What is the latin word for cow

  • en female domesticated ox or other bovine

    The stockbreeder makes butter with the milk of his cows.

    Pecuarius butyrum cum suarum vaccarum lacte elaborat.

  • en female domesticated ox or other bovine

    The snake swallowed the whole cow.

    Serpens totum bovem devoravit.

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What is the latin word for cow

What is the latin word for cow

Have you ever milked a cow?

Mulsistine unquam vaccam?

The bull, the cow and the calf are covered with hair. The ram, or weather, the ew and the lamb have wool. The Billygoat, the castrated gelt goat, with the she-goat and kid, have long hair and beards.

Taurus, vacca et vitulus pilis teguntur. Aries, Ovis cum Agno Lanam gestant. Hircus (Caper), cum Caprā, et Haedo habent Villos et aruncos.

And the Lord answered, and said: Take me a cow of three years old, and a she-goat of three years. and a ram of three years, a turtle also, and a pigeon.

Respondens Dominus: Sume, inquit, mihi vitulam triennem et capram trimam et arietem annorum trium, turturem quoque et columbam.

The cows are eating grass.

Tom has never milked a cow.

Thomas nunquam vaccam mulsit.

Then a little flesh from the tripe of an old cow is served up, but boiled fifteen days before.

Dein paulum carnium de ventre veteris vaccae apponitur, sed elixum ante quindecim dies.

The stockbreeder makes butter with the milk of his cows.

Pecuarius butyrum cum suarum vaccarum lacte elaborat.

After this point, it gained the nickname, Cow Fort, after the cattle that resided within its former walls.

In apricum enim prolati mortuuntur, in aquam mersi procreantur, post mediam noctem nutriti in bestias maleficas mutantur.

Cow's milk is tastier than soy milk.

Lac vaccae melius quam lac soiae sapit.

"Milking its worth: Black Cow pure milk vodka now in Singapore".

Has lautitias aequavit ingeniosus cocus; in craticula enim argentea cochleas attulit."

Roused by these insults and the dread of worse, reduced as they now were into the condition of a province, they flew to arms and stirred to revolt the Trinobantes and others who, not yet cowed by slavery, had agreed in secret conspiracy to reclaim their freedom.

qua contumelia et metu graviorum, quando in formam provinciae cesserant, rapiunt arma, commotis ad rebellationem Trinovantibus et qui alii nondum servitio fracti resumere libertatem occultis coniurationibus pepigerant, acerrimo in veteranos odio.

Biodynamic agriculture uses various herbal and mineral additives for compost additives and field sprays; these are prepared using methods that are more akin to sympathetic magic than agronomy, such as burying ground quartz stuffed into the horn of a cow, which are said to harvest "cosmic forces in the soil."

Agricultura biodynamica variis additamentis herbaceis et mineralibus pro addiectionibus compositi et asperginibus agrorum utitur; quae aliquando per rationes controversas parantur, sicut inhumatio quarzi contusi in cornu bovis farti, ratio quae "vires cosmicas in solo" legere dictur, tam magiae sympatheticae quam agronomiae similius.

The Divine Julius once quelled an army's mutiny with a single word by calling those who were renouncing their military obedience 'citizens.' The Divine Augustus cowed the legions who had fought at Actium with one look of his face. Though I am not yet what they were, still, descended as I am from them, it would be a strange and unworthy thing should I be spurned by the soldiery of Spain or Syria.

divus Iulius seditionem exercitus verbo uno compescuit, Quirites vocando qui sacramentum eius detrectabant: divus Augustus vultu et aspectu Actiacas legiones exterruit: nos ut nondum eosdem, ita ex illis ortos si Hispaniae Syriaeve miles aspernaretur, tamen mirum et indignum erat.

It had been the intention of the Cherusci to help the Chatti; but Caecina thoroughly cowed them, carrying his arms everywhere, and the Marsi who ventured to engage him, he repulsed in a successful battle.

fuerat animus Cheruscis iuvare Chattos, sed exterruit Caecina huc illuc ferens arma; et Marsos congredi ausos prospero proelio cohibuit.

"A Cow at My Table". animalliberationfront.com.

"De pellibus et pinnis," controversiae apud situm animalliberationfront.com.

When the Moka finally did occur, it comprised a huge gift of 600 pigs, $10,000 Australian dollars, 12 cassowaries, eight cows, a motorbike and a pick-up truck.

Res, cum ad extremum re vera fieret, sescentos sues, $10,000 dollaria Australiana, duodecim casuarios, octo boves, birotam automariam, et parvum autocinetum onerarium vehementius dixit.

I know all about cows. I love cows.

Dē vaccīs omnia sciō. Vaccās amō.

Vaccas nostras occiderunt.

For they not only entered our lines before the Roman army began to retire, but also stood about the camp streets, recognizing and dragging off slaves or beasts of burden which we had previously captured. They even seized clothes and detained weapons, for the soldiers were utterly cowed and gave up everything, so that no cause for fighting might arise.

namque et munimenta ingressi sunt, antequam agmen Romanum excederet, et circumstetere vias, captiva olim mancipia aut iumenta adgnoscentes abstrahentesque; raptae etiam vestes, retenta arma, pavido milite et concedente, ne qua proelii causa existeret.

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