What is the first day of summer 2022

The last few days have felt summery enough to most Americans, but the season is only getting started Tuesday. 

Tuesday, June 21 is the summer solstice — the longest daylight hours of the year and the official start of summer. The North Pole will tilt closest to the sun at 5:14 a.m. EDT, 4:14 a.m. CDT or 2:14 a.m. PDT. The sun will appear to be directly over the Tropic of Cancer — its furthest point to the north all year.

That's the exact moment astronomical summer begins in the Northern Hemisphere. (Temperature-based meteorological summer, used mainly by researchers who study weather and climate, began on June 1.)

The summer solstice brings the longest daylight hours of the year. The further North you are from the equator, the more daylight you'll get. Daylight hours will gradually shorten until the winter solstice in December. 

What causes the summer solstice?

Solstices and seasons happen because of the Earth's tilt. You can think of Earth's axis as an imaginary pole through the center of the planet from top to bottom, NASA explains. Earth spins around this pole, making one turn each day and causing day and night. 

That axis is tilted about 23.5 degrees. The Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun in June, causing more direct light and warmer temperatures. 

Who celebrates the summer solstice?

People have been tracking and celebrating the sun's progress for a very long time. One of the reasons people built monuments like Stonehenge in England and the Torreon in Machu Picchu was to follow the sun's path and predict its movements, NASA says. 

Celebrations continue today around the world — some with a high-tech twist. English Heritage, which looks after Stonehenge, plans to livestream sunrise and sunset from the ancient stone circle. Thousands flock to the monument each year to celebrate the solstice, though in-person revelry was canceled in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic.

The sun rises as thousands of revelers gather at the ancient stone circle Stonehenge to celebrate the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, near Salisbury, England, Friday, June 21, 2019. (AP Photo/Aijaz Rahi)

The sun rises as a raptor flies by in Frankfurt, Germany, during the summer solstice of 2019, the so-called longest day on the Northern Hemisphere.

Michael Probst/AP

The summer solstice is happening in the Northern Hemisphere Tuesday, marking the longest day of the year and the first day of the new season.

The event officially begins at 5:13 a.m. on the U.S. East Coast, according to the National Weather Service.

A solstice occurs when "Earth arrives at the point in its orbit where the North Pole is at its maximum tilt [about 23.5 degrees] toward the Sun, resulting in the longest day and shortest night of the calendar year," the agency said.

During the solstice, the sun is at its highest point--over the Tropic of Cancer--and there are the most hours of daylight and least hours of darkness of any day in the year.

Solstices happen every June and December, occurring at the same time around the world and marking the year's longest and shortest days.

While Tuesday marks the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the shortest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. And while summer officially begins in the Northern Hemisphere, winter gets underway in countries that are south of the Equator, such as Australia and Brazil.

For various places around the world, the summer solstice starts at:

  • 2:13 a.m. in Los Angeles
  • 3:13 a.m. in Denver
  • 4:13 a.m. in New Orleans
  • 10:13 a.m. in London
  • 11:13 a.m. in Cairo
  • 12:13 p.m. in Jerusalem
  • 1:13 p.m. in Dubai
  • 5:13 p.m. in Manila, Philippines
  • 6:13 p.m. in Tokyo

Ready for those long, hot, humid, dog days of summer? The new season will officially start on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, as the summer solstice occurs at 5:14 a.m. Eastern time.

The solstice marks the first day of summer here in New Jersey and the rest of the northern hemisphere, and it will be the longest day of the year in terms of daylight — because the North Pole will be tilted at its maximum direction toward the sun.

On June 21, we will see exactly 15 hours, 5 minutes and 37 seconds of daylight in the New York City area, 15 hours, 5 minutes and 48 seconds of daylight in the Newark area, and 14 hours, 56 minutes and 47 seconds of daylight in the Atlantic City area, according to the time experts at TimeAndDate.com.

The summer solstice, marking the first day of summer, occurs on June 21, 2022, although the solstice can take place any time between June 20 and June 22 each year. It is the longest day of the year for people in the northern hemisphere because the North Pole is tilted at its maximum angle towards the sun.

What is the summer solstice?

The summer solstice — also known as the June solstice — is simply a celestial term for the start of the summer season.

Although many people think the full day of June 20 or June 21 is the solstice, technically it’s just a brief moment in time, according to astronomy experts at Space.com. Here’s how they explain it:

“The summer solstice for the northern hemisphere is the exact moment when the axial tilt of the Earth is at its most inclined toward the sun during its 365-day orbit — at an angle of 23° 26′. That doesn’t happen at midday, nor does it happen at midnight; it happens at the exact same time for every country on the planet. It isn’t like a New Year’s celebration when the clock strikes midnight across the time zones in turn — this is a global time event, with the solstice occurring at the same moment.”

Why is it called summer solstice?

The word “solstice” was derived from the Latin word “solstitium,” according to the Voices.Earth blog. It’s a combination of sol, which means sun, and stitium, which means to stop.

The latter word refers to the sun appearing to briefly stop moving at the moment summer arrives.

The summer solstice, marking the first day of summer, is on June 21, 2022. But the solstice can take place any time between June 20 and June 22 each year. It is the longest day of the year for people in the northern hemisphere because the North Pole is tilted at its maximum angle towards the sun.

Didn’t summer start on June 1?

For people who work in the weather industry, like forecasters for the National Weather Service, the summer season starts on June 1 and covers the three hottest months of the year, ending on Aug. 31. They call it the meteorological summer.

For most of the rest of the world, summer officially starts on June 21 this year and runs through Sept. 22. And the season is known as the astronomical summer — based on the position of the Earth during its rotation around the sun.

Some years summer arrives on June 20 (as it did in 2021), and other years it starts on June 21 (like this year). On very rare occasions, it arrives on June 22. (The last time that happened was back in 1975, and the next one won’t occur until 2203, according to TimeAndDate.com.)

“It all depends on when the sun reaches its northernmost point from the celestial equator,” the Old Farmer’s Almanac notes. “Therefore, the solstice won’t always occur on the same day.”

The summer solstice, marking the first day of summer, is on June 21, 2022, although the solstice can take place any time between June 20 and June 22 each year. It is the longest day of the year for people in the northern hemisphere because the North Pole is tilted at its maximum angle towards the sun.

Do people celebrate the solstice?

Across the United States, the unofficial start of summer is widely considered to be Memorial Day weekend in late May, when many summer vacation rentals begin at the Jersey Shore and other coastal areas.

Others start their summer vacations on or around June 21, but for many folks, the time is dictated more by school schedules than by the summer solstice. In other parts of the world, people pay close attention to the solstice, holding big celebrations with food, drinks, music and dancing.

Some people even shed their clothes as part of their ritual to welcome the first day of summer.

Stonehenge, the prehistoric monument of massive stones in England, often hosts big celebrations to mark the summer solstice, or the start of summer.

What is the Stonehenge celebration?

The world’s most famous solstice celebration takes place at Stonehenge, the prehistoric monument of massive stones in England. At Stonehenge, thousands of people typically gather for a multi-day festival of music, dancing, drumming and camping to watch the sun rise and welcome the start of summer.

The festival has gone through a transformation and some setbacks during recent years.

In 2016, drugs and alcohol were officially banned from this annual celebration, and attendance dropped by about half, according to a report by the BBC. Organizers reportedly blamed the attendance drop on bad weather.

The Stonehenge festivities were canceled in 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic, then canceled again in 2021 for the same reason. The celebration is scheduled to return this year.

Note: Parts of this article were originally published in June 2019, and time references have been updated for June 2022.

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