What does gravida 3 para 2 mean?

: a pregnant woman —often used with a number to indicate the number of pregnancies a woman has had a gravida 4.

What is gravida abortion?

Quick version: Gravida means pregnancies and Para means live births. If your patient has had a miscarriage and two live births, you could say she was Gravida 3, Para 2 or simply G3 P2. If the patient has had an abortion, a third notation (A) for Abortus can be used.

Where does the term gravida come from?

The term gravida comes from the Latin word gravidus which is used to describe a woman who is pregnant. Tyria is a reference to Tyre, which was where many of these types of figures have been found.

What does G3P1011 mean?

® G3P1011- a woman who is currently pregnant, had one full term delivery and one abortion or. miscarriage and one living child. ® G2P1002- a woman who is currently pregnant. and had twins in her first pregnancy.

What does g4 p2 mean?

Obstetric history: 4-2-2-4. Alternatively, spell out the terms as follows: 4 term infants, 2 premature infants, 2 abortions, 4 living children.

Do twins count as para 2?

Para OR Parity is the number of completed pregnancies beyond 20 weeks gestation (whether viable or nonviable). The number of fetuses delivered does not determine the parity. A woman who has been pregnant once and delivered twins after 20 weeks would be noted to be a Gravid 1 Para 1.

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What is a nulliparous woman?

“Nulliparous” is a fancy medical word used to describe a woman who hasn’t given birth to a child. It doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s never been pregnant — someone who’s had a miscarriage, stillbirth, or elective abortion but has never given birth to a live baby is still referred to as nulliparous.

What is EDC pregnancy?

The accurate determination of a patient’s “due” date, referred to by doctors and midwives as the EDC ( Estimated Date of Confinement ) or EDD (Estimated Date of Delivery), is very important for a variety of reasons.

What does PEXY mean?

The combining form -pexy is used like a suffix meaning “ solidity.” It is often used in medical terms, especially in surgery for procedures that fix an organ into place.

What is gravida 3 para 2 mean?

Prepartum, postpartum (before and after delivery), dystocia (difficult delivery) EXAMPLE: On an OB patient’s chart you may see the abbreviations: gravida 3, para 2. This means three pregnancies, two live births. The OB patient, currently pregnant with her third baby, will become a Gravida 3, Para 3 after giving birth.

What does Tocia mean?

-tocia is a suffix meaning labor (childbirth).

What is G and P in pregnancy?

Gravida is the number of pregnancies a woman has had. A multiple gestation counts as a single pregnancy. Para is the number of completed pregnancies beyond 20 weeks gestation (whether viable or nonviable). A multiple gestation counts as a single birth.

What does Para mean in labor and delivery?

Parity, or “para”, indicates the number of pregnancies reaching viable gestational age (including live births and stillbirths). The number of fetuses does not determine the parity.

EMTprep Staff Updated Jan 14, 2022

Gravidity and parity are important parts of a complete obstetric history. To put it simply:

  • Gravidity (gravida) is the number of times a patient has been pregnant. This includes a current pregnancy
  • Parity (para) is the number of times a patient has given birth to a viable child
  • Abortus is the term used to describe a pregnancy that ended for any given reason, including both abortions and miscarriages. A key thing to remember is that when scoring a Mother's Gravida/Para, you drop the Abortus portion if it's zero. 
  • These numbers may be different due to a previous miscarriage, a previously terminated pregnancy (abortion), or because the patient is currently pregnant.

For example:

  • A woman who has had 3 pregnancies and 2 live births is a Gravida 3, Para 2 (or G3P2)
  • If she is currently pregnant again, she becomes a Gravida 4, Para 2
  • If she successfully delivers her 3rd child, she becomes a Gravida 4, Para 3

Even though there are multiple fetuses involved, multiple gestation pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc) only count as a single event

This information is important for a few reasons:

  • A patient’s first pregnancy is often much different than subsequent pregnancies and carries unique risks
  • Each pregnancy and birthing event affect a mother’s reproductive organs in a way that may alter their risk of complications
  • Certain risks are associated with having several previous pregnancies

Nullipara is a patient who has never given birth

Primigravida is a patient experiencing their first pregnancy

  • Patients in their first pregnancy are much more likely to experience pre-eclampsia
  • The first stage of labor (dilation) tends to be much slower in the first pregnancy and other stages may be prolonged as well]
  • Labor is generally understood to be more difficult in general

Primipara is a patient who has given birth once

Multigravida is a patient who has been pregnant 2 or more times

  • When a patient has been pregnant in the past we should ask about previous pregnancies
  • Previous complications (preeclampsia, hemorrhage, breech presentation, etc)
  • Length of labor
  • Method of delivery (vaginal vs cesarean section)

Multipara (multiparous) is a patient who has given birth 2 or more times

Grand Multigravida is a patient who has been pregnant 5 or more times

Grand Multipara is a patient who has given birth 5 or more times

  • Grand multiparty comes with a significantly increased risk of several complications

Example 1:

  • You respond to the home of a 19-year-old female who is having a seizure. The patient’s spouse reports that the patient is 32 weeks pregnant. The spouse adds that this is the patient’s first pregnancy. 
  • This patient is G1 P0. Because this is the patient’s first pregnancy, the patient is Gravida 1. You may also describe her as primigravida. Because the patient has never given birth, the patient is Para 0. You may also say the patient is nulliparous.

Example 2:

  • You are treating a 34-year-old female who appears to be in active labor. She reports she gave birth to 3 previous children who were all delivered vaginally. She also reports a previous miscarriage and another pregnancy that was terminated.
  • This patient is G6 P3. For gravidity, we must count the 3 children who were delivered, 2 additional pregnancies she did not carry to term, and her current pregnancy. This results in a Gravida 6. Because the patient has delivered 3 children to term, the patient is Para 3

Example 3:

  • You respond to the home of a 37-year-old female with severe abdominal pain and uterine bleeding. The patient reports she has 7 children which include 2 sets of twins, all of whom were delivered by caesarian section. The patient denies any previous pregnancies that did not result in full-term delivery. The patient is presently 22 weeks pregnant.
  • This patient is G6 P5. This one can be tricky because of the multiple gestation pregnancies (twins). Remember, even though there are multiple fetuses these only count as one event. 7 children with 2 sets of twins mean the patient was pregnant and gave birth 5 times. Factoring in the current pregnancy, the patient is Gravida 6, Para 5. 

"Gravida" redirects here. For other uses, see Gravida (disambiguation) and Parity (disambiguation).

In biology and human medicine, gravidity and parity are the number of times a woman is or has been pregnant (gravidity) and carried the pregnancies to a viable gestational age (parity).[1] These terms are usually coupled, sometimes with additional terms, to indicate more details of the woman's obstetric history.[2] When using these terms:

  • Gravida indicates the number of times a woman is or has been pregnant, regardless of the pregnancy outcome.[3] A current pregnancy, if any, is included in this count. A multiple pregnancy (e.g., twins, triplets, etc.) is counted as 1.
  • Parity, or "para", indicates the number of births (including live births and stillbirths) where pregnancies reached viable gestational age. A multiple pregnancy (e.g., twins, triplets, etc.) carried to viable gestational age is still counted as 1.[3]
  • Abortus is the number of pregnancies that were lost prior to viable gestational age for any reason, including induced abortions or miscarriages but not stillbirths. The abortus term is sometimes dropped when no pregnancies have been lost.

In human medicine, "gravidity" refers to the number of times a woman has been pregnant,[1] regardless of whether the pregnancies were interrupted or resulted in a live birth:

  • The term "gravida" can be used to refer to a pregnant woman.
  • A "nulligravida" is a woman who has never been pregnant.
  • A "primigravida" is a woman who is pregnant for the first time or has been pregnant once.
  • A "multigravida" or "secundigravida" is a woman who has been pregnant more than once.

Terms such as "gravida 0", referring to a nulligravida, "gravida 1" for a primigravida, and so on, can also be used. The term "elderly primigravida" has also been used to refer to a woman in their first pregnancy who is at least 35 years old.[4] Advanced maternal age can be a risk factor for some birth defects.

In biology, the term "gravid" (Latin: gravidus "burdened, heavy"[5]) is used to describe the condition of an animal (most commonly fish or reptiles) when carrying eggs internally. For example, Astatotilapia burtoni females can transform between reproductive states, one of which is gravid, and the other non-gravid. In entomology it describes a mated female insect.

In human medicine, parity is the number of pregnancies carried by a woman for at least 20 weeks (duration varies from region to region, 20 – 28 weeks, depending upon age of viability). If a woman carries the fetus to viable age, even if ultimately the fetus is born deceased, this still counts as an instance of parity, as parity is based on the time of gestation prior to a birth, and not the status of the offspring once born.[6][7]

A woman who has never carried a pregnancy beyond 20 weeks is nulliparous and is called a nullipara or para 0.[8] A woman who has given birth once is primiparous and is referred to as a primipara or primip. A woman who has given birth two, three, or four times is multiparous and is called a multip. Grand multipara describes the condition of having given birth five or more times.[9]

Like gravidity, parity may also be counted. A woman who has given birth one or more times can also be referred to as para 1, para 2, para 3, and so on.

Viable gestational age varies from region to region.

In agriculture, parity is a factor in productivity in domestic animals kept for milk production. Animals that have given birth once are described as "primiparous"; those that have given birth more than once are described as "pluriparous".[10][11] Those that have given birth twice may also be described as "secondiparous", in which case "pluriparous" is applied to those that have given birth three times or more.


A nulliparous (/nʌlˈɪpərəs/) woman (a nullipara or para 0) has never given birth. It includes women who have experienced spontaneous miscarriages and induced abortions before the mid-point of pregnancy, but not women who have experienced pregnancy loss after 20 weeks.

Long-term and permanent nulliparity (/ˌnʌlɪˈpærɪti/) are risk factors for breast cancer. For instance, a meta-analysis of 8 population-based studies in the Nordic countries found that never giving birth was associated with a 30% increase in the risk of breast cancer compared with women who have given birth, and for every 2 births, the risk was reduced by about 16%. Women having their first birth after the age of 35 years had a 40% increased risk compared to those with a first birth before the age of 20 years.[12]

A number of systems are incorporated into a woman's obstetric history to record the number of past pregnancies and pregnancies carried to viable age. These include:

  • The gravida/para/abortus (GPA) system, or sometimes just gravida/para (GP), is one such shorthand.[citation needed] For example, the obstetric history of a woman who has had two pregnancies (both of which resulted in live births) would be noted as G2P2. The obstetric history of a woman who has had four pregnancies, one of which was a miscarriage before 20 weeks, would be noted in the GPA system as G4P3A1 and in the GP system as G4P3. The obstetric history of a woman who has had one pregnancy of twins with successful outcomes would be noted as G1P1+1.[13]
  • TPAL is one of the methods to provide a quick overview of a person's obstetric history.[14] In TPAL, the T refers to term births (after 37 weeks' gestation), the P refers to premature births, the A refers to abortions, and the L refers to living children.[15] When reported, the "abortions" number refers to the total number of spontaneous or induced abortions and miscarriages, including ectopic pregnancies, prior to 20 weeks. If a fetus is aborted after 20 weeks, spontaneously or electively, then it is counted as a premature birth and P will increase but L will not.[citation needed] The TPAL is described by numbers separated by hyphens. Multiple births (twins, triplets and higher multiples) count as one pregnancy (gravidity) and as one birth. For example, a pregnant woman who carried one pregnancy to term with a surviving infant; carried one pregnancy to 35 weeks with surviving twins; carried one pregnancy to 9 weeks as an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy; and has three living children would have a TPAL annotation of T1, P1, A1, L3. This could also be written as 1-1-1-3.
  • The term GTPAL is used when the TPAL is prefixed with gravidity, and GTPALM when GTPAL is followed by number of multiple pregnancies.[15] For example, the gravidity and parity of a woman who has given birth at term once and has had one miscarriage at 12 weeks would be recorded as G2 T1 P0 A1 L1. This notation is not standardized and can lead to misinterpretations.[8]

Though similar, GPA should not be confused with the TPAL system, the latter of which may be used to provide information about the number of miscarriages, preterm births, and live births by dropping the "A" from "GPA" and including four separate numbers after the "P", as in G5P3114. This TPAL form indicates five pregnancies, with three term births, one preterm birth, one induced abortion or miscarriage, and four living children.[16]

In obstetrics, the term can lead to some ambiguity for events occurring between 20 and 24 weeks,[17] and for multiple pregnancies.[18]

  1. ^ a b Borton, Chloe (November 12, 2009). "Gravidity and Parity Definitions (and their Implications in Risk Assessment)". Patient.info. Retrieved June 26, 2013.
  2. ^ Creinin, MD; Simhan, HN (Mar 2009). "Can we communicate gravidity and parity better?". Obstetrics and Gynecology. 113 (3): 709–11. doi:10.1097/AOG.0b013e3181988f8f. PMID 19300338.
  3. ^ a b Cunningham, Gary (2005). William Obstetrics (PDF) (22 ed.). McGraw-Hill Companies. p. 121. ISBN 978-0-07-141315-2. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 February 2017. Retrieved 19 August 2016.
  4. ^ Brassil MJ, Turner MJ, Egan DM, MacDonald DW (June 1987). "Obstetric outcome in first-time mothers aged 40 years and over". European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 25 (2): 115–20. doi:10.1016/0028-2243(87)90114-6. PMID 3609426.
  5. ^ Oxford English Dictionary[page needed]
  6. ^ "Definition of PARITY".
  7. ^ //demo.oppia-mobile.org/media/courses/ldc-all/02_12181_en.html
  8. ^ a b F. Gary Cunningham, 2005. Williams Obstetrics, 22nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Companies.
  9. ^ "Definition of Grand multipara". medicinenet.com.
  10. ^ Mehrzad, Jalil; Duchateau, Luc; Pyörälä, Satu; Burvenich, Christian (December 2002). "Blood and Milk Neutrophil Chemiluminescence and Viability in Primiparous and Pluriparous Dairy Cows During Late Pregnancy, Around Parturition and Early Lactation". Journal of Dairy Science. 85 (12): 3268–3276. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(02)74415-9. PMID 12512600.
  11. ^ Vecchio, D.; Neglia, G.; Rendina, M.; Marchiello, M.; Balestrieri, A.; Di Palo, R. (January 2007). "Dietary influence on primiparous and pluriparous buffalo fertility". Italian Journal of Animal Science. 6 (sup1): 512–514. doi:10.4081/ijas.2007.1s.512. S2CID 85810948.
  12. ^ Ewertz M, Duffy SW, Adami HO, et al. (1990). "Age at first birth, parity and risk of breast cancer: A meta-analysis of 8 studies from the Nordic countries". International Journal of Cancer. 46 (4): 597–603. doi:10.1002/ijc.2910460408. PMID 2145231. S2CID 32387496.
  13. ^ Hatfield, Nancy; N. Jayne Klossner (2006). Introductory maternity & pediatric nursing. Hagerstown, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 142. ISBN 978-0-7817-3690-9.
  14. ^ //www.meddean.luc.edu/lumen/MedEd/obgyne/tools.pdf[full citation needed]
  15. ^ a b Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice Series: Assessment. Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice. Hagerstwon, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2006. p. 385. ISBN 978-1-58255-939-1.
  16. ^ Bardsley CR (2011). "Normal Pregnancy". In Tintinalli JE, Kelen GD, Stapczynski JS (eds.). Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Archived from the original on 2013-01-20. Retrieved 2013-06-19.
  17. ^ Creinin MD, Simhan HN (March 2009). "Can we communicate gravidity and parity better?". Obstet Gynecol. 113 (3): 709–11. doi:10.1097/AOG.0b013e3181988f8f. PMID 19300338.
  18. ^ Opara EI, Zaidi J (October 2007). "The interpretation and clinical application of the word 'parity': a survey". BJOG. 114 (10): 1295–7. doi:10.1111/j.1471-0528.2007.01435.x. PMID 17877683. S2CID 44999235.

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