When writing a routine message, how is the explanation developed?

  • Apply the three-step process to routine and positive messages.
    • Step 1: Planning a routine or positive message.
      • Analyze the situation, gather information, selectt he right medium for the messages
    • Step 2: Writing a routine or positive message
      • Open by stating the request or main idea.
      • Give necessary details in the body.
      • Close with a cordial request for specific action.
    • Step 3: Completing a routine or positive message
      • Revise, produce, proofread, and distribute it.
  • Outline an effective strategy for writing routine requests.
    • Stating your requests up front
      • pay attention to tone, assume you audience will comply, be specific
    • Explaining and justifying you request
      • ask the most important questions first
      • ask only relevant questions
      • deal with onlyone topic per question.
  • Explain how to ask for specific action in a courteous manner.
    • Requesting specific action in a courteous close
      • Close request messages with
        • A request for some specific action
        • information about how you can be reached
        • An expression of appreciation
  • Describe a strategy for writing routine replies and positive messages.
    • An opening, a body, and a close
      • Place your main idea in the body, use the body to explain all relevant details, and close cordially
      • Use the direct approach for positive messages
      • Prepare your audience for the detail that follows by beginning your positive message with the main idea or good news.
      • Look for ways to present negative information in a positive context.
      • Make sure audience members understand what to do next and how that action will benefit them.
  • Discuss the importance of knowing who is responsible when granting claims and requests for adjustment.
    • Acknowledge receipt of the customer's claim or complaint
    • Take (or assign) personal responsibility for setting matters straight
    • Sympathize with the customer's inconvenience or frustration
    • Explain precisely how you have resolved or plan to resolve the situation
    • Take steps to repair the relationship
    • Follow up to verify that your response was correct
    • If you grant a claim when the customer is at fault, look for diplomatic ways to discourage the errant behavior in the future
  • Describe the importance of goodwill messages, and explain how to make them effective.
    • Goodwill is the positive feeling that encourages people to maintain a business relationship.
    • Make sure comments are sincere and honest.
    • Taking note of significant events in someone's personal life helps cement a business relationship.
    • Offering Condolences
      • Keep reminiscences brief
      • Write in your own words
      • Be tactful

In the direct approach to writing a routine request,state the main idea

If there are deadlines for the request,where should those be stated?

A typical routine request contains all of the following parts EXCEPT

Which of the following assumption can you make about how the audience will comply with a routine request?


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In addition to information or action from another party,when are routine messages most often used?


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Which of the following will enable the reader to respond to complex requests?


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Which of the following would be the best opening for a routine request?


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How should a series of questions be handled in a routine request?


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When asking questions in a request message,you should do which of the following?


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Which of the following is one of the elements to include in the courteous close of a routine request?


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In the closing section of a routine request,________ would be out of place.


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Which of the following should the middle paragraph of a routine request be used for?


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When writing a routine message,how is the explanation developed?


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In a routine request,where do you explain the request,if an explanation is needed?


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When closing a direct request,you should be sure to include which of the following?


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In a routine request,what should be included in the body of the message?


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Which of the following is used to begin a routine request when using the direct approach?


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Which of the following is one element to include in a courteous close?


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In a routine request,in which part of the message should you make your request?


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When you're composing a routine request,all of the following EXCEPT ________ will help you state your request effectively.


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