What is deductible in health insurance

For those unfamiliar with the world of insurance, the deductible is certainly not an evidence. Along with the benefits of the plan and the insurance premium, the deductible is one of the important things to consider when buying an insurance. Here is a short practical guide explaining what exactly a deductible is, and how it works.

Definition of a Health Insurance deductible

A deductible is an out-of-pocket expense, it can be defined as the amount of money the insured person pays from his own pocket before the insurance company starts to reimburse costs of treatments. The insured can choose the deductible he is willing to pay.

Please note that the higher the deductible is, the lower the monthly premium of the insurance plan will be, and vice versa. This is a win-win situation where the insurer will not need to process small claims until they reach a certain threshold, and the insured benefits from a lower monthly premium fee. Deductibles are perfect for anyone seeking an international health insurance that will cover mid to high-cost expenditures but willing to pay for the low cost one (until the deductible amount is reached).

A deductible should not be confused with a co-payment which is the out-of pocket participation of the insured for each and every claim.

A concrete example of how a deductible works

Deductible is something really easy to understand. Let us pretend that your insurance plan’s yearly deductible is 1.000€. This means that you will pay all medical expenses until you reach 1.000€. Above that amount, the insurance will start reimbursing expenses related to the invoices it received.

Be aware that some deductibles can be non-comprehensive, meaning that they do not apply on all medical treatments. For example, dental or vision treatments can be excluded for deductibles. Make sure to have all the necessary information before contracting with an insurance company. There could easily be limitations within some group benefits for example.

Insurance plan with no deductible?

There is of course no obligation to subscribe a health insurance plan with deductible. But, not taking advantage of it will likely have a direct impact on the premium amount.

It can also happen that people forget they have deductibles in their insurance plan. They will usually realise that when claiming as they will end up with a lower, or no, reimbursement. This will be caused by the fact that amount of the deductibles is either not reached or partly reached.

How about deductibles in Foyer Global Health plans?

We have designed our deductible conditions very simply in order to give you a clear idea of the financial impact it would have on your plans, in contrary to some products in the insurance market.

Foyer Global Health allows you to choose between 0, 250, 500 or 1000 euros of deductibles. These apply for one year of insurance enrolment and only for outpatient treatments (i.e. visit at the doctor or specialists, not hospital stay).

If you want to enrol a health insurance policy for your whole family with Foyer Global Health, then you benefit from complete freedom if you want to have different (or no) deductibles for each family member. It’s very simple, all you need to do is notify us when subscribing!

Should you already have an expatriation project and want to know how much your insurance policy would exactly cost you with, or without, deductibles, then we encourage you to compare our plans and get a quote from Foyer Global Health. It is easy, fully online, and will take less than 30 seconds.

We provide great health insurance products based on hundreds of clients’ feedback to make sure you always get reassurance from us that we insure you the best way possible.
Get a quote, with actionable options perfectly matching your needs.

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ON-SCREEN TEXT: [How do deductibles work?]

Knowing how deductibles work can help you choose a health plan that's right for you.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [Deductible
the amount you pay before your plan begins to pay]

Let's start with the basics. A deductible is the amount you pay for out-of-pocket costs for your covered health care before your plan begins to pay. A deductible is different than a premium.

the amount you pay to have health insurance]

A premium is the amount you pay, usually every month, to have health insurance.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [High deductible
Low deductible]

Now, deductibles may be low or high, depending on the plan you choose.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [High deductible
Low premium]

With a high-deductible plan, you may pay less each month for your premium and more for your out-of-pocket costs until you pay 100% of your deductible.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [Low deductible
High premium]

With the low deductible plan, you may pay more each month for your premium and less of your out-of-pocket costs until you pay 100% of your lower deductible.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [High deductible You pay 100%
Low deductible You pay 100%]

Whether you have a high or low deductible, you will start each plan year by paying 100% of your covered health care services until you meet your deductible.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [Deductible]

You could pay 100% of your deductible in several smaller visits or one big visit.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [Which deductible is right for you?]

So, which deductible is right for you?

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [Generally healthy  Low health care costs

High deductible plan]

If you're generally healthy and don't think you'll have many health care costs in the next year, then a high deductible plan may be right for you.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [High deductible
Low premium]

That means you would pay a lower premium each month and pay for the care you need through your deductible. To help you save up so you're prepared to pay your deductible, some high deductible plans can be paired with a health savings account, or HSA.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [Health savings account (HSA)]

With a HSA, you can set aside pre-tax dollars to help you pay for your deductible for qualified medical expenses.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [High deductible]

Keep in mind that HSAs are only for people who have high deductible plans.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [Need regular health care Large family Chronic conditions

Low deductible plan]

On the other hand, if you typically need regular health care, have a large family or chronic condition, you may prefer a low deductible plan.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [Low deductible
High premium]

You'll pay more for your premium each month, but less for your health care expenses with your lower deductible. Paying more each month can help you save on out-of-pocket costs and may help you better manage your budget. Now that you know more about deductibles, you can make the most of your benefits with the type of plan that best fits your needs.

ON-SCREEN TEXT: [So you can experience what care can do for you]

So you can experience what care can do for you.

[UnitedHealthcare logo]

A health insurance deductible is a set amount of money that an insured person must pay out of pocket every year for eligible healthcare services before the insurance plan begins to pay any benefits.

The amount of the deductible varies depending on the health insurance plan you choose. As a general rule, the higher the monthly premium you pay, the lower the deductible. Your monthly premium is the amount you pay to a health insurance company to provide you with coverage.

Even after you pay off your deductible for the year, you may still have to pick up some of your healthcare costs. Most insurance plans have copayments, which require the insured to pay a set dollar amount as their share of the cost of some services. Most also have coinsurance payments, which make the insured responsible for a set percentage of the total cost of some services.

  • Your health insurance deductible is the amount you pay before your insurance plan's benefits begin for the year.
  • High deductible health plans require the insured to pay more upfront, but monthly premiums are usually cheaper than low health deductible plans.
  • The deductible is separate from the copay, which is the share you may have to pick up for some services.
  • There also may be coinsurance payments, which is the insured's share of a healthcare cost.
  • Those with high deductible health plans can offset some of the costs by establishing a health savings account (HSA).
  • People with lower incomes may be eligible for federally subsidized health care available under the Affordable Care Act.

When you buy health insurance, you pay a set monthly premium for one year of coverage. At the end of the year, you may continue your coverage, although the insurer may revise the premium amount at that time.

The annual deductible is separate from the monthly premium and must be used up before any services are covered by the insurance company. For example, if a plan has a $1,000 annual deductible and a patient needs a procedure that costs $3,000, the patient would need to pay the $1,000 deductible, while the insurance company would pay the remaining $2,000, assuming the procedure was covered under that health plan.

After the deductible is paid, your medical costs are covered, minus the monthly premiums and any copayment owed for those expenses. However, when a new year begins, the deductible clock is reset.

Your plan might have several different deductibles for various services. If you have individual coverage, you may pay one deductible for most of your healthcare expenses and another toward the cost of prescription drugs. If you have family coverage, you may pay individual deductibles for each person covered and a family deductible for the policy.

Many insurance plans pay for certain preventive care services without requiring you to pay any deductible or copay. For example, routine mammograms for women age 40 and over are covered in full with no deductible or copay. This is a federal requirement for new plans.

Insurance companies charge deductibles in part as a cost-saving measure. The logic is that anyone who is insured and has to pay out of pocket will think twice before using an emergency room or medical services if they don't really need them.

Americans who have health insurance must pay between 10% and 40% of their own annual healthcare costs, depending on whether they go for a higher-premium or a lower-premium plan.

Once you pay off the deductible, your health insurance plan will pick up your medical costs, with a couple of exceptions.

Copayments are one exception. Your copay is a set dollar amount that you may pay for a doctor's visit, a prescription, or a visit to an urgent care facility. These amounts may not count toward your deductible for the year, and once you pay off your deductible, you'll still have to pay them.

Copayments are not the same as coinsurance, which is the percentage of a bill for a medical service that you will be responsible for paying after you've met your deductible.

Here are two examples:

  • A copayment of $30 may be due when you have an office visit with a doctor.
  • A coinsurance share of 10% may be due if you are treated in an emergency room.

The amount you pay for your deductible, copayments, and coinsurance all count toward your annual out-of-pocket maximum, which is the total you must pay before your insurance plan begins paying 100%.

The maximum out-of-pocket annual cost, as of 2021, is $8,550 for an individual plan and $17,100 for a family plan. For 2022, those limits increase to $8,700 and $17,400, respectively.

Medicare is available for people age 65 or older. Medicare Part A pays for inpatient hospital stays and nursing care. The annual deductible for Part A is $1,484 for 2021 and $1,556 for 2022. Many people don't pay a monthly premium for Part A, and there are no coinsurance costs for hospital stays of 60 days or less.

Medicare Part B covers doctor's visits, tests, flu shots, physical therapy, and chemotherapy. The monthly premium for many Part B participants is $148.50 for 2021 and $170.10 for 2022. The Part B deductible is $203 for 2021 and $233 for 2022.

In 2020, the most recent year for these figures, the average cost of a high-deductible health plan for an individual was $4,971 a year while the average cost for a low-deductible plan was $7,816.

This is how much the average American paid for health care premiums and deductibles as of the end of 2020:

  • The average health insurance premium for a plan offered under the Affordable Care Act was $456 for an individual and $1,152 for a family. The numbers do not take into account any subsidies for coverage that were received by lower-income people.
  • The average annual deductible was $4,364 for an individual and $8,439 for a family, according to the latest figures available, from 2019.
  • People who were covered by company health plans paid an average deductible of $1,655.

These figures do not include copayments or coinsurance.

  • Copayments are the insured person's share of the costs of some services. For example, a $30 copayment for a routine doctor's visit is common.
  • They also do not include coinsurance. These are similar to copayments but are a percentage of the cost rather than a set dollar amount. For example, if your plan covers 90% of a hospital stay, you will be responsible for 10% of the costs.

If you're shopping for a health insurance plan, each plan you're offered will include a full list of that plan's copayments and coinsurance. Most insurers will offer high-, medium-, and low-deductible plans, each with its own details.

The minimum deductible for family coverage to qualify as a high deductible health plan in 2021 and 2022. The minimum deductible for single coverage is $1,400.

As you can see, there's a substantial difference in the monthly premiums of high deductible versus low deductible healthcare plans. However, the real out-of-pocket costs of any plan include the premium, the deductible, and any coinsurance.

The amount anyone pays in out-of-pocket expenses depends on the individual's health profile. A young and healthy person who rarely goes to a doctor might gamble on a high deductible plan with high coinsurance costs. Someone who requires regular treatment for a chronic condition might go for a higher-level plan to minimize deductible and coinsurance costs.

If you're in good health and have no health issues, it's possible that you may not even spend enough to meet your plan's deductible for the year. You'd have to consider whether it would make more sense to opt for a plan with a lower monthly premium and a higher deductible.

If you're married, you may also need to compare the deductible for your spouse's health insurance coverage and how much it would be if you opted to add yourself to the spouse's insurance. Depending on how the plan is structured, it may be more affordable to go from single to family coverage.

If you're getting health insurance through the federal marketplace or any of the state marketplaces, you can compare the coverage of four distinct tiers to determine which one is best for you.

The plans offered directly by insurers are similar to those that are available in the health insurance marketplaces that the federal government and many states have made available under the Affordable Care Act. The marketplaces offer four tiers of insurance plans:

  • The Bronze plan, with the lowest monthly premium, covers an average of 60% of health costs.
  • The Silver plan has a higher monthly premium and covers an average of 70% of health costs.
  • The Gold plan has a higher monthly premium than the Silver plan but covers 80% of health costs.
  • The Platinum plan has the highest monthly premium and the highest level of coverage at 90%.

Notably, there's also a catastrophic plan that has a very high deductible—$8,150 in 2020—for people under age 30, or those who have a hardship or affordability exemption.

When comparing health insurance plans, the important factors are the amount of the deductible, the coverage provided in the plan, and how often you need medical care.

Pricing for all of the plans depends on your age, whether you smoke, and where you live. The state in which you live determines the companies that offer to insure you and the price you'll pay.

At the Bronze level, you would typically have the lowest monthly premium, but you'd pay the highest deductible. At the other end of the spectrum, a Platinum plan would offer the most coverage for healthcare plus the lowest deductible.

The Platinum plan could be a good choice if you have high costs for routine care, specialists, or prescription drugs. The trade-off is that the plan will have an expensive monthly premium.

Those who get their insurance through the federal marketplace are automatically evaluated for their qualification for any cost-sharing discounts based on income. You must enroll at the Silver level or higher, but if a cost-sharing reduction is available, this will reduce the amount you pay for coverage.

If you're choosing a healthcare plan and want to compare costs, you need to do some math: monthly premium plus copayments plus coinsurance equals your total annual out-of-pocket costs of that plan.

Of course, you probably can't estimate how many doctor's visits you will need in the coming year, and you don't know whether you will face a severe illness or injury.

So go with what you know. If you're young and generally healthy, you might take a high deductible plan. Be prepared to foot much of the bill if you become ill.

If you have a recurring health problem requiring specialists' routine treatment, consider the low deductible plan. You'll pay a higher premium but should get a break on the deductible, copayments, and coinsurance costs.

The Medicare Part A deductible is $1,484 for 2021 and will be $1,556 in 2022. It pays inpatient hospital stays, nursing care, and hospice care. Most people do not pay a monthly premium for Part A coverage. There are no coinsurance costs for hospital stays of 60 days or less.

The Medicare Part B deductible is $203 for 2021 and $233 for 2022. Most Medicare participants also pay a monthly premium for Part B, which is $148.50 for 2021 and $170.10 for 2022. Medicare Part B covers doctor's visits, tests, flu shots, physical therapy, and even chemotherapy. It's essentially all healthcare costs that don't involve hospitalization or prescription drugs.

Yes, there usually is. Medicare Part D is coverage for prescription drug costs. It's an optional extra for Medicare and is available through private insurers, although you can sign up for it through the Medicare.gov website.

The insurers who offer Part D coverage can be located via the Medicare.org website's Medicare Plan Finder.

Yes. The Medicare Advantage Plan is one of two alternatives for Medicare recipients who want to supplement the coverage they receive. Both are available through private insurers.

Medicare Advantage Plan

A Medicare Advantage Plan replaces your Medicare card with a private insurer's Medicare Advantage Plan card. That insurer manages your Part A, Part B, and (optional) Part D services and costs.

Its coverage has its own premiums (an average of $19 monthly in 2022), copayments, and coinsurance costs.

It will offer additional coverage and additional services at an additional cost. The costs vary widely, as do the options for coverage.

Medigap Plan

Medicare Supplement Insurance, known as Medigap, covers some of the deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments due for Medicare services.

For example, you can choose a Medigap plan that has a low monthly premium but requires you to pick up the deductible every year. But if you're hospitalized for more than 60 days, it will pick up your share of the costs.