Who played kristin on dallas

Who played kristin on dallas

MARY CROSBY has revealed why she almost didn’t land her iconic role as Kristin Shepard on the hit US 80’s television series Dallas. Bing Crosby’s daughter spoke exclusively to Express.co.uk about her role and her father’s lasting music legacy. Dallas actress Mary Crosby, 60, is best known for her famous role on American 80’s series Dallas. Landing the coveted part of Kristen Shepard, she went on to play a central part in one of television’s most unforgettable storylines. Mary Crosby, the only daughter of the late White Christmas singer Bing Crosby, became famous in her own right thanks to her successful acting career. From Daily Express, Mary looks just a little too botoxed these days!! After appearing in many of dad Bing’s Christmas specials, she landed the iconic role of Kristin Shepard in 1979, aged just 20. Mary said that Dallas’ producers were initially concerned about hiring her for such a divisive role, as they weren’t sure viewers would believe Bing Crosby’s daughter could pull off the role of a villain. She said: “When I was originally hired they were worried about the fact that Bing’s daughter might not be accepted by the general public doing all these nasty, nasty things.

Who played kristin on dallas

Mary Crosby starred as Kristen Shephard on Dallas (Image: GETTY)

Who played kristin on dallas

Mary Crosby with her Dallas co-star Larry Hagman (Image: GETTY) “But of course they took a chance and it worked out really, really well.” Despite playing a villain, she said she enjoyed the role immensely. She added: “I know that it was a wonderful time for me.” Her character was wrapped up in the infamous who shot J.R. storyline, which went down as one of television’s biggest cliffhangers of all time.

Who played kristin on dallas

Mary Crosby pictured in 2018 (Image: GETTY)

Who played kristin on dallas

Mary with her famous family (Image: GETTY) After viewers waited months until her character, who played JR’s mistress on the drama, was finally exposed as the one who pulled the trigger. While a reboot of the series ran for three seasons from 2012-2014, a big budget movie remake has been rumoured to be in the works for years. Mary remained coy on whether she knew if a remake was on the cards, but she said she was grateful to have been a part of the original. She said: “I got to be there at the time so that’s what really counts for me.” She played Kristen from 1979-1981 and then briefly reprised the role in 1981 for the series’ spin-off Knots Landing. Now she is working hard to preserve her father’s music legacy. Promoting his new Christmas album, Bing at Christmas, she said the appeal of his music is timeless. She explained: “Anyone who knew dad or hears his voice knows what his values were. “His values about kindness and giving back and caring for others that will always resonate.” As for his new album, she said it is, “Bing but better”. She added: “The miracle of technology is it brings his voice to life and it's crystal clear. “And so it is like Bing but better. There is obviously the history of White Christmas, 80 years after the fact and he’s back again. “They have David Bowie and that’s such a special duet and then they’ve got the Puppini Sisters and Pentatonix. “The combination of new people singing with him is just superb and as a family we are thrilled and thrilled for our dad’s memory.”

Bing at Christmas is out now on Decca Records

Who played kristin on dallas

Thanks @Ange

Who played kristin on dallas

Who played kristin on dallas

I also remember reading about a scene involving her and James L Brown (Harry McSween), who was a friend of Bing Crosby, and he felt a bit uneasy about the scene where he threatens to arrest Kristin, again because of those same kind of reasons.


Who played kristin on dallas

Lol! His VALUES?! As a drunk and child abuser!

Who played kristin on dallas


Who played kristin on dallas

Who played kristin on dallas

Loved Mary Crosby as Kristin Shepard. There is a scene where she visits JR in hospital and he has no feeling in his legs after the operation. Kristin cruelly taunts JR by leaning over the bed, flaunting her womanly assets and proclaiming to JR about no longer being a real man, grabs the wheelchair and pushes it ever so gentle across the room.

I'd go so far to say she was better than Heather Locklear's Sammy Jo on Dynasty.

Who played kristin on dallas

Oh, Kristin would fking eat Sammy Jo ALIVE!!!!!!!!! NO CONTEST!!!!!!!!!

Loved Mary Crosby as Kristin Shepard. There is a scene where she visits JR in hospital and he has no feeling in his legs after the operation. Kristin cruelly taunts JR by leaning over the bed, flaunting her womanly assets and proclaiming to JR about no longer being a real man, grabs the wheelchair and pushes it ever so gentle across the room.

I'd go so far to say she was better than Heather Locklear's Sammy Jo on Dynasty.

That's a great scene. Kristin is right up there with Abby, JR and Alexis at their most devilishly fun moments.

Mary Crosby did portray Kristen Sheperd well.

Who played kristin on dallas

Mary Crosby did portray Kristen Sheperd well.

Which bugs me till this day why the writers constantly boxed-in characters like Kristin and Katherine until there was no way out but to kill them off. Okay, so Katherine scored a free pass when Bobby spun in the shower but her character came to nothing. It would have been best to keep Kristin alive with JR's offspring and have her pay an occasional visit to Dallas to spice things up. JR knew he couldn't touch her without his dirty little secret becoming exposed. Katherine on the other hand could have become a powerhouse business woman after neatly screwing Cliff out of his share in Wentworth Tool & Die. I think I have that right.

Imagine Kristin and Katherine crossing paths.

Who played kristin on dallas

Which bugs me till this day why the writers constantly boxed-in characters like Kristin and Katherine until there was no way out but to kill them off. Okay, so Katherine scored a free pass when Bobby spun in the shower but her character came to nothing. It would have been best to keep Kristin alive with JR's offspring and have her pay an occasional visit to Dallas to spice things up. JR knew he couldn't touch her without his dirty little secret becoming exposed. Katherine on the other hand could have become a powerhouse business woman after neatly screwing Cliff out of his share in Wentworth Tool & Die. I think I have that right.

Imagine Kristin and Katherine crossing paths.

I think Kristin was used extremely well. She's the one who shot JR - the most famous storyline in TV drama series history. Certainly the last episode of the storyline was the most watched episode in TV drama series history. Then she provided a great cliffhanger to the end of the fourth season - who drowned in the pool, was it Pam, Sue Ellen, Kristin? That was especially well done because Pam had just recently kidnapped John Ross and JR was pissed at her for doing that. Kristin was the ideal one to have been the victim bees she was the only one of the three who they didn't need. Now after watching Dallas numerous times and learning the psychology of how they do things, of course they always have the victim be the least valuable to the show of the potential victims, but at 13 years old when it first aired I thought it was amazing! I remember talking to a friend of mine who lived just one street over from me about it being Kristin. I hard a quote once about TV dramas once, and unfortunately I don't remember who said it or what the context was even, but it goes: "Some must die so that others may live." They needed someone to die sometimes to make amazing cliffhangers like the one where Kristin drowned. People dying from time to time makes the show ever so much more exciting than if nobody ever dies, and the characters always miraculously escape death. To create that feeling that yes, anything can happen including someone dying, sometimes a character needs to be sacrificed for the good of the show.

I think Katherine, had the character been created with that in mind, could have been "a powerhouse business woman" but she would have had to have been written with the right type of background to make that look credible. They wrote Katherine as a woman who had never worked in, or shown any interest in working in Wentworth Industries. Katherine was a TV news woman. There is no crossover value from that field to be make it possible for her to have moved on to operating at the top level of big business.

Last edited: Dec 23, 2019

Who played kristin on dallas

I always thougth that Mary Crosby would have a "better" career than the one she had post Dallas but she will go down in history as the "girl who shot JR" and an answer to a quiz question.

Who played kristin on dallas

Thanks @Ange

Who played kristin on dallas

Who played kristin on dallas

Barbara Belle Of The Ball said:

I always thougth that Mary Crosby would have a "better" career than the one she had post Dallas but she will go down in history as the "girl who shot JR" and an answer to a quiz question.

I kind of get the impression she was really kind of a homebody who wasn't really super-ambitious. Despite all the global hysteria and p.r. surrounding 'Who Shot JR?'.


Who played kristin on dallas

Who played kristin on dallas

Barbara Belle Of The Ball said:

I always thougth that Mary Crosby would have a "better" career than the one she had post Dallas but she will go down in history as the "girl who shot JR" and an answer to a quiz question.

Yes, but what a badge of honor to have. Immortalized for an eternity as the woman who shot that magnificent bastard, proud to admit it, then pour more scorn by proclaiming, "...not unless you want your child, born in prison."


Kristen was written as a one note character who had no redeeming qualities to her. She was a crappy sister to Sue Ellen who she undermined at every opportunity. Beds her sister's husband, shoots him and then frames her sister for attempted murder. They were sisters in name only. I know some fans believe that JR killed her. I don't buy that. The reason is that it had already been established that killing was not JR's thing. He even said so once to Bobby. Besides, if the type to have people killed or do it himself, he would have killed Cliff when he had the chance to on the field when they were rescuing Bobby and it would have been Pamela dead since she just kidnapped his son.

As for Katherine, I agree there were possibilities with Katherine that were never explored. True, Katherine did not seem to care about the company or least she did not try and join up after her father's death. My idea would have been for Katherine to have been in mourning for his death before taking her rightful role in the company. In any event, Rebecca was wrong to given Cliff the Presidency of her late husband's company and then in her will make Cliff and Pamela part owners of it. Katherine as a businesswoman would have been a great idea and again, missed opportunities with her.