Why do babies stare at me reddit

It makes me really uncomfortable. How do I get them to stop without being a douche? Even if I stare back, most of them seem to take it as a challenge.

When they're gone I go to the mirror to see if I'm messed up or something.

It's even more interesting because I used to do the exact same thing, except I stared at pretty much everything that interested me, but I looked away once they caught my stare.

This has happened several times. Today I was having a walk with my mum and this little girl was staring at me, and as we continued walking she turned her head to continue looking at me. Also once I was at the swimming pool and I was taking a shower and this little girl kept staring at me, smiling I think. She then said something to her mom . I don't think it's just in my head cuz my mum said today that children often stared at me

I'm a girl btw

This always kinda freaked me out a lil. I notice even in a group of people a baby will always turn his/her head, and stare at me! If they're crying, they'll temporarily stop. I'm wondering why this is. It's always babies or toddlers~

Why the fuck does babies stare at me? from NoStupidQuestions
Why do babies always stare at me? from AskReddit

So this isn't something that weirds me out or anything as I'm fine with it but I seem to have this low level superpower where babies and young children will stare at me all the time.

It's not a cautious stare, it's like an unwavering unblinking stoic stare like they're staring into my soul.

Doesn't matter where I am, what I'm doing, what I'm wearing, it never changes.

If I walk away or they are moving in the opposite direction, they will actually turn their head completely around to track me.

Just looking for any general or even scientific explanations as to why this may be.

I have always noticed that babies and small kids stare at me. I always thought of it as something I was making up or maybe something "normal" that I was just exaggerating. Later, people close to me also noticed and started telling me about it: "it's so weird, they are looking at you again!". I thought maybe it had to do with the beard, but I noticed it also happens when shaved or with the masks we now use.

Then I read about energy and started reading some posts. Any idea on this?

I’ll be on my break at work, walking around the outdoor mall I work at, and pass a family with a toddler/baby/dog and they just brighten up and slow down to keep staring at me. I honestly love it, but I just would like to know exactly WHY this happens. If anybody could help me out and explain it to me I will be so very grateful. 🙏💙 (sorry if the format is weird, this was typed on an iPhone and this is actually my first post ever too)
Thank you so much in advance!

Why is it that every baby I walk by decides to stare me down? I don't think I've ever seen a baby that has not profusely stared at me or waved at me. Is it something I wear? lmao