Why is my rabbit pulling her fur out

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Humans are animal’s best friends. When you pet any animal, you are not only their friend but also their protector. So helping them at any hard situation is a must for you.

If you pet a rabbit then you must have noticed sometimes that your rabbit is pulling its fur out. As you are its owner then you must know its common health problems and solutions.

So, you should know why do rabbits pull their fur out? This article will lead you to the answer.

Why do rabbits pull their fur out?

Pulling fur out is a very common behavior of any rabbit. However, bored os stressed, skin disease, nesting behavior, false pregnancy or any hormonal changes can be approximately reasons behind rabbits pull their fur out.

There will be physical, mental, and emotional changes behind this type of activity.

6 Common Reasons for a Rabbit Pulling Fur

1# Nesting Behavior

Here we go with the nesting behavior. Rabbits are prey animals and they always try to save themselves from their predators.

I mean, who doesn’t? right?

They try to find food at midnight when large animals are not here and there.

So following this type of behavior, they try to make a nest that is hard to find. Mother rabbits try to create a nest with dry leaves, grass, or own fur.

At this time they start pulling their fur out and that’s exactly the nesting behavior we were talking about.

2# False Pregnancy

Rabbits can give birth after 30-35days. But sometimes they express false pregnancy. At this time they feel irritated and pull their fur out of their body. Though it is quite normal that a rabbit pulls its fur out.

Sometimes their fur color even changes. But false pregnancy can be a strong reason behind their fur pulling out.

3# Boredom and Stress

Rabbits are playful animals. They like to stay with their companies. And once you make a good bond with them, they will always keep finding you around. But if they don’t any of these then they start feeling bored and stressed.

At this time they start pulling their fur out, biting themselves, or make irritating sounds.

So if you have one rabbit as a pet and you notice it is doing this then it is high time you brought a company for him or her.

4# Skin Discomfort

Skin discomfort can be another answer to why do rabbits pull their fur out? Sometimes they are lazy and lay down where they pee.

Because of this, they stay wet for quite a long time and skin discomfort happens.

Fleas are the insects that create skin diseases to rabbit fur. They spread infection on their skin and it causes skin disease. Then it starts itching and rabbits pull their fur out.

5# Dominance

Sometimes it can be seen that a rabbit pulls fur out of other rabbits. It is a sign of dominance. This happens when you pet various breeds of rabbits.

Like angora is bigger than the Netherland dwarfs. So angoras will be dominant on those dwarfs, it is very natural to behave of rabbits. Sometimes they fight each other and pulling fur out is that kind of action.

But this doesn’t stay long. Rabbits become friendly soon and they are quite playful. An owner should give a sharp look this time that any of those rabbits don’t get hurt.

6# Aggression

If you bring a new male rabbit to a female rabbit’s hutch then the female rabbit creates much dominance and it is the cause of her aggression. Dominance and submissive behaviors are mostly created by only female rabbits. Their paws and teeth are much sharp than male ones.

Is it bad if rabbits pull their fur out?

Pulling fur out is the natural behave of rabbits. Still, if they pull excessive fur out then it is bad for them. Their skin becomes uncovered. So any insect gets a chance to spread infection and poison easily.

Sometimes they eat their own pulled fur. As those fur are small so they eat them while grooming or eating their foods. This leads them to diarrhea, drooling, cough, and other health problems.

Again, those furs can create digestive blockings which is dangerous and even fatal. If it happens then the rabbit can not eat food properly. It can create a breathing problem too.

What to stop rabbits from pulling their fur out?

First of all, notice your rabbit carefully. If you notice that your rabbit is pulling fur out excessively then take a step for it. Otherwise, it is very normal. So, what to do right?

  • Clean your rabbit’s playing place daily and try to keep your rabbit clean as much as you can.
  • If you bring a new rabbit then give the old one and new one much space and time to become familiar with each other.
  • Check your rabbit weight to check pregnancy often if your male and female rabbit is living together.
  • Notice the pulled out area carefully, if you see something poisonous or infected then it is time you gave the rabbit skin medicine.
  • Try giving them fiber riched food and keep that packaged food away for some days.
  • Make their lying place dry and clean.
  • Cut their claws often and wash their legs almost every day.
  • Keep everything away that scares or disturbs the rabbit.
  • Anything unusual in this issue, then rush to the vet immediately.

Things to consider

Some rabbits have long hair and fur naturally. This creates irritation often and they start pulling their fur out. Rabbits are not conscious of themselves. That is why they receive many diseases and die without a warning. When you pet a rabbit, you have to notice its details and if your pet is in disturbance then remove it to prove you are a great owner!


If you have reached this far of this article then yes you are concerned about your rabbit. This is great. Pulling fur can be dangerous and create sickness sometimes. But this is not uncurable. You can take steps to solve this problem.

The question is: why do rabbits pull their fur out? There are actually many reasons why; your pet might be pregnant, stress, bored, and so on.

Oh wait, have you ever seen such? If not, it’s okay. That’s good news for you. But, it is a good idea to know this stuff.

To new pet owners out there, I tell you, it is a must to know why rabbits tend to have that behavior.

This post will give you enough knowledge of why rabbits are doing so. We will identify the possible causes and teach you what to do if it has damaged your pet’s skin.

The only thing you have to note is that if your rabbit pulls its fur without specific reasons, immediately seek help.

So without any more delays, let us go right into the discussion!

Why is my rabbit pulling her fur out

Reason Why Rabbits Pull Their Fur Out

Rabbits have a lot of fluff in their bodies, and it is alarming if you notice a lot of fallen furs in their cage.

Like me, I also experienced that when my pet Thumper had many furs all over the place. I thought that it was not normal. I ask myself why such a thing would happen. I insist that it really means something.

What really are the reasons behind this behavior? Why do rabbits pull their fur out?

Keep on scrolling, my friend!

#1. Pregnancy or false pregnancy

Of course, this reason is not for Thumper because he is a male rabbit.

But take note:

This one is a common reason why rabbits tend to pull out their fur.

When rabbits are preparing to have kits, the female’s body secures hormones, causing the fur on her belly and sides to loosen up.

In that way, it will be easier for her to pull it out and build it as a nest. It is an instinct for the mother because that is its nature though that action will undoubtedly cause her pain. After that, she will also gather hay and leaves to help her in lining her nest.

Why is my rabbit pulling her fur out

There are also cases of false pregnancies. This occurs when female rabbits live with other female rabbits or don’t have any accompany (meaning she’s alone).

This scenario is definitely not dangerous. In fact, it is a good thing because spayed rabbits reduce the risk of reproductive cancer.

A rabbit will build its nest, and its mammary glands will swell while having a false pregnancy. These symptoms usually go away after a few days, and the female will eventually get back to its original state.

#2. Stress or boredom

If you tend to leave your rabbit alone in its cage for a day, it may start to feel stressed and bored.

This is what happened to Thumper when we went out for a family outing at our townhouse. We had no choice but to leave him since there are many preparations to do, and we cannot give him full attention.

By the time we went home, like almost 9 p.m., I had noticed many furs that have been a mess inside of his cage. We usually take him out of his cage for an hour for him to hop around the house. And since we left early in the morning and late in the evening, this occurred.

I realized all of this when the vet explained to me everything.

Rabbits need time to run, dig and jump because that is what rabbits are. They can be easily stressed out when they are stuck in a tiny space without anything to do. That is why you have to allot time for your bunny to play at its will outside the cage.

If you noticed something unusual, such as if your pet screams, it may be a different thing. Check this out!

#4. Issues in grooming

If you have noticed that your bunny pulls its fur in patches, you can say that it is a significant sign of a grooming issue. This occurrence is very much suitable for long-haired rabbits;  shedding periods in their lifetime, if their fur is not well-removed, they tend to do it by themselves.

Why is my rabbit pulling her fur out

You can give your pet a good brushing and hope for the best that they stop pulling their fur out. Certainly, this action will damage their skin, especially if it continues for hours, and they would also have a possible chance of ingesting some fur that will lodge in their digestive tract.

It is essential that you check on your bunny every week for short-haired and daily for long-haired ones.

Rabbits have susceptible skin, so metal brushes are not recommended. Choose a rubber brush because that would be effective for them.

#5. Parasites

One of the reasons why rabbits do pull their fur out is because of parasites; these may be infecting your pet’s skin. Mites, fleas, and lice can significantly affect rabbits and can make their skin itchy, causing them to scratch with all their might. The scratching will undoubtedly damage their skin and will cause it to bleed. please read here how to get rid of fleas on rabbits

Thankfully, the external parasites are not typical for rabbits but if your pet experiences them, seek immediate vet help. It would be best if you did not use some medicines not prescribed by your vet because those topical flea meds meant for cats and dogs can cause rabbits to die. learn more here why do baby rabbits die suddenly

#6. Dietary imbalance

It would help if you kept in mind that rabbits need a considerable amount of fiber. If they do not have enough of it, they will assume their fur as a fiber source. That is why you have to make sure that your pet has enough fiber in its body to avoid these unwanted events to happen.

When Should I Seek Medical Help?

For rabbits, pulling of fur can be a sign that they are distressing. But, if you will observe them thoroughly, you can have other answers to why they behave. If you see that your pet rabbit has raw and bleeding patches, seek your veterinarian’s opinion to get the proper medications.

Another thing that will require you to seek medical help is that when you see that there are no significant causes of your rabbit pulling its fur. That is an alarming scenario if a couple of weeks have passed, and it still has that bad behavior.

Why Do Rabbits Eat The Fur They Pull Out?

Why is my rabbit pulling her fur out

There are two primary explanations of why rabbits are eating their fur. The first is that they are hiding evidence that they are suffering from severe stress. This reason is possible because rabbits think that they do not want to get into trouble.

The other reason is that they lack dietary fiber. Rabbits may feel that they need to eat the missing fiber, so they seek a replacement.


So, why do rabbits pull their fur out?

In conclusion, there are many reasons why rabbits pull out their fur. As a pet owner, you have to be keen and make sure that your pet does not suffer from stress, for that is the lesson I have learned from the incident on Thumper.please read here why do rabbits thump

As for you, dear reader, make sure that observe the behavior of your bun and if you see that there is no significant one, find help in the veterinary clinic. Also, do not give medications prescribed by the vet because it can lead to your rabbit’s death.

We hope that you had much information through this blog post. Thank you for reading!