Which of the following scenarios took place in the federal government immediately after Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in April 1866?

American History Exam 4

According to the Constitution, which branch of government is responsible for readmitting states that have seceded from the Union?

The constitution does not address this question

Which of the following describe Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan, which he announced in December 1863?

Its specific that a states could return to the union when 10% of its voters took an oath of loyalty to the Union

How was the Wade- Davis Bill of 1864 different from Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan?

Its stipulated that new southern government could be reformed only by those who had not fought against the north in the civil war

How did Abraham Lincoln responded to the Wade Davis Bill in 1864?

He did not sign it, he open talk with key congressional representatives to find a compromise solution

Southern whites responded to the end of slavery by enacting

Under President Johnson's restoration plan, high-ranking Confederate leaders and wealthy southerners

Conserve as delegates to conventions that were called to consider ratification of the 13th amendment

Which of the following statements describes the Freedom's Bureau, which originated in 1865?

Created by congress, it help ex-slaves adjust to freedom and secure their basic civil rights

The Civil Rights Act of 1866

Asserted that all former slaves would receive equal protection under the law

Why did president Johnson veto the Freedmen's Bureau law and Civil Rights Act in 1866?

He held racist sentiments and was concerned the bills pushed the nation toward too much centralization.

Which of the events spurred Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act in April 1866?

The eruption of anti- black violence in various parts of the south

Which of the following scenarios took place in the federal government immediately after Congress passed the Civil Rights in April 1866?

Republicans introduced an amendment declaring that all person born or naturalized in the US were citizens; 14th

Which are the following statements describes Radical Reconstruction?

It aimed to reform the south and increase federal power

Which of the following was the final outcome of the congressional campaigns and election of 1866?

Johnson suffered a humiliating defeat and republican gain a 3 to 1 margin in congress

Which of the following pairs identified with the Radical Republicans?

Charles Sumner; Thaddeus Stevens

Which of the following was the official reason congress cited for impeaching Andrew Johnson?

He infringed on the powers of congress, he was impeached for "High crimes and misdeameanors" including several violations of the Tenure of Office Act

Which of the following statements characterized the congressional impeachment of Andrew Johnson?

Radical republican failed to removed Johnson from office but they damaged his power and authority

What was the outcomes of the 1868 election?

Republican won the presidency and retained their 2/3rd majority in both houses

Ratified in 1870, the Fifteenth Amendment

Forbids states from denying an citizen the right to vote on the grounds of race, color, and previous condition of a slaves

Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

The civil rights acts of 1866 allowed former enslaves people full access to the courts

Through which of the following practices did southerns avoid giving former slaves the right to vote?

Why was it necessary to add the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitutions following the Civil War?

The Constitution had condoned slavery and allowed states to set up voting requirements

Which of these reforms originates with the Grant Administration?

Securing the rights to vote for all male citizens regardless of race

Which of the following was Elizabeth Cady Stanton's response to the denial of women's suffrage while freedmen and immigrant men were being enfranchised?

Made a racist attack on an uneducated black man who could vote while educated white women could not

Granting suffrage to African American males caused

A split in the women's movement

Which of the following statements characteristics the women's suffrage movement after the Civil War?

Most suffragist agreed that they should concentrate on securing voting rights for African American man as a means to press for the same rights for all women

Expecting freedom from slavery near the end of Civil War, most African Americans were eager to

Vote and secure land for economic independence

Which of the following statements describes the resettlement of former slaves in the South?

Under Johnson's amnesty ex confederate were allowed to recover their land and freed man were force to work for them or leave

Why were many congressional leaders unwilling to consider breaking up plantations and distributing plots for independence farms to freed slaves?

They hoped to restore cotton cultivation and the export of American cotton

Which of these statements describes the status of African American women in the Reconstruction- era South?

Freed women valued their new rights to marry legally and their opportunity to create a stable family life

Many African American sharecroppers became trapped in a vicious cycle of debt after the Civil War mainly because

They could not pay the high prices and interest that whites charged as the price of cotton declined in the 1870s

Which statement describes the sharecropping system that emerged to replace slavery in the South after the Civil War?

Most share croppers believed it was preferable to a wage labor system

Which of the following groups composed the largest percentage of registered voters in Alabama and Mississippi in the late 1860s?

Some southerners used the term scalawags to describe

Southerns who supported the process of reconstruction

During Reconstruction, why was southern Democrats' dismissal of black politicians as ignorant field hands misguided?

Many had been free artisans and tradesmen

Those who participated in the creation and implementation of Radical Reconstruction intended to

Create a new south with full equality and without racism, rebuild South in the Norths image

Southern Republican state Reconstruction government pursued which of the following goals?

Expanding the legal or married women, ending the sharecropping system

A secret organization that functioned as the grassroots wing of Radical Republicanism in the South was called the

The Republication state Reconstruction governments in the South made significant and long- lasting achievements in

One critical flaw of southern Reconstruction governments was their

Support of the convict leasing system

Which of the following became critical community institutions for African Americans throughout the South during Reconstruction?

Why was the Civil Rights Acts of 1875 significant?

The legislation was the last congressional effort to address civil rights until the 1960s

Which politician's death marked the waning of Radical Reconstruction?

In the 1872 presidential election, the still disorganized Democratic Party

Allied with the reform minded liberal republicans

Ex- Confederates who sought to return political and economic control of the south to white southerners after the Civil War were known as

What was the goal of the Ku Klux Klan under the leadership of former Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest in 1866?

To use an means to damage the republicans government of Tenessee

In the Reconstruction South, the Klu Klux Klan was

Often indistinguishable from the democratic party

Reconstruction ended in 1877 because

The North lost interest in the cause

Why did Republicans nominate Rutherford B. Hayes for President in 1876?

He had won a reputation for honesty and appeared to be safe from the charges for cooruption

Which of the following statements describes the election of 1876?

The democratic candidate won the popular vote, but the republican official in three southern states certified republican victories, sending two sets of electoral votes to congress

Why was the election of 1876 significant?

The outcomes was determined by electoral commission established by congress