What type of application attack occurs when data goes beyond the memory areas allocated to the application?

Definition: Buffer overflow occurs when a program tries to store more data in a temporary storage area than it can hold. Writing outside the allocated memory area can corrupt the data, crash the program or cause the execution of malicious code that can allow an attacker to modify the target process address space.

Description: Buffer overflow occurs when data that is written to buffer ends up corrupting data values in memory addresses as well. Buffer overflow attacks happen when bad programming practices (that supply the framework) leave open vulnerabilities. It is common in a few programming languages because they expose low level details of buffers for data types. Many memory manipulation functions in programming language do not operate bounds checking and can quickly overwrite the allocated buffers they operate upon. This is a common mistake in web application development. One needs to allocate buffers that are large enough or check for overflow problems. Buffer overflow can be present in web applications that serve the static and dynamic expression. Attackers use buffer overflows to damage the execution stack of web applications. It is not like the typical e-mail virus where users can protect themselves by not opening the attached files. In buffer overflow attacks, users do not even have to open the message to enable the attack. By detecting a variable within some bounds before it is used can prevent buffer overflows. In buffer overflow attacks, the additional data may contain codes designed to turn on specific actions, in effect conveying new instructions to the attacked computer.


App SecurityEssentialsThreats

Buffers are memory storage regions that temporarily hold data while it is being transferred from one location to another. A buffer overflow (or buffer overrun) occurs when the volume of data exceeds the storage capacity of the memory buffer. As a result, the program attempting to write the data to the buffer overwrites adjacent memory locations.

For example, a buffer for log-in credentials may be designed to expect username and password inputs of 8 bytes, so if a transaction involves an input of 10 bytes (that is, 2 bytes more than expected), the program may write the excess data past the buffer boundary.

Buffer overflows can affect all types of software. They typically result from malformed inputs or failure to allocate enough space for the buffer. If the transaction overwrites executable code, it can cause the program to behave unpredictably and generate incorrect results, memory access errors, or crashes.

What type of application attack occurs when data goes beyond the memory areas allocated to the application?

Buffer overflow example

What is a Buffer Overflow Attack

Attackers exploit buffer overflow issues by overwriting the memory of an application. This changes the execution path of the program, triggering a response that damages files or exposes private information. For example, an attacker may introduce extra code, sending new instructions to the application to gain access to IT systems.

If attackers know the memory layout of a program, they can intentionally feed input that the buffer cannot store, and overwrite areas that hold executable code, replacing it with their own code. For example, an attacker can overwrite a pointer (an object that points to another area in memory) and point it to an exploit payload, to gain control over the program.

Types of Buffer Overflow Attacks

Stack-based buffer overflows are more common, and leverage stack memory that only exists during the execution time of a function.

Heap-based attacks are harder to carry out and involve flooding the memory space allocated for a program beyond memory used for current runtime operations.

What Programming Languages are More Vulnerable?

C and C++ are two languages that are highly susceptible to buffer overflow attacks, as they don’t have built-in safeguards against overwriting or accessing data in their memory. Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux all use code written in C and C++.

Languages such as PERL, Java, JavaScript, and C# use built-in safety mechanisms that minimize the likelihood of buffer overflow.

How to Prevent Buffer Overflows

Developers can protect against buffer overflow vulnerabilities via security measures in their code, or by using languages that offer built-in protection.

In addition, modern operating systems have runtime protection. Three common protections are:

  • Address space randomization (ASLR)—randomly moves around the address space locations of data regions. Typically, buffer overflow attacks need to know the locality of executable code, and randomizing address spaces makes this virtually impossible.
  • Data execution prevention—flags certain areas of memory as non-executable or executable, which stops an attack from running code in a non-executable region.
  • Structured exception handler overwrite protection (SEHOP)—helps stop malicious code from attacking Structured Exception Handling (SEH), a built-in system for managing hardware and software exceptions. It thus prevents an attacker from being able to make use of the SEH overwrite exploitation technique. At a functional level, an SEH overwrite is achieved using a stack-based buffer overflow to overwrite an exception registration record, stored on a thread’s stack.

Security measures in code and operating system protection are not enough. When an organization discovers a buffer overflow vulnerability, it must react quickly to patch the affected software and make sure that users of the software can access the patch.

How Imperva Helps Mitigate Buffer Overflow Attacks

The Imperva security solution is deployed as a gateway to your application and provide out-of-the-box protection for buffer overflow attacks. It does so by blocking illegal requests that may trigger a buffer overflow state, preventing them from reaching your applications.

In addition to protecting against buffer overflow attacks, Imperva provides multi-layered protection to make sure websites and applications are available, easily accessible and safe. The Imperva application security solution includes:

  • DDoS Protection—maintain uptime in all situations. Prevent any type of DDoS attack, of any size, from preventing access to your website and network infrastructure.
  • Web Application Firewall—permit legitimate traffic and prevent bad traffic. Safeguard your applications on-premises and at the edge with an enterprise‑class cloud WAF.
  • Bot Management– get full visibility and control over human, good bot, and bad bot traffic to your website and API.
  • Account Takeover Protection—uses an intent-based detection process to identify and defends against attempts to take over users’ accounts for malicious purposes.
  • API Security—protects APIs by ensuring only desired traffic can access your API endpoint, as well as detecting and blocking exploits of vulnerabilities.
  • RASP—keep your applications safe from within against known and zero‑day attacks. Fast and accurate protection with no signature or learning mode.
  • Attack Analytics—mitigate and respond to real security threats efficiently and accurately with actionable intelligence across all your layers of defense.

Last Updated on November 11, 2019 by Admin

Cybersecurity Essentials 1.1 Final Quiz Answers 100% 2019

    • black hat hackers
    • gray hat hackers
    • script kiddies
    • white hat hackers

      Hackers are classified by colors to help define the purpose of their break-in activities.

    • They are trying to show off their hacking skills.
    • They are interested in discovering new exploits.
    • They are curious and learning hacking skills.
    • They are part of a protest group behind a political cause.

      Each type of cybercriminal has a distinct motivation for his or her actions.

    • Infragard
    • ISO/IEC 27000 program
    • Honeynet project
    • CVE database

      Early warning systems help identify attacks and can be used by cybersecurity specialists to protect systems.

    • SAN
    • VPN
    • NAC
    • NAS

      A cybersecurity specialist must be aware of the technologies available to enforce its organization’s security policy.

    • stored data
    • data in-transit
    • encrypted data
    • data in-process

      A cybersecurity specialist must be familiar with the types of technologies used to store, transmit, and process data.

    • purged data
    • stored data
    • data in-process
    • data encrypted
    • data decrypted
    • data in-transit

      A cybersecurity specialist must be aware of each of the three states of data to effectively protect data and information. Purged data was stored data. Encrypted and decrypted data can be in any of the three states.

    • hashing
    • identity management
    • encryption
    • RAID

      A cybersecurity specialist must be aware of the technologies available which support the CIA triad.

    • secrecy, identify, and nonrepudiation
    • confidentiality, integrity, and availability
    • technologies, policies, and awareness
    • encryption, authentication, and identification

      The CIA Triad is the foundation upon which all information management systems are developed.

    • Implement strong passwords.
    • Implement a VPN.
    • Implement RAID.
    • Update the operating system and other application software.
    • Implement network firewalls.
    • Install and update antivirus software.

      A cybersecurity specialist must be aware of the technologies and measures that are used as countermeasures to protect the organization from threats and vulnerabilities.

    • man-in-the-middle
    • spoofing
    • spamming
    • sniffing

      A cybersecurity specialist needs to be familiar with the characteristics of the different types of malware and attacks that threaten an organization.

    • virus
    • worm
    • spam
    • phishing

      A cybersecurity specialist needs to be familiar with the characteristics of the different types of malware and attacks that threaten an organization.

    • An attacker views network traffic to learn authentication credentials.
    • An attacker builds a botnet comprised of zombies.
    • An attacker sends an enormous quantity of data that a server cannot handle.
    • One computer accepts data packets based on the MAC address of another computer.

      A cybersecurity specialist needs to be familiar with the characteristics of the different types of malware and attacks that threaten an organization.

    • buffer overflow
    • RAM Injection
    • SQL injection
    • RAM spoofing

      A cybersecurity specialist needs to be familiar with the characteristics of the different types of malware and attacks that threaten an organization.

    • sniffing
    • spoofing
    • phishing
    • spamming

      A cybersecurity specialist needs to be familiar with the characteristics of the different types of malware and attacks that threaten an organization.

    • Look for policy changes in Event Viewer.
    • Scan the systems for viruses.
    • Look for unauthorized accounts.
    • Look for usernames that do not have passwords.

      A cybersecurity specialist needs to be familiar with the characteristics of the different types of malware and attacks that threaten an organization.

    • user login auditing
    • a biometric fingerprint reader
    • observations to be provided to all employees
    • a set of attributes that describes user access rights

      Access control prevents unauthorized user from gaining access to sensitive data and networked systems. There are several technologies used to implement effective access control strategies.

    • administrative
    • technological
    • logical
    • physical

      Access control prevents an unauthorized user from gaining access to sensitive data and networked systems. There are several technologies used to implement effective access control strategies.

    • compensative
    • preventive
    • corrective
    • detective

      Access control prevents an unauthorized user from gaining access to sensitive data and networked systems. There are several technologies used to implement effective access control strategies.

    • 3DES
    • ECC
    • RSA
    • Diffie-Hellman

      Encryption is an important technology used to protect confidentiality. It is important to understand the characteristics of the various encryption methodologies.

    • the private key of Carol
    • the public key of Bob
    • the same pre-shared key he used with Alice
    • a new pre-shared key

      Encryption is an important technology used to protect confidentiality. It is important to understand the characteristics of the various encryption methodologies.

    • Keyspace increases proportionally.
    • Keyspace decreases exponentially.
    • Keyspace decreases proportionally.
    • Keyspace increases exponentially.

      Encryption is an important technology used to protect confidentiality. It is important to understand the characteristics of the various encryption methodologies.

    • when the organization needs to repair damage
    • when the organization needs to look for prohibited activity
    • when the organization cannot use a guard dog, so it is necessary to consider an alternative
    • after the organization has experienced a breach in order to restore everything back to a normal state

      Access control prevents an unauthorized user from gaining access to sensitive data and networked systems. There are several technologies used to implement effective access control strategies.

    • recovery control
    • deterrent control
    • compensative control
    • detective control

      A cybersecurity specialist must be aware of the technologies and measures that are used as countermeasures to protect the organization from threats and vulnerabilities.

    • 800-900-4560, 4040-2020-8978-0090, 01/21/2013
    • male, $25.25, veteran
    • female, 9866, $125.50
    • yes/no 345-60-8745, TRF562

      A string is a group of letters, numbers and special characters. An integer is whole number.  A decimal is a  number that is not a fraction.

    • salting
    • AES
    • HMAC
    • MD5

      The difference between HMAC and hashing is the use of keys.

    • data hashing
    • symmetrical encryption
    • digital certificates
    • asymmetrical encryption

      Digital certificates protect the parties involved in secure communications.

    • digital signature
    • digital certificate
    • asymmetric encryption
    • salting

      Encryption is an important technology used to protect confidentiality. It is important to understand the characteristics of the various encryption methodologies.

    • private key from Bob
    • private key from Alice
    • username and password from Alice
    • public key from Bob

      Alice and Bob are used to explain asymmetric cryptography used in digital signatures. Alice uses a private key to encrypt the message digest. The message, encrypted message digest, and the public key are used to create the signed document and prepare it for transmission.

    • Hashing requires a public and a private key.
    • The hash function is a one-way mathematical function.
    • The output has a variable length.
    • The hash input can be calculated given the output value.

      Data integrity is one of the three guiding security principles. A cybersecurity specialist should be familiar with the tools and technologies used ensure data integrity.

    • salting
    • HMAC
    • CRC
    • password

      HMAC is an algorithm used to authenticate. The sender and receiver have a secret key that is used along with the data to ensure the message origin as well as the authenticity of the data.

    • MD5
    • SHA-256
    • 3DES
    • AES-256

      Data integrity is one of the three guiding security principles. A cybersecurity specialist should be familiar with the tools and technologies used ensure data integrity.

    • quantitative analysis
    • exposure factor analysis
    • loss analysis
    • qualitative analysis

      A qualitative or quantitative risk analysis is used to identify and prioritize threats to the organization.

    • asset classification
    • asset availability
    • asset standardization
    • asset identification

      An organization needs to know what hardware and software are present as a prerequisite to knowing what the configuration parameters need to be. Asset management includes a complete inventory of hardware and software. Asset standards identify specific hardware and software products that the organization uses and supports. When a failure occurs, prompt action helps to maintain both access and security.

    • management
    • preventive
    • detective
    • corrective

      A disaster recovery plan enables an organization to prepare for potential disasters and minimize the resulting downtime.

    • detection and analysis
    • confidentiality and eradication
    • prevention and containment
    • mitigation and acceptance
    • containment and recovery
    • risk analysis and high availability

      When an incident occurs, the organization must know how to respond. An organization needs to develop an incident response plan that includes several phases.

    • quantitative analysis
    • qualitative analysis
    • loss analysis
    • protection analysis

      A qualitative or quantitative risk analysis is used to identify and prioritize threats to the organization.

    • obscurity
    • limiting
    • layering
    • diversity

      Defense in depth utilizes multiple layers of security controls.

    • fault tolerance
    • system resiliency
    • single point of failure
    • uninterruptible services

      High availability can be achieved by eliminating or reducing single points of failure, by implementing system resiliency, and by designing for fault tolerance.

    • department stores at the local mall
    • the New York Stock Exchange
    • the U.S. Department of Education
    • the front office of a major league sports team

      System and data availability is a critical responsibility of a cybersecurity specialist. It is important to understand the technologies, process, and controls used to protect provide high availability.

    • reduction
    • avoidance
    • acceptance
    • transfer

      Risk mitigation lessens the exposure of an organization to threats and vulnerabilities by transferring, accepting, avoiding, or taking an action to reduce risk.

    • NTP
    • ping
    • RIP
    • DNS

      ICMP is used by network devices to send error messages.

    • strong authentication
    • encrypted voice messages
    • ARP
    • SSH

      Many advanced technologies such as VoIP, streaming video, and electronic conferencing require advanced countermeasures.

    • Local Security Policy tool
    • Event Viewer security log
    • Computer Management
    • Active Directory Security tool

      A cybersecurity specialist must be aware of the technologies and measures that are used as countermeasures to protect the organization from threats and vulnerabilities. Local Security Policy, Event Viewer, and Computer Management are Windows utilities that are all used in the security equation.

    • rate of false positives and rate of acceptability
    • rate of false negatives and rate of false positives
    • rate of rejection and rate of false negatives
    • rate of acceptability and rate of false negatives

      In comparing biometric systems, there are several important factors to consider including accuracy, speed or throughput rate, and acceptability to users.

    • WPA
    • SSH
    • SCP
    • Telnet

      Various application layer protocols are used to for communications between systems. A secure protocol provides a secure channel over an unsecured network.

    • WPA
    • TKIP
    • WPA2
    • 802.11i
    • 802.11q
    • WEP

      Various protocols can be used to provide secure communication systems. AES is the strongest encryption algorithm.

    • wireless poisoning
    • wireless sniffing
    • wireless IP spoofing
    • man-in-the-middle

      A cybersecurity specialist must be aware of the technologies and measures that are used as countermeasures to protect the organization from threats and vulnerabilities.

    • CERT
    • The National Vulnerability Database website
    • The Advanced Cyber Security Center
    • Internet Storm Center

      There are several cybersecurity information websites that a cybersecurity specialist uses to evaluate the potential vulnerabilities of an organization. Some of these websites are the National Vulnerability Database, CERT, the Internet Storm Center, and the Advanced Cyber Security Center.

    • user-related threats
    • device-related threats
    • cloud-related threats
    • physical threats

      Cybersecurity domains provide a framework for evaluating and implementing controls to protect the assets of an organization. Each domain has various countermeasures available to manage threats.

    • device
    • network
    • physical facilities
    • user

      Cybersecurity domains provide a framework for evaluating and implementing controls to protect the assets of an organization.