When assignments are received in The giver

“We failed in our last selection,” the Chief Elder said solemnly.

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Just before the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas and the other Elevens line up by number—in addition to his or her name, each child has a number that was assigned at birth, showing the order in which he or she was born. Jonas is Nineteen; his friend Fiona is Eighteen. The Chief Elder, the elected leader of the community, gives a speech before the Ceremony, noting that it is the one time the community recognizes the differences between the children rather than ignoring them as is customary and polite. Jonas watches and listens as his classmates receive their Assignments. His friend Asher is assigned the position of Assistant Director of Recreation after the Chief Elder gives a long and humorous speech about Asher’s pleasant, fun-loving nature and the trouble he has had in using precise language. She recalls a time when Asher confused the words “snack” and “smack” at the Childcare Center, and received a smack with the discipline wand every time. She laughs as she remembers that for a while, three-year-old Asher refused to talk at all, but that “he learned . . . [a]nd now his lapses are very few.” Jonas is relieved that Asher has received a wonderful Assignment and happy to see that his other classmates are pleased with their Assignments too.

But when Jonas’s turn comes, the Chief Elder skips over him, moving from Eighteen to Twenty without acknowledging him. Jonas endures the rest of the Ceremony in horrible embarrassment and worry, wondering what he has done wrong. The audience is concerned too—they are unused to disorder and mistakes. At the end of the Ceremony, the Chief Elder apologizes for causing the audience concern and causing Jonas anguish. She tells him that he has been selected for a very special position, that of Receiver of Memory. The community has only one Receiver at a time, and the current one—a bearded man with pale eyes like Jonas’s, sitting with the Committee of Elders—is very old and needs to train a successor. The Chief Elder explains that ten years ago, a new Receiver had been selected, but the selection had been a terrible failure. After Jonas was identified as a possible Receiver, the Elders watched him very carefully and made a unanimous decision to select him, despite the strict selection criteria. To begin with, the candidate for Receiver can be rejected if any of the Elders so much as dreams that he might not be the best selection. The Receiver also needs to possess intelligence, integrity, and courage, as well as the ability to acquire wisdom. Courage is especially important, because as the Receiver, Jonas will experience real pain, something no one else in the community experiences. The job also requires the “Capacity to See Beyond.” Jonas does not believe he has this capacity, but then he looks out at the crowd and sees their faces change, the way the apple changed in midair. He realizes he does have it after all. The Chief Elder thanks him for his childhood, and the crowd accepts him as the new Receiver by chanting his name louder and louder. Jonas feels gratitude, pride, and fear at the same time.

Although his training, which will keep him apart from other members of the community, has not yet begun, Jonas immediately begins to feel isolated from his friends and family, who treat him differently from before, though very respectfully. At home, his family is quieter than usual, though his parents tell him that they are very honored that he has been selected as Receiver. When he asks about the previous, failed selection, they reluctantly tell him that the name of the female selected ten years ago is Not-to-Be-Spoken, indicating the highest degree of disgrace.

Before bed, Jonas looks over the single sheet of paper in his Assignment folder. He learns that he is exempted from rules governing rudeness—he can ask anyone any question he likes and expect an answer—that he is not allowed to discuss his training with anyone, that he is not allowed to tell his dreams to anyone, that he cannot apply for medication unless it is for an illness unrelated to his training, that he cannot apply for release, and that he is allowed to lie. He also learns that he will have very little time for recreation and wonders what will happen to his friendships. The other instructions disturb him too—he cannot imagine being rude, nor can he imagine not having access to medication. In his community, medicine is always instantly delivered to stop pain of any kind, and the idea that his training involves excruciating pain is almost incomprehensible. He cannot imagine lying, either, having been trained since childhood to speak with total precision and accuracy, even avoiding exaggeration and figures of speech. He wonders if anyone else in his community is allowed to lie too.


The Chief Elder’s description of Asher’s childhood troubles gives us our first concrete example of the real cruelty that keeps the community so peaceful and happy. Though Asher seems to be a well-adjusted child, the idea that a normal three-year-old child’s confusion of two similar words could be so systematically and coldheartedly punished is difficult to accept. When a child whose language development had been progressing normally suddenly regresses into silence from constant physical punishment, that is evidence of severe trauma. Several events in the novel have already made us wonder if the peace and order of the society is worth the sacrifices its members have to make—sacrifices of individual freedom, deep personal relationships, and sexual pleasure—but Asher’s punishments demonstrate the severity of those sacrifices and help us to understand how intolerant the community is of differences and personality quirks.

Read an in-depth analysis of Asher.

Of course, the Ceremony of Twelve is the time when the community celebrates differences, and for Jonas it is the time when his own differences are made uncomfortably clear. His anguish and discomfort at being singled out at the Ceremony is only his first taste of the isolation he will experience as the new Receiver—the only member of the community whose life experience is appreciably different from anyone else’s. His family’s quiet respect for him and his friends’ distant behavior contribute to this growing feeling of isolation. Jonas is already different—already he has the ability to see beyond—but until now, he has not felt particularly different, and it has not occurred to him to criticize or question many of the community’s rules and practices. Interestingly, the role he is assigned, in accentuating his differences, encourages him to question those rules and practices, as he begins to do at the end of Chapter 9. The rules that permit him to act differently—he is permitted to be rude and to lie, among other things—encourage him to think differently: his permission to lie makes him wonder for the first time if other people in his society are permitted to lie too. Jonas loses some of his faith and trust in the members of his community. This slight loss of trust reminds us how dangerous it is to the structure of Jonas’s society to permit free choice or to encourage free thought.

Read more about the importance of the individual as a theme.

The old Receiver’s eyes are the same color as Jonas’s and the newchild Gabriel’s. Since Jonas’s eyes already have a metaphorical meaning in the story, symbolizing his uniqueness, his isolation from his community, and his depth of vision (both physical and mental), we immediately associate those qualities with the Receiver too. The shared eye color links the Receiver and Jonas, suggesting that Jonas was destined to be the Receiver even before his abilities were recognized by the Committee of Elders. This destiny could be genetic—the genes giving Jonas and the Receiver light eyes might also govern their personality traits and their abilities to see beyond—or it could be more mystical in nature, with the light eyes serving as a mark of special, mysterious powers. Lowry’s use of light eyes as a kind of talisman indicating powers that Jonas cannot explain or understand foreshadows Jonas’s training later in the novel, when the memories of the Receiver, as well as the way he transmits them, take on a mystical, inexplicable quality that demonstrates how little the other members of the community understand them.

Read important quotes about individuality.

The fact that the newchild Gabriel has the same color eyes as Jonas and the Receiver indicates that his character will play a very significant role in the novel. His eyes have already marked him as unusual, and they have already linked him to Jonas, but the fact that he shares qualities with the Receiver suggests that he is even more special—that he, too, might be gifted with mysterious powers.

Assignments are made by selection of a committee that carefully reviews personalities and volunteer work. In the community, children are given the assignments they will have as adults when they are twelve years old.

Where do people get their career assignments in The Giver?

The assignments are determined by The Elders, who closely observe the child for several years before the time of the Ceremony of Twelve in order to find the best fit for their assignment.

Who gives the assignments in The Giver?

Assignments are “secret selections” made by the Committee of Elders in order to determine what individuals will do in their lives. In order to make their selections, the Elders first carefully observe the individuals under consideration.

How do children in the community get their assignments in The Giver?

Unlike in our world, children in the community do not get to choose their own jobs. The assignments are selected for them by a committee. … They are carefully observed, especially for the year that they are eleven, by a committee. During the past year he had been aware of the increasing level of observation.

When the assignments are received in The Giver?

Hover for more information. In the community featured in The Giver, The Ceremony of Twelve is the incredibly significant event in which young people receive their “Assignment,” or the job they will perform until they enter the House of the Old.

What is the ultimate punishment in The Giver?

Being “released” is the ultimate punishment in this community.

Why is age not important after 12 in The Giver?

After Twelve, age isn’t important. Most of us even lose track of how old we are as time passes, though the information is in the Hall of Open Records, and we could go and look it up if we wanted to. What’s important is the preparation for adult life, and the training you’ll receive in your Assignment. “

Why does The Giver sometimes send Jonas away without training?

Some days, The Giver sends Jonas away because The Giver is in too much pain to be able to train Jonas. Jonas spends this free time by himself, disappointed and worried about his future and about The Giver.

How old is Lily in The Giver?

Lily is seven years old at the beginning of the novel. She joins the eight-year-olds when her brother Jonas becomes twelve.

At what age did everyone stop celebrating birthdays The Giver?

Question Answer
What was unusual about the number of children of any age in Jonas’s community? there was always 50 children of each age
What rule had Father broken? he looked up Gabe’s name
Who was the Receiver? the most important Elder
At what age did everyone stop celebrating birthdays? 12

What do families have to do acquire a child in the giver?

The community Elders decide that they are compatible. That basically means that they get along. They will live together for a while to make sure, but not too long, because the whole purpose of the family unit is to raise the children. … Jonas’s parents waited four years before they got their second child.

Why is Jonas worried about Asher?

Jonas is concerned for Asher because he does not ever seem to get anything done. He even sometimes avoids Asher during volunteer work because “Asher frequently fooled around and made serious work a little difficult” (ch 4, p. 26).

What assignment did Asher receive?

His friend Asher is assigned the position of Assistant Director of Recreation after the Chief Elder gives a long and humorous speech about Asher’s pleasant, fun-loving nature and the trouble he has had in using precise language.

Why was Asher punished in the giver?

In The Giver, Asher was punished as a child for confusing the words “snack” and “smack” because the community values precise language. … Jonas mentions that precise language is necessary to ensure that “unintentional lies were never uttered.”

What are the consequences of lying in the giver?

If people are allowed to lie, they can lie to authorities as well, and those authorities would lose control. Jonas is told that he can lie and we could imagine how this might be crucial to his role as a Receiver of Memories.

Why is Lily anxious at 10?

Why is Lily anxious to turn 10? She can cut her hair and will not have to wear ribbons. The wind whistled as Jonas sped by on his bike. What type of figurative language is being used?