How to hatch an egg on minecraft

Minecraft is a game that many people enjoy playing. Some of the objectives in this game are to build shelters, gather resources, and fight off enemies. The best part about Minecraft is that you can do anything you want! One thing that has always been popular for players to do is hatching eggs. This article will inform you how to hatch an egg in Minecraft, so it’s easy for any player, no matter their skill level!

To hatch a dragon egg in Minecraft, first, you have to find some eggs. After having around 5-10 eggs, kill the mob and place one egg for each type of mob you want to hatch. Then walk away from them at least 30 blocks or so, then come back, and they should hatch, one after another in a specific order.

I’m a gamer, and I’ve been playing Minecraft for a while now. One of the most important things that I have learned is how to hatch dragon eggs in Minecraft. It can be very tedious, but it’s worth it. But it took me ages to do it the right way. And that is why I have written this article to help you hatch a dragon egg in Minecraft right away without any hassles.

How To Hatch A Dragon Egg In Minecraft?

How to hatch an egg on minecraft

To hatch a dragon egg in Minecraft, first, you have to find some eggs. Somewhere around level 14-15, I’ve noticed more and more mobs with eggs spawning on their backs. It is how you can tell if they’re an egg carrier: the mob will have a darker spot on its back where the egg is. There are two different types of eggs, red and black. The black eggs are for mobs that come out flying, as the bat or creeper. However, red eggs are for neutral mobs that stay on the ground, like zombie pigmen.

Once you have found an egg carrier, place some blocks under them so they cannot jump off the edge. Then, hit them with a sword until they get knocked out. You will have to stand back, though, or else the egg carrier will start attacking you.

Once the mob knocks out, take some eggs. The blocks will disappear after an egg carrier has been ‘killed’ by being knocked out for too long. After having around 5-10 eggs, kill the mob and place one egg for each type of mob you want to hatch.

For example, I decided to make two zombie pigmen and two pigs. So, I would make a black egg and a red egg for each of them; since it doesn’t matter what order the eggs go in (i.e., a black egg and a red egg both make a zombie pigman), I placed the black eggs first, since you need to be able to see the mob coming out of the ground.

After making all four eggs, walk away from them at least 30 blocks or so, then come back, and they should hatch, one after another in a specific order.

How To Hatch A Dragon Egg In Minecraft Without Mods?

There are several different ways to hatch a dragon egg in Minecraft, but the most effective and straightforward is to craft it. To do this, you will need at least seven obsidian blocks (for now) and an ender pearl.

The first step is to make a crafting table and place it in your hot bar (the bottom row of your screen) – you will need it in a second.

Next, craft an ender chest, which requires nine obsidian blocks and one diamond block. After this completes, place the chest on top of the obsidian blocks so that it looks like this: 

The next step is to move two of the obsidian blocks to create spaces between each of them. Then, place the ender pearl inside one of the holes, so it looks like this: 

Now you will need to find an egg. You can get eggs by killing mobs that spawn with eggs on their back (i.e., pigs, cows, sheep). Once you have your egg, open up your inventory and click on the egg. You will get the egg in your hands. Then, put the diamond block away for a second. Locate the egg on top of one of the obsidian blocks so that it looks like this:

Now you will need to get back to where you placed your crafting table. Once there, hold the diamond block in your hand and place it inside the crafting table so that you left with the chest, three blocks of obsidian, your ender pearl, and open space.

After this completes, click on the space to craft a dragon egg. If done correctly, you will have a black dragon egg in your inventory. It is not the final step, though.

Once you have your black dragon egg, place it on top of one of the obsidian blocks inside of your ender chest and wait until it hatches (this takes about five minutes). When the hatching gets done, there will be a little bit of smoke coming from the chest, and two dragon wings will appear on the side of the chest. These wings are what you use to control your dragon. To fly, hold down the right-click, and you will go up. To increase elevation, press shift while flying (this is helpful if you want to reach higher places or avoid enemies).

To land, stop holding right click and then press it again after a second. Your dragon will land when it is low enough to the ground. 

How To Hatch A Dragon Egg On Creative Mode?

How to hatch an egg on minecraft

Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy way to hatch a dragon egg in creative mode. The easiest way is to kill enough mobs until you spawn another one. However, this could take some time, and it probably wouldn’t be worth it for you since you already have everything unlocked. So, I would suggest either A) going on accessible mode so you can destroy blocks with your fist, or B) going on normal mode and use a chest minecart glitch to get an ender chest or a mob spawner. Either way will work, but A is much less time-consuming than B if you have a good computer.

There are many ways as well, but these are the two that I have used. 

1. Craft It

The easiest way to hatch a dragon egg in pocket edition is to craft it, but there are still other ways as well! Unfortunately, I haven’t tried all of them, so this is where I need your help, guys. If you have any other good ways to hatch a dragon egg on pocket edition, please comment down below so I can figure it out! 

2. Use A Mob Spanner

The second way is to find a mob spawner and destroy the blocks above it to no longer have ceilings. Then, place a torch where the roof used to be and put a chest on top of the spawner. It should look like this: 

The final step is to kill every mob inside the spawner, and they will respawn in the chest instead. So basically, you are killing the mob, but the mob won’t despawn because you have a torch up where the ceiling used to be! Also, try to break the spawner so that it won’t continue spawning mobs after you have collected a certain number of eggs.

How To Hatch The Ender Dragon Egg 

Unfortunately, the Ender Dragon egg does not hatch. Instead, it would be best if you summoned it using an eye of ender and a piece of bedrock (this is much easier than it sounds and doesn’t cost that much). Then use the same technique as above to control your new dragon friend! 

Also, if you know how to hatch the Nether Dragon egg on PE, comment below and let me know about it.

How To Hatch The Ender Dragon Egg In Minecraft Without Mods  

However, there are two possible ways to do this, but only the first is sure. The second way may not work for you, and it depends on what version of Minecraft you have. I will start with the first method: 

The first way is pretty simple. All you need to do is place a regular dragon egg on top of an obsidian block (you can use any other solid block too, but you should make it out of obsidian) and then place a regular chest on top of the dragon egg. You should receive this message after about five minutes: “Your black dragon egg vibrates for a moment when you see that the egg has successfully hatched! 

It is the only method I know of that always works, and therefore it’s worth it to spend a few minutes and craft a regular chest and an obsidian block. However, there is another way if this one doesn’t work for you. It may take more time, though: 

How To Hatch The Ender Dragon Egg On Creative?

How to hatch an egg on minecraft

You can use the same technique as above to hatch your Ender Dragon egg on creative mode, except you will need an eye of ender instead of a regular chest. Also, if you have access to command blocks, there is a straightforward way to hatch your first egg without doing any work! First, summon the dragon with a command block with this command: 

/summon EnderDragon ~0 ~1 ~0 

Then, just put a regular chest on top of the dragon, and you will have your first egg after five minutes!

You don’t need to place any blocks on the ground since you will be using a command block. 

How Long Does It Take To Hatch A Dragon Egg In Minecraft? 

It varies depending on the method you use. You can hatch the dragon egg in five minutes or less with most forms, but it could take longer if you try the second way of hatching the Ender Dragon egg. I would say that, on average, it takes about ten minutes to hatch a dragon egg. 

What Do You Do With The Dragon Egg In Minecraft? 

All of your dragons have a particular stat called “Dragon-Type,” which defines their appearance and abilities. For example, everyone knows how robust a wither skeleton is, so if you hatch a Withering Dragon, you will always have a Withering Dragon to fight against a wither frame.