amigdalas if you want ...

updated FEB 25, 2009

posted by ninozka

hello anginas = amigdalas part of the body that helps to combat infecctions ..they are in both sides of the throat but not in the throat

sore throat means an infecction in the throat that may be caused by the inflamation of the anginas o amigdalas

updated FEB 25, 2009

posted by ninozka

updated FEB 25, 2009

posted by Martin-Rizzi

Thank you... I feel very silly. I've gotten into the habit of using the Translator on this site, and forgot that it also has a dictionary. The translator only had 'angina.'

Vikingo said:

Did you check the dictionary at this site?


updated FEB 25, 2009

posted by Joy

Did you check the dictionary at this site?

updated FEB 25, 2009

posted by Vikingo

  • PONS Dictionary
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angina de pecho


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