What to expect after a spaying a dog?

Mostly, keep her mellow for a few days and she’ll likely be just fine.

When a female dog is spayed, the procedure, known as an ovariohysterectomy, involves removing the ovaries and uterus. Although technically complex, veterinarians perform spay and neuter operations all the time, so there's generally nothing to worry about. They're quite routine, and usually have terrific outcomes.

To ensure your sweet girl has an easy spay recovery, we asked Gabrielle Fadl, DVM, medical director at Bond Vet, for specific factors to watch for and other tips for keeping your dog comfortable as she heals.

Why Are Dogs Spayed?

Fadl says the primary reason is to prevent accidental pregnancy. This is why most pups are spayed before or shortly after their first heat cycle, or estrus. Depending on your dog's age and size, she might have a period as early as 4–6 months old in small or toy dogs, and up to 18 months in large dogs. This is the start of estrus, which includes three phases that last about 30 days, during which she'll be most fertile. Unless she's spayed, she'll repeat this cycle every six months.

Fadl tells Daily Paws that spaying a dog has other health benefits, too, such as thwarting behavioral and health consequences that come from hormonal influences over time. "Examples of the things vets try to prevent with a spay surgery include breast and ovarian cancer, uterine infections, and risky behaviors such as escaping the home to find a mate, then becoming lost or injured," she says.

Spaying is usually performed outside a dog's time of heat, she adds, unless there's a strong reason for it otherwise.

RELATED: How Much Does It Cost to Spay or Neuter a Dog?

Dog Spay Recovery Time

It starts with surgery preparation and initial recovery. Fadl says administering pre-op medications, anesthesia, body prep, and post-surgical monitoring usually takes a bit of time to ensure your pooch gets back on her feet okay. Sometimes, this process is longer than the operation itself. 

"An hour would probably be the absolute shortest amount of time to allow for all of this to happen. For most dogs, it can be two or more hours, including all the time spent monitoring them as they recover from anesthesia," she says. "That's why dogs are usually brought to a vet clinic in the morning, and then don't go home until later in the day."

She adds dog's size, age, and body composition—how much fat tissue is in the abdomen—influences your dog's spay recovery time, too.

Once home, Fadl says a full return to normal activity is usually between 10–14 days. "This is the amount of time it takes for all of the incisions to heal, and it's at this time that sutures in the skin would be removed, if needed."

She adds that the first few days post-surgery are the most critical, because it's the highest risk period for having some type of internal bleeding from the surgery sites. "Fortunately, this type of complication is very rare in a routine spay. However, it can be serious, even fatal, if blood loss is severe, so it's important to take precautions to limit the possibility of internal bleeding after surgery."

Monitoring Your Dog's Spay Incision

This is a vital first step in pet parent care after spaying a dog. Fadl says to look at the incision site right after surgery so you have a frame of reference if any changes occur. She adds that the veterinary team will give you further instructions on potential issues such as: 

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Any type of discharge or odors

"While less common, also look for any sign that the incision may be opening up, such as missing sutures or being able to see the tissue underneath rather than just the skin," Fadl says. "Also symptoms of pain, such as yelping when you examine the area or a very stiff posture with the abdomen guarded or tucked up."

Here are some dog spay recovery pictures after surgery on a small dog. Your vet will provide more details about your dog's specific procedure and how it affects incision healing.

Fadl recommends monitoring your girl's behavior, too. Naturally, she'll be a bit tired and groggy in the evening after the surgery and possibly the next day as the anesthesia wears off. But within 24-36 hours, she should be alert and interacting with you, and able to eat and go to the bathroom normally. Fadl says if you notice abnormal behavior such as lethargy or excessive tiredness, lack of appetite, vomiting, or diarrhea, contact your vet right away.

If ever there was a time to spoil your best pup for a little while, this is it! Break out enrichment toys and make her comfy-cozy. Your goal? Keep her mellow to ensure she heals well. This is sometimes difficult, Fadl says, as "many pets want to get back to their normal activities sooner than you might expect."

Here are some guidelines for managing her activities, health, and mood:

  • The first night, assist her with navigating stairs so she doesn't fall. Talk with your vet about whether to avoid stairs completely until the incision heals.
  • Also avoid long walks until your vet gives the green light. This means no running, jumping, or playing, either.
  • Don't walk unleashed, and use a shorter lead than usual so she doesn't overexert herself.
  • Make sure her crate is clean and outfitted with fresh bedding and favorite toys so she has a safe haven to retreat to.
  • Unless your vet says otherwise, don't bathe your dog until the incision is completely healed.
  • Your dog will be sporting a cone during spay recovery. Yes, she won't like it, but it prevents her from licking or chewing her incision, which could cause inflammation.
  • Minimize physical interactions with other animals and even children to reduce the possibility of the incision opening up. But of course let her know she's loved.
  • Consider how your routines and activities might affect her, and choose to dial down a bit. Let's face it: you're eager for a few chilled-out movie nights with your furry best friend, too!

If you're calm, your pup will be, too. 

"While this all might sound scary, and it's important to know what you are watching for, most of these scenarios and complications aren't common at all," Fadl says. "For most dogs, a dog spay is a very routine procedure from which they recover quickly."

Rest assured your vet is just a call away if something doesn't seem right once you and your good girl get home.

Now that you’ve decided to spay or neuter your dog, it’s crucial you know what to expect after the surgery itself. After all, spaying and neutering is the veterinarian’s job, the aftercare is all yours!

The good news is that dog spay and dog neuter recovery is pretty straightforward. Caring for your pet during the first overnight period (if he or she doesn’t stay over at your vet’s), monitoring the incision, and making sure she or he doesn’t traumatize the area are the three most crucial concerns for any owner who needs to know what to expect after spaying or neutering their dog.

What to Expect the First Night After a Spay or Neuter

Unless veterinarians have twenty four-hour care at their facility, most veterinarians prefer to send pets home for direct observation by their people. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Pay close attention to veterinary recommendations when you pick up your dog after surgery. Take notes or ask for written instructions, and make sure you observe the incision so you know what the staff considers normal.

  • Owners should plan on staying with their pet overnight. This is not the night to go out for dinner or plan to attend a concert.

  • Vomiting, extreme lethargy (beyond what your veterinarian explained you should expect to see), and signs of internal bleeding (see below) are the most immediate issues.

  • Don’t worry if he or she skips that evening’s meal or fails to drink as much water as usual. A small meal is typically recommended anyway.

  • Pain can be difficult to assess, but shaking, drooling, and hiding may be cause for concern. Dogs rarely whine or otherwise vocalize when they’re in pain.

  • Keep an eye out for bleeding or excessive weeping from the incision site. A small amount may be expected, but little beyond that. An unusually-distended abdomen or pale mucous membranes are also cause for immediate concern, as this may be evidence of internal bleeding (uncommon but possible).

  • Call your veterinarian’s professional answering service or the ER if you have any doubts. You may be asked to assess his or her gum color.

How Best to Monitor the Spay and Neuter Surgery Incision

Keeping tabs on the incision is important to ensure it’s not getting infected. Dog spay/neuter infection symptoms include:

  • Redness around the incision site

  • Discharge from the incision, particularly if it’s not clear and thin

  • A foul smell emanating from the incision

  • Opening of the incision where the brightly-colored subcutaneous tissues are exposed (called dehiscence)

  • Swelling of the incision, particularly if it’s bulging

Preventing Self-trauma After Spaying and Neutering

The most common complications to expect after neutering or spaying are related to self-trauma, when pets inflict damage with their tongues or potentially with their paws. Infection or dehiscence of the incision are typical consequences. Here are a few strategies to help avoid these complications:

  • Keep that cone on!

  • Keep a close eye on your dog if you remove the recovery collar for eating or walking. Replace the collar immediately should you notice that they attempt to lick the incision.

  • Watch out for rubbing of the incision on the floor or other surfaces.

  • If the cone doesn’t seem to do the trick, try another kind of cone. Investing in a ComfyCone, a padded collar/cone may be in order. Most large pet retail outlets offer alternative collars like this one.

Spay/Neuter Recovery Time

Recovery time varies and tends to depend more on size and age than anything else. Here are some general guidelines for dogs:

  • A spay is an abdominal procedure that’s far more complicated than a neuter. As such, boys recover more quickly than girls. Some neutered males may not even act as if anything ever changed.

  • In general, larger, older dogs experience a longer recovery period. For these, it often takes two to three days for dogs to return to their normal selves after a spay and one to two for a neuter.

  • Dogs over three years of age may take a day or two longer to recover.

  • In many instances, older dogs (over six) can take up to a week to feel completely better after a spay or neuter surgery.

  • In general, smaller dogs recover more quickly. The incisions are smaller, and so is the internal anatomy affected, hence less discomfort. The risk of bleeding after surgery is also lower among smaller dogs.

Behavior and Other Long-term Changes After Spaying and Neutering

While a dog’s fundamental personality will not change after a spay or neuter surgery, there are some changes you might observe, including:

  • Behavioral changes are more pronounced among neutered males. They’re less likely to hump people, other dogs, and inanimate objects (though many persist).

  • Males tend to wander and urine mark less, and aggression may be diminished in dogs who previously were.

  • Females rarely experience behavior changes, though many will take on a lazier disposition.

  • Activity levels may be reduced in both males and females after spaying and neutering, but this is by no means certain in all dogs.

  • It’s important to note that males may still engage in full-testosterone male behaviors while their male sex hormone levels diminish after surgery. This can take up to six weeks. It’s crucial for owners to know that they can still get females pregnant.

  • Appetite may increase after spaying and neutering, and so can their weight. Owners should be counseled to expect this change and adjust feeding amounts accordingly.

These lists are by no means exhaustive. Ask your veterinarian if you have specific concerns.