Which of the following best describes the effect that new information technology has on society?

They result in new situations that are not covered by old laws. Which of the following best describes how new information systems result in legal gray areas? It has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and political issues


Which of the following ethical principles describe that if an action Cannot be taken repeatedly It is not right to take at all?

3. Descartes rule of change: If an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it should not be taken at any time. 4. The Utilitarian Principle: Take the action that achieves the higher or greater value.

Which of the following is the best description of intellectual property?

Which of the following best describes intellectual property? It refers to the ownership of patents, copyrights, and trademarks. __________ are programs for managing, retaining, and promoting different types of people in the workforce. Amal owns a food company.

What means that you accept the potential costs and obligations for the decision you make?

Responsibility means that you accept the potential costs, duties, and obligations for the decisions you make. Accountability is a feature of systems and social institutions: It means that mechanisms are in place to determine who took responsible action, who is responsible.

Which of the following best describes the effect that new information technology?

Which of the following best describes the effect that new information technology has on society? It has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and political issues.

What are the three main activities of an information system?

Input, processing, and output are the three activities in an information system that produce the information an organization needs. Input captures or collects raw data from within the organization or from its external environment. Processing converts this raw input into a meaningful form.

Which ethical rule states that if an action Cannot be taken repeatedly Mcq?

If an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it is not right to take at all (Descartes rule of change). This is the slippery-slope rule: An action may bring about a small change now that is acceptable, but if repeated would bring unacceptable changes in the long run.

What is an information system quizlet?

What is an information system? An integrated human-machine system that combines hardware, software, databases, and telecommunications networks. It collects and processes data into information used for decision making at all levels of the organization.

3. Descartes rule of change: If an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it should not be taken at any time. 4. The Utilitarian Principle: Take the action that achieves the higher or greater value.

What are the 4 ethical principles?

Beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice constitute the 4 principles of ethics.

What is the ethical principle of beneficence?

The principle of beneficence is a moral obligation to act for the benefit of others.

What is beneficence and non-maleficence?

The Beneficence principle refers to actions that promote the well-being of others. The duty of professionals should be to benefit a party, as well as to take positive steps to prevent and to remove harm from the party. Non-maleficence reminds you that the primary concern when carrying out a task is to do no harm.

Which of the following is intellectual property?

Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks, and Trade Secrets Four Types of Intellectual Properties.

What is intellectual property quizlet?

Intellectual property (IP) is the property of your mind or proprietary knowledge. It can be an invention, a trade mark, a design or the practical application of your idea.

What type of property is intellectual property?

Intellectual property is usually considered intangible property. – Prepare derivative works based on the original work (such as a sequel to a book featuring the same characters). Using copyrighted material without the owners permission is known as copyright infringement.

Which one of the following is an example of intellectual property?

Examples of intellectual property are books, songs, movies, paintings, inventions,chemical formulas, and computer programs.

What refers to the principles of right and wrong that individuals use to make choices?

refers to the principles of right and wrong that individual use to make choices that guide their behavior. Deciding what is right or wrong is not always easy or clear cut.

Which US Act restricts the information the federal government can collect and regulates what It can do with the information?

3. Descartes rule of change: If an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it should not be taken at any time. 4. The Utilitarian Principle: Take the action that achieves the higher or greater value.

Which of the five moral dimensions of the information age do the central business activities of DoubleClick raise?

The Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, 5 U.S.C. xa7 552a, establishes a code of fair information practices that governs the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of information about individuals that is maintained in systems of records by federal agencies.

Which of the following best describes intellectual property?

They result in new situations that are not covered by old laws. Which of the following best describes how new information systems result in legal gray areas? It has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and political issues

Is a feature of law governed society and involves having laws that are known and understood?

3. Descartes rule of change: If an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it should not be taken at any time. 4. The Utilitarian Principle: Take the action that achieves the higher or greater value.

What are 3 main activities of information systems?

The major activities of an information system are;

  • Input of Data Resource.
  • Processing of Data into Information.
  • Output of Information Products.
  • Storage of Data Resource.
  • Control of System Performance.

What are the main activities of an information system?

A work system is a system in which humans or machines perform processes and activities using resources to produce specific products or services for customers. An information system is a work system whose activities are devoted to capturing, transmitting, storing, retrieving, manipulating and displaying information

What are the three types of information systems?

Information systems serve each of these levels and functions. Three main categories of information systems serve different organizational levels: operational-level systems, management-level systems, and strategic-level systems

Which ethical rule states that if an action Cannot be taken repeatedly?

(3) Slippery slope rule – If an action cannot be taken repeatedly its not right to take at all. (4) Utilitarian principle – Take action that achieves higher or greater value than others.