Why is my dog coughing up white foam

A dog throwing up white foam is certainly a sight that's sure to cause alarm in pet owners. Alongside the initial clean-up of slimy piles, and the worry over your dog's welfare, you're sure to be wondering exactly why your dog is throwing up white foam and what you can do to help them. 

While it's easy to immediately look to their dietary habits and question whether you've fed the best type of dog food that meets your canine's requirements or whether you can blame a dodgy human snack, there are a lot of reasons why a dog may vomit. 

Getting to the bottom of the problem is important so you can get your dog the treatment they need. Before you reach for home remedies or over-the-counter treatments, read on to learn more about why your dog’s vomit is white and foamy.

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Why is my dog throwing up white foam? 

You may be familiar with your dog vomiting various colors, but what does white foamy vomit mean? The good news is that throwing up white foam is very common in dogs – white foam often happens when your dog is vomiting without food in their stomach. The fact that the vomit is white and foamy isn’t a concern in itself – but the reason they’re vomiting could still be a worry.

There are a number of reasons why dogs vomit, including vomiting white foam. Your dog may have eaten something that didn’t agree with his digestive system, particularly if he ate something outside of his normal diet. Vomiting can also be a sign of a number of underlying medical conditions, including:

  •  Gastroesophageal reflux (similar to heartburn) 
  •  Inflammatory bowel disease 
  •  Gastroenteritis 
  •  Pancreatitis 
  •  Foreign body 
  •  Intestinal obstruction 
  •  Parasite infection 
  •  Toxin exposure 
  •  Other gastrointestinal conditions 

With all the possible causes of vomiting, there’s every chance that you should worry about your dog if they start vomiting white foam. As the conditions listed above all have similar symptoms, it’s very important to see your veterinarian right away if your dog’s vomiting lasts for more than 24 hours or if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea, fever, or other changes in health or behavior. 

However, if your dog is sick once and has no other symptoms, especially if they’ve been eating grass, you can opt to monitor them at home. Watch closely for more vomit and any other symptoms.

One problem you should be very aware of is a type of bloat in dogs known as GDV (opens in new tab), a life-threatening condition that requires emergency treatment. Whilst the classic signs are bloating and non-productive retching, sometimes dogs will bring up small amounts of white foam. If you think your dog has GDV you should contact the nearest open veterinary surgery immediately.

Diagnosing the cause of vomiting in dogs 


Why is my dog coughing up white foam

(Image credit: Getty images)

There’s no NHS for pets. Veterinary care can be eye-wateringly expensive and most pets will need treatment for an illness or injury at some point in their life. It’s difficult to think about your animals being hurt or unwell, but you need to ask yourself: what would you do if you were faced with a vet bill for hundreds or thousands of pounds?

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When you bring your dog to the vet for vomiting, the first thing your vet will do is take a thorough history. This will involve asking you several questions about your dog’s recent health and behavior.  

Your veterinarian will then perform a full head-to-tail physical examination, including feeling your dog’s abdomen for any signs of pain or abnormality.  If necessary, your veterinarian may also recommend some additional diagnostic testing, such as radiographs (x-rays) to evaluate your dog’s digestive tract or evaluation of a fecal sample to look for signs of parasites.  

These tests incur an additional cost, but they are necessary to help your veterinarian get to the bottom of your pet’s illness.  Once the underlying cause of your dog’s vomiting has been diagnosed, your veterinarian will be able to prescribe an appropriate treatment to help get your dog back to his happy and healthy self again.

Can I treat my dog’s vomiting at home? 

If your dog has been vomiting for more than 24 hours or is exhibiting any of the other symptoms listed above, it’s best not to try to treat your dog’s vomiting at home. Many over-the-counter medications and home remedies are not safe for dogs and could make your dog even sicker. And delays in treatment could have devastating effects on your dog’s health if the underlying cause of your dog’s vomiting is something serious. Instead, it’s best to take your dog to your veterinarian for appropriate diagnosis and any necessary treatment. 

If your dog is over 6 months old, has been vomiting for less than 24 hours, and is bright, alert, and keeping water down, you don’t need to go to the vet unless you’re concerned. Instead, monitor your dog closely for deterioration. Make sure he has easy access to water. You can offer his usual diet in smaller portions every few hours.

Treating vomiting in dogs 

The treatment for vomiting in dogs depends on the underlying cause of the vomiting. If your dog simply has an upset stomach from eating something he shouldn’t have – like something smelly he found out in the yard – then your veterinarian may prescribe a medication for nausea to stop your dog from vomiting. In many cases, this is all that is needed to stop the vomiting and get your dog back to his usual mischief!

If your dog’s vomiting is caused by a more severe issue, such as pancreatitis, then they may need to stay in the veterinary hospital. This allows your vet to provide your dog with more intensive care, including treatments such as intravenous fluids (IV fluids), anti-nausea medications, antacids, antibiotics, appetite stimulants, and a bland diet. 

Although it can be scary to leave your pet in the hospital, quick and aggressive treatment can help your dog get better faster. When your pet is ready to go home, you may need to make some additional changes to his diet or daily routine to prevent the vomiting from recurring. Make sure to follow your veterinarian’s recommendations closely.

Unfortunately, if your dog is vomiting from ingesting a foreign object, then surgery is necessary to remove the obstruction safely. Your vet will provide you with an estimated cost as well as recovery plan, which usually involves staying in the hospital for a day or two before being discharged for strict rest at home.

Preventing vomiting in dogs 

If your dog has been vomiting white foam, no doubt you are wondering how to prevent this from happening again in the future. To help prevent your dog from vomiting, feed a healthy diet as recommended by your veterinarian and avoid feeding too many treats. Avoid any sudden diet changes, which can cause an upset stomach and lead to vomiting.  

Keep household cleaners and chemicals out of reach and be careful to keep your dog away from any areas where they’ve been recently used. Be sure to take away any broken or shredded toys so that your dog does not ingest small pieces, and keep any other objects your dog likes to chew out of reach. Finally, keep human foods out of your dog’s reach – especially toxic foods like chocolate, onions, and grapes! 

If your dog is prone to scavenging on a walk, you may end up having to train them to wear a muzzle. This can be an excellent way to help prevent dogs from vomiting after eating things they shouldn’t.

Vomiting white foam may be more than just an upset tummy 

If your dog has been vomiting white foam, it’s worth visiting your veterinarian to investigate the source of the problem. While many causes of vomiting can be minor, some can be more serious and can require immediate medical attention. Your vet can help you get to the bottom of the problem, so you and your dog can get back to your daily routine! 

Sad Dog

Is your dog vomiting or spitting up white foam? While this can be alarming at first, usually you can quickly figure out what’s going on.  

While some of these reasons are severe, many will resolve on their own so don’t panic. The important part is whether your dog seems sick. If your dog is acting normally, just keep a close eye on them. However, if you notice them acting lethargic or otherwise acting unwell, it’s wise to give your vet a call.

What is white foamy vomit?

White foamy vomit is usually due to saliva and digestive secretions mixing with air in your dog's tummy, resulting in vomit with a soap suds like appearance. 

Typically there is some sort of irritation or trigger causing the white foamy vomit. This type of vomit is different from the common yellow-orange vomit, which indicates the presence of bile. 

Dogs can also regurgitate white foam. Unlike vomiting, with regurgitation, dogs do not typically heave or act like they are going to bring something up. Regurgitation is almost always white or clear fluid with or without food (and if it’s food, it’s undigested and recently consumed). 

Be sure to tell your vet if you suspect vomiting or regurgitation as they can provide clues to what’s going on inside.

What causes my dog to throw up white foam?

There are many reasons that your dog may be vomiting (or regurgitating) white foam. 

Often times, it is due to some type of irritation of the stomach, such as:

  • Eating something irritating or toxic (and we all know dogs aren’t picky on what they put in their mouth!)
  • Bacterial infection
  • Abrupt food changes
  • Eating grass or plants 

Other reasons for them to vomit white foam can be severe and life-threatening, such as:

  • Bloat
  • Pancreatitis
  • Heat Stroke
  • Organ dysfunction (kidney disease as an example)
  • Serious toxins (battery acid, sago palm, cleaning chemicals)
  • Foreign body (something stuck in the esophagus, stomach, or intestine)

How do I treat my dog for vomiting white foam?

If you think that the foam they are vomiting is due to a serious issue, or they’re experiencing other symptoms, your vet should look at them right away. If it’s after hours, look for a local 24/7 veterinarian emergency hospital in your area.

If your dog has vomited white foam only once and is still happy and eating, this may just be a mild upset stomach. Keep them cool and relaxed and withhold food for 12 hours, to help calm their stomach. Monitor them closely for more serious symptoms. 

After this, you can start back by feeding a bland diet (such as cooked rice) for 24 hours and then slowly transition them back to their normal diet. This should help to settle their stomach but, if they continue to vomit white foam or show other signs they’re not feeling well (diarrhea, trouble breathing, lethargy, pain) then it’s time to see a vet. 

A dog that vomits more than twice in 24 hours or continues to vomit for more than two days needs to see a vet. The vet can help determine what is causing them to vomit and give your dog injections to help them stop. 

How do I prevent my dog from vomiting white foam?

The best ways to keep your dog from vomiting white foam are to:

  • Monitor what they are eating. Make sure that they are not eating inedible objects or human food.  
  • Keep your dog from eating toxic plants in your yard, like Pennyroyal or tomato plants
  • Keep their food and water bowls clean, and when transitioning to a new diet be sure to do it gradually.
  • Take them to your vet for regular checkups. This helps you detect disease early in your dog’s life and allows you to begin treatment for any illness that they have right away. 

Remember, all dogs vomit from time to time a one-time episode of white foamy vomit isn’t a cause for major concern, just give your pup a little extra love and make sure they stay feeling alright.