Why are lockers important in schools

School lockers are something that we are accustomed to as they have been used in schools for many years. There were times when school lockers were used only during the physical education class. Gradually, the administration realized the benefits of lockers, and students were allowed to use them more often. Then came threats such as drugs being stored in lockers and the school administration became more cautious. However, these incidences can be checked with strict regulations and inspection. Overall, school lockers are believed to be very beneficial for students as well as the entire institution. Here are 5 major reasons why every school should have lockers for students:

Why are lockers important in schools

1. Secure environment

Security is undoubtedly the most important feature of school lockers. From sports to music, equipment can be stored in lockers. Students can store a variety of items such as books and costly stationery and stay relaxed about their safety. These lockers also instill a sense of security in the guardian of the students. They can stay assured about the safety of the things that they hand over to their kids. 

2. Greater responsibility

Earlier any costly or important thing would remain with the teacher in the absence of lockers. With school lockers, the students are required to take care of their personal belongings which fosters a greater sense of responsibility in them. This is an important aspect of any child's growth. 

3. Better mental and physical health

Besides being stress-free about their valuables, the children get the opportunity to show their creativity. Decorating and organizing the school locker helps the children to relax, take a break from the studies and do something creative. One of the major benefits of school lockers is the substantial decrease in the things that need to be carried every day to school. Due to the weight of books and other things that kids carry every day to school, many of them develop back pain issues. By locking the stuff that they need in lockers, students only need to bring very few things from home such as lunch boxes

4. Distraction-free classes

Teachers can store all the things that cause distraction during classes. Students from higher classes generally carry smart phones that can be submitted in the school lockers. These lockers can end up in better concentration and academic performance by the students. Teachers can also use the school lockers to lock away things such as prizes and mark sheets which are expected to arouse curiosity and anxiety amongst students.

5. Improved shared facility

Be it sports or music, there is some or the other activity that requires some equipment to be shared by several people. The conventional option is to submit them with one single person and keep a track of who issues the belongings from that person all day long. The better and smarter option is to have dedicated school lockers for this equipment with access to certain teachers and students. The circulation and sharing of this equipment can be carried out in a more regulated yet carefree manner.

We have a large catalog of school lockers with a variety in design and materials. You can explore our website to find the school locker that suits you. Connect us today to get the best deals on bulk order.

Why are lockers important in schools

Despite student well-being, safety and security being key considerations for today’s schools, not all students have access to a school locker to store their belongings.

This article discusses why every student needs a school locker and explores the reasons why lockers are far more than a simple place to house their “stuff”.

Why are school lockers important?

Having a school locker offers a surprising range of benefits for students that aren’t all functional in nature. These include:

1) Security:

An obvious advantage of school lockers is that they provide students with increased security. In this gadget-laden world we live in, students increasingly carry tech devices with them to school.

Students can’t supervise their belongings at all times: think about the times when they’re doing a PE class for example. Therefore, having a school locker reduces the risk of damage or theft to student belongings. It also gives parents and kids peace of mind that pricey items can be safely stored throughout the school day, or overnight.

2) Independence, responsibility and respect:

Perhaps a more unexpected benefit of having a school locker is that it fosters a sense of independence and respect for possessions. By locking items away to safeguard them, this teaches students about the value of their belongings and makes them appreciate them more by looking after them in a responsible way.

3) Health and safety:

It’s no secret that lugging heavy textbooks and laptops around can take its toll on your health! This can lead to serious issues with neck and back pain as well as bad posture.

Giving students a safe space to store their things when they’re not needed will help lighten the load and alleviate some of these health concerns. Being free from any niggling aches and pains will also help students focus their attention on their studies.

4) Privacy:

This is something we all value – regardless of our age. The concept of privacy creates boundaries and builds trust by giving students a space that belongs solely to them.

A school locker provides this sense of privacy by avoiding belongings being out on display. If you were a student would you rather carry a sweaty PE kit around with you all day, or would you prefer to stash it away in your locker and keep your ego intact?

5) Personalisation and sense of identity:

With students having to toe the line with school rules and uniforms, having a space to inject a little personality into can be a breath of fresh air!

Schools will still need to have some basic guidelines concerning locker use (e.g. no graffiti or contraband). Despite this, giving students the freedom to decorate their lockers with photos, posters, stickers and so on can positively affect their well-being. This is particularly true in the case of students who might be struggling socially.

With a range of benefits to offer, having a school locker can really perk up school life. And, with Utility Rentals’ wide range of lockers and flexible leasing options, you needn’t worry about school lockers blowing your budget!

Is your school interested in finding out more about school lockers? Get in touch with the friendly team at Utility Rentals to chat through your options!


  • Safe Storage
  • School Lockers
  • School Security

Why are lockers important in schools

Cori Getzendanner, Writer, Reporter

After students started hiding drugs, guns or other illegal items in their lockers, most high schools stopped allowing students to use them. 

Lockers should be available to students because they allow students to keep their personal belongings secure, backpacks can become too heavy and cause back issues, and help them develop a sense of independence.

Lockers give students a place to store their belongings in between classes without the risk of them being tampered with or stolen. In class, bags are out in the open and are an easy target to drop things into, like a tracking device or an incriminating item that could get the innocent student into trouble. For example, in the book (and now Peacock TV series) One of Us Is Lying, four students have incriminating evidence dropped discreetly into their backpacks during class, getting them all sent to detention. If they had lockers, they wouldn’t have had to even bring their backpacks to class; all they needed would have been the notebook for that class and writing utensils. 

Without lockers, students have to carry around tons of notebooks, textbooks, binders, and other school supplies all day. With at least five different classes, the total weight of all those required materials can really affect their back and posture, which can cause chronic pain and other long-term health problems. If lockers were available, the students could drop off what they don’t need for their next class and only carry supplies for one subject, which can drastically cut down on the weight. Plus, students would be more inclined to bring extra study materials if they know they won’t have to bear the extra weight throughout the day. 

Lockers can foster a sense of independence and individuality in students. They create a place where they can feel safe leaving their important belongings without fear that it will be lost or stolen. Plus, it can make students realize the value of their possessions and appreciate them more. In addition to a feeling of security, it can be a place students can decorate themselves and feel at home. Some may say students will take advantage of the secure location and hide drugs or weapons in their lockers, and that may be true in some cases, but most students don’t want to jeopardize their entire future. These days, the punishment for such a crime is extreme and most students won’t take the risk. 

If the school doesn’t want students to bring drugs and weapons to school, banning lockers is not the way to go. Forcing students to carry 15 pound backpacks around all day doesn’t guarantee a safe school. The school should focus on teaching the dangers of illegal substances and weapons instead of not allowing students to store their school supplies between classes. 

Lockers should be available for student use. The school should prevent students from owning illegal items by teaching about the dangers of having such drugs and weapons instead of banning lockers.