What type of research will assist a nurse researcher in focusing on the theory and development of measurement instruments?

Which method of data collection is most appropriate for a nurse researcher to use In a survey study?

Why would a nurse researcher choose to use research studies that examine the associations or relationships between variables

There is application in clinical settings and a foundation for future Experimental studies

Why would a nurse researcher choose not to use a survey study design

Information collected is relatively superficial

A nurse researcher would choose to use a correlational study of multiple variables for which purpose?

To examine relationships between or among variables

Why would a nurse researcher choose to use correlational design for a non-experimental study

It represents an efficient and effective method of collecting large amount of data about a problem

A nurse researcher will choose to use a developmental study design to do what

Allow exploration of the changing nature of relationships between variables overtime

Which statement about cross-sectional studies is most accurate?

More than one group can be compared

A nurse researcher would decide to use longitudinal or prospective design for which reason

It is associated with data that are focused and deep

A nurse researcher would decide to use retrospective or Ex post facto study for which reason

The dependent variable has already been affected by the independent variable

A nurse researcher will choose an ex post facto design over more a correlational designed for which reason

There is a greater degree of control in the design

Which type of study should be used when data are collected at only one point in time

Data collection instruments were sent to the same sample of women at six different times during the first year of living with breast cancer. What type of study design does this exemplified?

What threat to internal validity is most closely associated with a longitudinal design

What design allows study participants to serve their own controls, allowing early Trends in the data to emerge?

The longitudinal study and the prospective study are similar for which reason?

Each moves forward in time

Which type of research will assist a nurse researcher in focusing on theory and development of measurement instruments

How does an experimental research design differ from nonexperimental research design?

Non-experimental designs attempt to test differences among variables, and experimental designs attempt to establish cause-and-effect relationships

Advantages to use of correlational design for a study include what? Select all that apply

Efficiency and effectiveness in Data collectionFlexibility for investigating complex relationships

Strong potential for clinical real world application

What features identify a steady as methodologic in design? Select all that apply

A description of how the tools items were formulatedA clear definition of how the construct was measured

A reporting on the tools tested reliability and validity

What can a nurse researcher address in a study using a survey design? Select all that apply

Interrelationship of variablesDescription of variables

Assessment of differences between variables

Which type of research designs are considered to be survey studies? Select all that apply



Which types of research designs are considered to be relationship-difference studies? select all that apply



Which type of research designs are considered to be developmental studies? Select all that apply

Cross sectionalLongitudinalProspective


What terms mean a summation and assessment of research studies found in the literature based on a clearly focus question?

The highest level of evidence is known to be provided by what

What is known to contain bibliographic information on articles and books on reviewing research and methodological studies

Cochran methodology register

What source contains information on studies published in conference proceedings and other sources not available in other databases?

Cochran central register of controlled trials

Which are methods for searching and integrating the literature related to a specific clinical issue select all that apply

Systematic review
Integrative review

Number the order of pieces in order that they should be found in a Cochrane review

1. Abstract2. Plain language summary3.type of studies reviewed4. Types of participants5. Implications for research and practice6. Search methods for finding studies7.authors and contact person8. Objectives of the search9. Analysis of the located studies10. Plain language summary11. Results12. Reference and tables13.data collection??14.methods for selecting studies for review

15. Discussions

What is the first question that should be asked in determining whether a cross-sectional design or longitudinal design should be used in a quantitative study?

What is the nature of the problem being studied?

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