According to your textbook, you can make a Google search more precise by

12.As part of the research for her informative speech on the Chinese workplace, Dana needs tofind recent articles published in scholarly journals. The best resource for her is a(n)a.academic database such as JSTOR or Google Scholar.b.yearbook such asFacts on FileorWorld Almanacc.government resource such as theWorld Factbookd.all of the above.e.b and c only...120TEST BANK FORTHE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING

Cards Return to Set Details


As you listen to a speech about campus crime, you relate the speaker’s ideas to your own knowledge, goals, and experience. According to your textbook, you are filtering the speech through your own

A. frame of reference.
B. psychological screen.
C. cognitive field.
D. social perspective.
E. personal vision.


Here are the main points for an informative speech about the history of chocolate: I. Chocolate was originally used in Mexico as a drink by the Aztecs. II. Chocolate was introduced to Europe after the Spanish conquered the Aztecs. III. Chocolate was first made into candy during the 1800s. IV. Chocolate’s popularity and uses continue to expand today. In what type of order are the main points organized?

A. causal
B. analytical
C.  descriptive
D. chronological
E. spatial


Problem-solution order is MOST APPROPRIATE for organizing which type of speech?

A. acceptance
B. persuasive
C. after-dinner
D. commemorative
E. informative


According to your textbook, what is the MOST IMPORTANT early step in the process of developing a successful speech?

A. creating a preliminary bibliography
B. researching for speech materials
C. formulating the specific purpose
D. brainstorming for a central idea
E. selecting the residual message

C. formulating the specific purpose

As Benita approached the podium, loud voices from the hallway filled the room. Before beginning her speech, she asked someone in the back of the room to close the door. In this case, Benita was dealing with

A. stage fright.
B. interference.
C. nonverbal communication.
D. audience attitudes.
E. feedback.


All of the following are basic objectives of a speech introduction EXCEPT

A. establish credibility and goodwill.
B. support your main points.
C. reveal the topic of the speech
D. preview the body of the speech.
E. get the audience’s attention and interest.

B. support your main points.

“To inform my audience that the National Football League’s video replay system should be adopted by college football in order to eliminate officiating errors” is a poor specific purpose statement for an INFORMATIVE SPEECH because

A. it is phrased in figurative language.
B. it contains more than one distinct idea.
C. the stated goal is persuasive rather than informative.
D. all of the above.
E. a and b only.

C. the stated goal is persuasive rather than informative.

If you were to give an INFORMATIVE SPEECH and your Specific Purpose was: "To persuade my audience to be more accepting of international students.” and your Central Idea was: “An international student’s accent, use of English, and cultural customs should be accepted rather than criticized.” What mistakes (IF any) might you have made?

A. None the SP & CI are fine.
B. SP contains too much figurative language.
C. CI contains two or more unrelated ideas.
D. SP is too technical for a classroom speech.
E. SP not suitable for an informative speech.


E. SP not suitable for an informative speech.

The most effective order of main points in a speech depends above all on your topic, purpose, and

A. audience.
B. research.
C. visual aids.
D. credibility.
E. delivery.


“The value of a classic car is determined by its condition, its rarity, and its desirability to collectors” is an example of a

A. speech goal.
B. transition statement.
C. specific purpose.
D. mission statement.
E. central idea.


According to your textbook, a(n) ending is a conclusion that builds force until reaching a peak of power and intensity

A. crescendo
B. bombastic
C. dissolve
D. reflective
E. ascending


As you present your speech, you notice that many of your listeners have interested looks on their faces and are nodding their heads in agreement with your ideas. According to your textbook, these reactions by your listeners are called

A. interference.
B. cognitive cues.
C. feedback.
D. audience cues.
E. indicators.


"Let’s take a moment to recap. To this point we have seen that scientists have made important discoveries about the terrain of Mars, including its channels, basins, and polar caps. Now let’s move on from the terrain of Mars and look at the planet’s atmosphere." According to your textbook, what type(s) of connective(s) were used?

A. internal summary
B.  transition
C. internal preview
D. all of the above
E. a and b only


Which organizational pattern would probably be MOST EFFECTIVE for arranging the main points of a speech with the specific purpose “To inform my audience about the major geographical regions of Mexico?”

A. causal
B.  chronological
C.  topical
D. problem-solution
E. spatial


When the general purpose of your speech is to ____________, you act primarily as a teacher or lecturer

A.  inform
B. convince
C. entertain
D. persuade
E. convert


Public speakers who seek to communicate with listeners from cultures other than their own need to take special care to avoid in their speeches. What is this called?

A. vocalized pauses
B. vocalized pauses
C. visual aids
D. ethnocentrism
E. gestures


Which of the following is recommended in your textbook as a way to reinforce the central idea in a speech conclusion?

A. speed up your rate of delivery
B. refer back to the introduction ("circular device")
C. ask for questions from the audience
D.  all of the above
E. b and c only

B. refer back to the introduction ("circular device")

Even when you use other interest-arousing lures in a speech introduction, you should ALWAYS

A. startle the audience.
B. use a rhetorical question.
C. relate the topic to the audience.
D.  tell an interesting story.
E. present striking statistics.

C. relate the topic to the audience.

According to your textbook, when you are in a formal speaking situation the MOST EFFECTIVE way of gaining the initial attention of your audience after you walk to the lectern is

A. asking someone to lower the lights.
B. beginning to speak loudly and clearly.
C. rapping your hand lightly on the lectern until everyone is quiet.
D. looking directly at the audience without saying a word.
E. asking everyone to be quiet and pay attention

D. looking directly at the audience without saying a word

As Christopher delivered his speech, he noticed that some members of his audience looked confused as he explained one of his main points. As a result, he slowed down and explained the point again. In this case, Christopher was

A. dealing with external interference.
B. adjusting the channel of communication.
C. interpreting the audience’s frame of reference.
D. compensating for the situation.
E. adapting to audience feedback.

E. adapting to audience feedback.

Example: "Imagine that you are on a deserted island—palm trees sway in the breeze, the warm sun is on your face, and the smell of tropical flowers is in the air. Suddenly, the sound of distant drums breaks your euphoria. What do you do—panic? What would you do if you found yourself in such a situation?" What kind of supporting material is this?

A. peer testimony
B. extended metaphor
C. synthetic example
D. artificial simile
E. hypothetical example


Which of the following statistical measures corresponds to what is popularly called “the average”?

A. the medial
B. the mean
C. the medium
D. the mode
E. the median


According to your textbook, saying “dunno” instead of “don’t know” is an error in

A. accent.
B. articulation.
C. vocalization.
D. intonation.
E. emphasis.


Each of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a tip for using statistics EXCEPT:

A. use statistics sparingly.
B. use visual aids to clarify statistical trends.
C. round off complicated statistics.
D. identify the source of your statistics.
E. avoid using statistics found on the Internet

E. avoid using statistics found on the Internet

The study of bodily motion and gestures is part of a subject called

A. cybernetics.
B. physics.
C. cryogenics.
D. kinesics.
E. cryonics.


The middle number in a group of numbers arranged from highest to lowest is called the:

A. module
B. mean
C. mode
D. median
E. meridian


According to your textbook, when people in one region of the country say “warter,” while people in another region of the country say “water,” the difference is a matter of

A. inflection.
B. verbalization.
C. dialect.
D. enunciation.
E. intonation.


Speaking extemporaneously

A. is completly memorized.
B. is adaptable to more situations than is speaking from manuscript.
C. offers more spontaneity impromptu speaking.
D. all of the above
E. b and c only.

B. is adaptable to more situations than is speaking from manuscript.

According to your textbook, saying “pas-ghetti” instead of “spaghetti” is an error in

A. articulation.
B. description.
C. intonation.
D. pronunciation.
E. inflection


Directions in an outline to help a speaker remember how she wants to deliver key parts of the speech is called:

A. presentation cues
B. speaking cues
C. delivery cues
D. articulation cues
E. pronunciation cues


According to your textbook, outlining is important to public speaking because an outline helps you judge whether

A. your main points are properly balanced.
B. your speech will be interesting to the audience.
C. you have adequate supporting materials for your main points.
D. all of the above.
E. a and c only.


According to your textbook, when evaluating statistics you should ask whether they

A. are from a reliable source.
B. use statistical measures correctly.
C. are representative of what they claim to measure.
D. all of the above.
E. b and c only


A __________ speech is "carefully prepared and rehearsed speech which is given from brief notes."

A. rehearsed
B. manuscript
C. memorized
D. extemporaneous
E. impromptu


Which of the following should NOT be included in an outline?

A. copies of your visual aid (for example: PowerPoint slides)
B. the final bibliography (or as we call it, "works cited")
C. a specific purpose statement
D. transitions
E. the central idea

A. copies of your visual aid (for example: PowerPoint slides)

Ben administered a survey on "favorite ice cream flavors." He found that chocolate was the most popular choice with 30 of 50 participants choosing it over vanilla or strawberry. The statistical measure described here could be called the:

A. meridian
B. median
C. mean
D. module
E. mode


A speech title should

A. attract the attention of the audience.
B. be brief.
C. suggest the main thrust of the speech.
D. all of the above.
E. a and c only.


When a speaker's non-verbal communication is inconsistant (also called "incongruent") with their words, the audience will MORE likely believe the speaker's

A. words
B. non-verbal communication
C. visual aids
D. PowerPoint
E. statistics

B. non-verbal communication

"Conversational quality” in speech delivery means that the

A. speech sounds spontaneous even though it has been rehearsed.
B. speaker is not speaking from memory.
C. speaker talks the same as she or he would in ordinary conversation.
D. all of the above.
E. none of the above.


A. speech sounds spontaneous even though it has been rehearsed.


Examples are especially helpful as supporting materials because they

A. personalize your ideas.
B. are not overly technical.
C. quantify a speaker’s ideas.
D. are harder to manipulate than statistics or testimony.
E. enhance the speaker’s credibility

A. personalize your ideas.

In which of the following situations will the personal appearance of the speaker have an impact on the audience?

A. a politician presenting a campaign speech
B. a business executive giving a financial report
C. a professor giving a lecture
D. all of the above
E. a and b only


Each of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a guideline for effective INFORMATIVE speaking EXCEPT

A. personalize your ideas.
B. don't overestimate what the audience knows.
C. persuade your audience to take action on an issue.
D. relate the subject directly to the audience.
E. don’t be too technical

C. persuade your audience to take action on an issue.

According to your textbook, what are the three PRIMARY factors to consider when assessing an audience’s disposition toward a speech topic?

A. gender, knowledge, and opinions
B. interest, background, and age
C. size, occasion, and group membership
D. knowledge, interest, and attitude
E. background, situation, and gender

D. knowledge, interest, and attitude

In an informative speech, the speaker acts as a(n)

A. advocate
B. entertainer
C. teacher
D. motivator
E. evaluator


If you were giving a persuasive speech on the subject of mandatory retirement, the MOST important factor to consider when analyzing your audience would MOST LIKELY be its

A. economic standing.
B. group membership.
C. gender.
D. age.
E. education.


As your textbook explains, visual aids are MOST effective when they are displayed
A. throughout the entire speech.
B. during the introduction of a speech.
C. on an easel where they are visible to everyone.
D. only while the speaker is discussing them.
E. from the right side of the lectern.

D. only while the speaker is discussing them.

“To inform my audience about the pillars of faith in Islam” is an example of a specific purpose statement for an informative speech about a(n)

A. concept.
B. event.
C. function.
D. process.
E. object.


When used as a visual aid in a speech, a video

A. should be carefully edited to show exactly what the speaker wants.
B. can distract attention from the speaker if it is not used properly.
C.  needs to be skillfully integrated into the speaker’s presentation.
D. all of the above.
E. none of the above.


To say that people usually want to hear about things that are meaningful to them is to say that people are

A. empathic.
B. eclectic.
C. egotistic.
D. egalitarian.
E. egocentric


According to your textbook, visual aids are most effective when they are

A. explained clearly.
B. circulated among the audience.
C. presented early in the speech.
D. all of the above.
E. a and c only.


When giving an informative speech, you should take special care to

A. define complex terms or translate technical information into everyday language.
B. state your ideas in abstract terms.
C. state your sources in your introduction.
D. avoid speaking about complex topics.
E. prepare your introduction before the body of your speech.


A. define complex terms or translate technical information into everyday language.


As the size of your audience increases, your presentation should usually become more

A. formal.
B. flexible.
C. extemporaneous.
D. punctual.
E. informal.


A questionnaire item that gives the respondent the widest freedom in answering is called a(n)

A. inductive question.
B. leading question.
C. open-ended question.
D. scale question.
E. informal question.


According to your textbook, the questions listeners ask when judging an informative speech include

A. Is the information communicated clearly?
B. Is the information communicated accurately?
C. Is the information made meaningful and interesting to the audience?
D. all of the above
E. a and b only


Which of the following is a factor to consider in SITUATIONAL audience analysis?

A. gender
B. group membership
C. attitude (disposition) toward the topic
D. all of the above
E. a and c only

C. attitude (disposition) toward the topic

The process by which a speaker seeks to create a bond with listeners by emphasizing common values, goals, and experiences is referred to as by communication scholars.

A. framing
B. identification
C. egocentrism
D. structuring
E. affiliation


As Amanda analyzed the audience for her speech about organic foods, she focused on such things as their gender, age, and cultural background. In doing so, she was engaging in _______________ audience analysis.

A. situational
B. psychological
C. demographic
D. preliminary
E. descriptive


When making a multimedia presentation, you should

A. limit yourself to showing charts, graphs,photographs, and drawings.
B. be prepared to give your speech even if the equipment malfunctions.
C. use a different set of fonts for each chart to keep the audience interested
D. reduce the number of main points to make sure you do not run out of time.
E. tell your audience which software program you are using for the speech

B. be prepared to give your speech even if the equipment malfunctions

If you were constructing an audience-analysis questionnaire and wanted to learn the STRENGTH of your listeners’ attitudes for or against animal research, which of the following would be the best kind of question to ask?

A. demographic question
B. open-ended question
C. leading question
D. scale question
E. fixed-alternative question


(Choose the BEST answer.) The ____________________ will usually dictate how long a speech should be.

A. size of the audience
B. occasion
C. physical setting
D. visual aids
E. title


If your specific purpose statement were “To inform my audience how to make authentic South American empanadas,” you would probably organize your speech in order

A. illustrative
B. chronological
C. spatial
D. comparative
E. causal


If you can’t identify the author of a document on the Internet, your textbook recommends that you

A. look up the year the document was published
B. bookmark the document and return to it later.
C. try to determine the sponsoring organization for the document.
D. double check the accuracy of the document’s URL.
E. search for the document in the library

C. try to determine the sponsoring organization for the document.

Audience centered speakers seek to use inclusive language. Which of these is NOT an example of that?

A. Avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender.
B. Avoid the generic “he.”
C. Avoid ALL discussion, of race, culture, or class.
D. Avoid identifying personal traits that are unrelated to the topic.
E. Use names that groups use to identify themselves

A. Avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender.

The MAJOR reason Monroe’s motivated sequence is such an effective way of organizing persuasive speeches that seek action from listeners is because it

A. is limited to six steps.
B. can NOT be easily adapted to standard outlining form.
C. follows the process of human thinking.
D. is LESS detailed than problem-solution order.
E. is often used by politicians

C. follows the process of human thinking.

Which of the following does your textbook identify as a guideline for using language appropriately?

A. use language appropriate to the topic
B. use language appropriate to the speaker
C. use language appropriate to the audience
D. all of the above
E. a and c only


“We must come to realize that we are responsible not only for preparing you for the world, but for preparing the world for you” is an example of

A. simile.
B. antithesis.
C. appropriateness.
D. formalism.
E. repitition.


“The flickering light of the fire revealed the fearful faces of the campers” is an example of

A. metaphor.
B. alliteration.
C. antithesis.
D. repetiation.
E. simile


The three types of questions that give rise to persuasive speeches are questions of

A. opinion, fact, and policy.
B. problem, cause, and solution.
C. fact, value, and policy.
D. opinion, attitude, and value.
E. need, plan, and practicality

C. fact, value, and policy

Of all the kinds of speechmaking,__________________ speaking is the most complex and the most challenging.

A. after-dinner
B. persuasive
C. ceremonial
D. informative
E. commemorative


Which is NOT an example of PERSUASIVE communication?

A. An architectural firm recommending adoption of its building plan.
B. A union representative urging management to avoid a strike by raising wages.
C. A lawyer explaining the details of a plea bargaining agreement to her client.
D. An advertisment for Sunggle fabric softener.
E. An opinion editorial in the Indianapolis Star.

C. A lawyer explaining the details of a plea bargaining agreement to her client.

A(n) ____________________ is a summary of a magazine or research article, written by someone other than the original author

A. citation
B. abstract
C. overview
D. paraphrase
E. reference


Each of the following is discussed in your textbook as a basic criterion for the effective use of language in public speaking EXCEPT

A. use language clearly.
B. use language vividly.
C. use language appropriately.
D. use language technically.
E. use language accurately.

D. use language technically.

The denotative meaning of a word is

A. what the word suggests or implies.
B. based on the audience’s sense of appropriateness.
C. usually more abstract than its connotative meaning.
D. often too technical to be used in a speech.
E. its literal or dictionary meaning.

E. its literal or dictionary meaning.

What are the three criteria discussed in your textbook for assessing the soundness of documents found on the Internet?

A. length, accuracy, and graphics
B. interactivity, objectivity, and authorship
C. graphics, sponsorship, and accuracy
D. creativity, reliability, and length
E. authorship, sponsorship, and recency

E. authorship, sponsorship, and recency

Which is NOT a step in Monroe's Motivated Sequence?

A. need step
B. action step
C. argument step
D. satisfaction step
E. visualization step
F. attention step


"Government of the people, by the people, for the people” is an example of

A. alliteration.
B. parallelism.
C. repetition.
D. all of the above.
E. b and c only.


According to your textbook, persuasion is a psychological process in which listeners engage in a __________________ with the speaker

A. mental dialogue
B. situational disagreement
C. cognitive restructuring
D. feedback loop
E. logical debate


Regardless of whether your aim is to encourage passive agreement or immediate action, you must deal with three basic issues whenever you discuss a question of policy. They are

A. cause, effect, and practicality.
B. evidence, practicality, and reasoning.
C. need, action, and reaction.
D. need, plan, and practicality.
E. problem, plan, and solution.

D. need, plan, and practicality.

Phrases such as “dry as a bone,” “clear as a bell,” “dark as night,” and “smart as a whip” should be avoided in speeches because they are

A. abstract.
B. clichés.
C. similes.
D. connotative.
E. figurative


The connotative meaning of a word is

A. its dictionary definition.
B. determined by the speaker.
C. concrete and precise.
D. what the word suggests or implies.
E. usually too technical for a general audience

D. what the word suggests or implies.

The ___________________ is that portion of the whole audience that the speaker most wants to persuade

A. core audience
B. target audience
C. projected audience
D. intended audience
E. focus audience


According to your textbook, skilled listeners do not try to absorb a speaker’s every word. Rather, they focus on three major aspects of a speech. Which is NOT one of these.

A. main points.
B. memorized statistics.
C. technique.
D. evidence.


According to your textbook,________________ plagiarism occurs when a speaker copies word for word from two or more sources

A. global
B. incremental
C. patchwork
D. scientific
E. valid


(T/F) People spend more time speaking than in any other communication activity


As your textbook makes clear, speechmaking carries heavy ethical responsibilities because it is a form of

A. privilege.
B. communication.
C. self-expression.
D. power.
E. authenticity


Sarah is listening to her roommate to provide emotional support in a time of distress. According to your textbook, Sarah is engaged in ___________________ listening

A. critical
B. appreciative
C. empathic
D. personal
E. comprehensive


All of the following are presented in your textbook as guidelines for ethical speechmaking EXCEPT

A. be honest in what you say.
B. avoid name calling and other forms of abusive language.
C. be fully prepared for each speech.
D. make sure your goals are ethically sound.
E. show that you are a good researcher

E. show that you are a good researcher

As explained in your textbook, public speakers have an ethical obligation to avoid name-calling and other forms of abusive language because such language

A. demeans the dignity of the groups or individuals being attacked.
B. violates current standards of "political correctness" on college campuses.
C. undermines the right of all groups in the U.S. to express their ideas.
D. none of the above.
E. a and c only


(T/F) Even when we are listening carefully, we usually grasp only about 50% percent of what we hear


Giving excessive attention to the details of a speech is an example of

A. listening "too hard"
B. internal distractions
C. listening for technique
D. jumping to conclusions
E. focusing on delivery.


Although most people speak at a rate of 120 to 150 words a minute, the brain can process words at a rate of

A. less than 100 words per minute.
B. the same amount- 120- 150 words per minute.
C. 400 to 800 words per minute.
D. 10,000 words per minute.
E. we have not done the research yet to dertermine this

C. 400 to 800 words per minute.

As a public speaker, you face ethical issues when

A. selecting the topic for your speech.
B. researching your speech.
C. organizing your speech.
D. a and b.
E. all of the above


Which of the following is included among the four major causes of poor listening discussed in your textbook?

A. trying to remember everything the speaker says
B. jumping to conclusions about the speaker’s ideas
C. taking written notes while the speech is in progress
D. all of the above
E. a and b only


(T/F) After Quiz #5 you will be done with all of your quizzes for R110!


According to your textbook, the ethical obligations of listeners include

A. judging the speaker on the basis of his or her delivery.
B. listening to the speaker courteously and attentively.
C. maintaining the free and open expression of ideas.
D. all of the above.
E. b and c only


To avoid plagiarism when using information from an Internet document in your speech, your textbook recommends that you keep a record of

A. the title of the document.
B. the author or organization responsible for the document.
C. the date on which you accessed the document.
D. all of the above.
E. none of the above.


Because speechmaking is a form of power, we must always be sure to speak

A. concisely.
B. persuasively.
C. ethically.
D. forcefully.
E. consistently


The difference between the speed at which the speaker speaks and the rate at which a listener processes language is called

A. cognitive dissonance
B. frame of reference
C. external interference
D. spare brain time
E. egocentricism


According to your textbook,___________________ plagiarism occurs when the speech as a whole is ethical but the speaker fails to give credit for particular quotations and paraphrases

A. incremental
B. incidental
C. informative
D. inferential
E. invalid


In public speaking, sound ethical decisions involve weighing a potential course of action against

A. the frame of reference of the audience.
B. a set of ethical guidelines or standards.
C. the speaker’s strategic objectives.
D. a socially accepted code of legal rules.
E. the personal opinions of the speaker

B. a set of ethical guidelines or standards.

Listening for a speaker’s evidence, you should keep an ear out for its

A. sufficiency.
B. accuracy.
C. objectivity.
D. relevance.
E. all of the above


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