Which of the following is not a benefit of laptop design?

Which of the following is not a benefit of laptop design?

Hello Learners, Today we will learn what are the advantages and disadvantages of laptops?In this post, I will explain the advantages of a laptop computer and the disadvantages of a laptop computer.This Article is Best on the whole internet.If you read this article carefully you will understand the pros and cons of a laptop.

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There are many advantages of a laptop computer is given below.

  • Portable
  • Instant Result
  • Lightweight
  • Internet Access
  • Small In Size
  • Battery Backup
  • Finished Product
  • Offline Operations
  • No cables & Cords

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The first main advantage of a laptop computer as compared to a desktop computer is being portable. This means that a laptop is a portable computer.

A portable computer means a computer device that is small in size, light in weight, which you can carry very easily from one place to another.

By the way, there are many types of portable computers, which are used to do many types of work.

I hope you understand Portable.

Instant is also an advantage of using a laptop computer. The laptop completes any of your instructions immediately because the laptop has a fast processing unit.In simple words, the laptop gives the output of the user's input data immediately, whatever the data may be.

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The third advantage of using a laptop computer is that laptops are very light in weight.Laptop computers are designed in such a way that they are lightweight so that people of any age can carry laptop computers very easily.

Due to laptop computer being light in weight, you can use the laptop anywhere, there are many uses of a laptop in our life.

I hope you understand lightweight.

The advantage of using a laptop computer is that you can also use the Internet on your laptop. In this way, you can run the internet on the desktop computer too, but there are many advantages of running the internet on a laptop.On laptop computers, you can also access the Internet through Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi means that you can access the Internet wirelessly on your laptop.With the use of internet through the wireless medium in laptop, you can run internet anywhere like - school, college, railway station, airport, hostel, and restaurant, etc.

You can also access the internet on your laptop from your mobile hotspot.

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One advantage of using a laptop computer is that laptops are smaller in size as compared to desktop computers.

To use the laptop, not much space is required, you can keep the laptop even in less space.

Due to the small size of the laptop, you can keep it in your briefcase and take it anywhere.

Another advantage of using a laptop computer is that the laptop already has a battery so that you do not need to install a separate UPS.Desktop computers have a separate UPS installed whereas laptops have an inbuilt UPS battery. Even after the line is gone, you can do your work on your laptop for a few hours because the battery backup of the laptop lasts for 4 to 6 hours.Due to the inbuilt battery in the laptop, you can use the laptop even in a garden where there is no electricity.

I hope you understand the advantages of a laptop.

One advantage of using a laptop computer is that you do not need to connect any separate peripheral device to the laptop.

All the devices are already present in the laptop like - monitor screen, keyboard, mouse (touchpad), speaker, microphone, and an inbuilt camera, etc.

I hope you understand the finished product.

One advantage of using a laptop computer is that you can do many offline operations on a laptop.Offline operations mean doing many things through a laptop computer without the internet.Many software of laptops work offline like - you can do video editing on a laptop, edit photos, play offline games, make drawings, and also do your office work, etc.

I hope you understand offline operations.

Another advantage of using a laptop computer is that laptop computers have No Cables and Cords as compared to desktop computers.You must have seen that the desktop computer has a network of wires such as monitor wire, mouse wire, keyboard wire, and all these wires connect to the CPU.But the laptop computer gets rid of these many wires because all the peripherals of the laptop are inbuilt.

I hope you understand this.

There are many advantages of using laptop for students, which are given below.

Learning - Students can learn a lot online with the use of laptop.

Read - Using laptop, students can read tuition online sitting at home.

Making Notes - With the use of laptops, students today can make e-notes of any subject and read them as well. e-notes like - pdf file, word file, etc.

There are many disadvantages of laptop computer, which are given below.

  • Durability
  • Sensitivity
  • Higher Cost
  • Health issues
  • Security Issue
  • Frequent Updates
  • Limited Battery Backup
  • Maintenance is Expensive

These all are disadvantages of using laptop computer. 

The first disadvantage of using a laptop computer is that the laptop does not have tolerance. This means that the laptop is not able to bear the load of your hard work, due to working too hard, the laptop heats up very quickly.Your laptop can also get damaged due to overheating, which will interrupt your work, which is not right.

I hope you understand Durability.

The disadvantage of using a laptop computer is that the laptop is a very delicate device.The body of a laptop computer is ever weaker than that of a desktop computer. Every part of a desktop computer is strong whereas no part of a laptop computer is strong such as screen, keyboard, laptop body, etc.

In simple words, laptop computer gets damaged very quickly.

The disadvantage of using a laptop computer is that laptop computers are expensive.

Laptop computers are very expensive as compared to desktop computers which not every common man can afford. Due to being expensive, not everyone uses a laptop computer, whereas desktop computers are used by most people.

Using a laptop computer on your lap causes damage to your body parts, which can also lead to a serious illness. Therefore, never use a laptop computer by keeping it in your lap.Using a laptop computer for a long time also damages your eyes, so the laptop should never be used for a long time.

I hope you understand this.

It is also a disadvantage of using a laptop computer that the data of a laptop computer is not secure. Because most people use laptop computers to access the Internet.Internet access means that people mostly use laptops to do online work, due to which there is a possibility of theft of your laptop's data.

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It is also a disadvantage of using a laptop computer that the software of a laptop computer has to be upgraded frequently.Laptop drivers also have to be upgraded frequently, which is a problem for a laptop user, if you do not update your laptop's software or drivers, then it does not work properly.

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There is also a disadvantage of using a laptop computer in that the battery backup of the laptop computer lasts only for a limited time.The battery of a laptop computer lasts only for a limited time, after the electricity is gone, you can use the laptop only for a limited time, after that your laptop will shut down.If you do your work after the electricity is gone and do not save that work, then after the battery backup of the laptop is over, your laptop will be turned off, due to which all your work will also be deleted.

I hope you understand the limited battery backup of the laptop.

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There is also a disadvantage of using a laptop computer that it is expensive to maintain a laptop computer, which is outside the bus from a common man.Maintenance means that when your laptop gets damaged or any part of the laptop goes corrupt, it costs a lot to build a laptop as compared to a desktop computer because the parts of a laptop computer are expensive.

I hope you understand this.

Excessive use of laptop computer causes a lot of harm to the student, according to me, a student should not use too much laptop because more use of laptop computer wastes more time of a student which is not right.

If a student uses the laptop more, then that student will study less and uses the laptop mostly for unnecessary things like playing games, watching movies, etc.

We hope that you have fully understood about advantages and disadvantages of laptop computer, if you still have not understood, then please comment on us.

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