What size birthing ball do i need 52

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SparklySnowflakeKid · 23/12/2006 08:56

Have been looking at birthing balls and they seem to vary in size from 55cm to 75 cm - which size do you buy? Is it height related? Can anyone recommend a make? Thanks

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lulumama · 23/12/2006 09:41

i just used a gym ball i;d got from JJB! no idea what size....!

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iwouldgoouttonight · 23/12/2006 20:25

We got to try them out at antenatal classes so you can see which size is best - maybe you could ask if they have one you could try. It does seem to be height related - I'm quite tall and was more comfortable on a bigger ball. My hospital actually provided them for the birth (but not if you want one to use before).

Sports shops or Argos seem to be good value.

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MKGnearlyimmaculateconception · 23/12/2006 20:39

It is height related. Try swissball

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asleep · 23/12/2006 20:41

i think the one i have at home is 65cm. the one i used in hospital was bigger and found it better. i'm 5'10".

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BaileysMilkshake · 23/12/2006 20:51

I bought myself one when PG with DD (now 3) and used it to sit on and not much else. When in labour with DS (11 days) I used one to lean over as I found the pressur on my tummy helped with labour pains and it was the larger size. Sorry i dont know specifics!

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BuffysMum · 23/12/2006 20:52

wanted to add you need to be able to sit on it and reach the floor with your feet flat IYSWIM sitting on one in labour was heavenly compared to a chair!

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SparklySnowflakeKid · 24/12/2006 09:49

I have long legs and about 5ft 7 - so may get a bigger one. Thanks for your help and merry christmas!

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tassis · 24/12/2006 09:54

I'm 6 foot and the argos one was OK. Could have been a bit bigger but I think at 5 ft 7 you'd like it.

I loved sitting on it in pregnancy, but couldn't bear to be on it during labour.

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daisydog · 28/12/2006 10:41

Hi You're probably right on the cusp between 2 sizes - I would probably go for the larger one if you've got long legs!!! Generally, if you're over 5'6" you would got for a 55cm...and 65cm if you're 5'7" to 6'1".

You need to ensure they're burst resistant so you don't end up on the floor if you get a hole in it! This one is only £19 and comes with a pump.

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