Which of the following statements best explains the changes seen in S Pistillata in response?

AP Biology ExamSection I Multiple ChoiceInstructionsSection I of this exam contains10multiple-choice questions. Use your timeeffectively, working as quickly as you can without losing accuracy. Do not spend too muchtime on any one question. Go on to other questions and come back to the ones you havenot answered if you have time. It is not expected that everyone will know the answers to allof the multiple-choice questions. Your total score on Section I is based only on the numberof questions answered correctly. Points are not deducted for incorrect answers orunanswered questions.1.Many species of corals are threatened by the increasing temperatures and decreasing pHof ocean waters. One species, Stylophora pistillata, has been found to thrive in water that iswarmer and has a lower pH than the water that corals typically thrive in. Additionally,researchers have found that the tolerance for the new water conditions is heritable.Which of the following statements best explains the changes seen in S. pistillata in responseto the changing water conditions?(A) The corals’ adaptation is an example of natural selection because the tolerance is inresponse to a changing environment and has a genetic basis.(B) The corals’ adaptation is an example of the founder effect because the majority of coralsdo not have a tolerance for warmer water.(C) The corals’ adaptation is an example of genetic drift because the change was a chanceevent and not the result of selection in response to environmental change.(D) The corals’ adaptation is an example of adaptive radiation because it has resulted in awide range of species adapting to the new ocean conditions.

2.A researcher measured the temperature at which two different samples of double-strandedDNA denature (separate into single strands). Sample 1 denatured at a significantly lowertemperature than sample 2 did. Based on the data, the researcher claims that the DNA insample 2 is composed of a higher percentage of guanine and cytosine than the DNA insample 1 is.Which of the following best supports the researcher’s claim?

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