What is orientation in the family?

Families of Orientation and Procreation

During our lifetime, many of us will be members of two different types of families-a family of orientation and a family of procreation. The family of orientation is the family Into which a person is born and in which early socialization usually takes place. Although most people are related to members of their family of orientation by blood ties, those who are adopted have a legal tie that is patterned after a blood relationship. The family of procreation is the family that a person forms by having or adopting children. Both legal and blood ties are  found in most families of procreation. The relationship between a husband and wife is based on legal ties; however, the relationship between a parent and child may be based on either blood ties or legal ties. depending un whether the child has been adopted. In the United States, although many young people leave their family of orientation as they reach adulthood, finish school. and/or get married, recent studies have found that many people maintain family ties across generations, particularly as older persons remain

actively involved in relationships with their adult children.

What is orientation in the family?

For many people, the best approach to life is a family approach. Being family-oriented is a positive trait that can enrich a person's life emotionally, professionally, and spiritually. The concept of family-oriented might feel old-fashioned for some progressive minds, but it very much continues to have an important place in the modern world.

The meaning of family-oriented can differ depending on an individual's personal beliefs and values. What one person perceives as family-centric might not be the exact same as someone else's views. The general definition of family-oriented means that a person puts their family and loved ones at the core of their priorities. Family-oriented people tend to focus on family values, draw strength from their family, lean on family in decision-making processes, and put the needs of the family ahead of their own.

Being family-oriented is more than simply loving your family. It is a state-of-being. For these people, being family-oriented is a way of life and it's part of their personal family culture.

People can be family-oriented and still be vastly different. This is because family means something different to just about everyone. Even with differences, family-oriented people tend to have these common traits and behaviors.

  • Selfless- Often think of others before they consider themselves
  • Loyal- Family-oriented people are typically loyal and this stems from a lifetime of devotion to the ones whom they love most
  • Value quality time with loved ones
  • Affectionate
  • Unafraid of commitment (thanks in part to the strong bond of the family unit)
  • Positive communicators (from all of those years learning to work things out with close family members)
  • Exhibit self-care
What is orientation in the family?

People exhibit their family-oriented values through their actions. These activities are all examples of how family-oriented people might choose to spend their free time.

  • Going home on weekends or holidays to spend time with the family
  • Have family dinners once or several times a week
  • Attend religious services with family members
  • Help family on home projects
  • Babysit younger family members or care for older ones
  • Take vacations with family
  • Attend family member's big moments in life (weddings, graduations, baby showers, promotions)

If you strive to become more family-oriented in your life, there are several ways to achieve this.

This is sometimes harder to do than it seems. Be present when you are around your family. Turn the background noise off and set your phone down. Try to limit distractions so that you can focus on what is truly important: your loved ones.

People are running around 24-7 and finding a few hours in the day to spend together is sometimes a challenge. Schedule time together just as you would schedule anything else. Avoid overlap here and stick to your family commitment. You don't have to plan anything special in this time slot, just plan to be together.

What is orientation in the family?

Show your love whenever you can. Exhibit physical signs of affection with high fives, hugs, shoulder squeezes, and snuggles. Leave notes of appreciation or encouragement for the people in your family to find. Use acts of love, like helping with tasks or chores to express how much you care.

You can't take care of someone else if you are not taking care of yourself first. Self-care is important and is a quality that family-oriented people often exhibit. If you spend time on yourself, then you'll recharge your battery and be able to in-turn give love and attention to your loved ones.

Active listening is an excellent communication skill that you can use in your family life, personal life, and professional life. When your family speaks to you, focus on nothing else but what they are saying. Remove physical distractions and try to not create a rebuttal while they are sharing with you. Make eye contact with the person speaking and check your body language. Is it rigid and standoffish, or is it relaxed and engaged?

Several decades ago, the idea of family-oriented was more black and white than it is today. Family-oriented women didn't work. They stayed home cooking and cleaning, and their primary purpose was to attend to the family's needs. A family-oriented man worked to provide for his dependants, guided his wife and children spiritually, and focused his free-time on the people in his home.

Things have shifted since then, and today's men and women have expanded the concept of being family-oriented. Women balance work and home every day, and being a professional in no way detracts from their ability to be family-oriented. Men have also left the constructs of what was socially perceived as family-oriented. Today's men work and/or provide childcare to their offspring. They don't seek to lead, but seek to be equals with their spouses.

There are tons of benefits to being a family-oriented person, and these benefits can carry into your love life and your professional life.

A family-oriented upbringing can create many benefits that individuals will carry with them into their own future relationships.

  • Seek partners who value family as well
  • Have good communication with partners
  • Good mental health (Assuming your family is not toxic)
  • Higher self-confidence and self-esteem

Being family-oriented is something that you may want to include in future resumes. Employers will be grateful for the skills that you learned growing up in a family-oriented environment.

  • Conflict resolution skills
  • Excellent communication strategies
  • Group-centered perspective over individual desires
  • Ability to adapt and take on life's challenges

When it comes to being family-oriented, it's never too late to start. If your own family has become distant and disconnected, key into ways to become more family-oriented and work on moving towards a more family-centric mindset. If you weren't raised in a family-oriented environment, make it a priority to have kin at the center of your own family someday. When it comes to our loved ones, it's never too late to show them that they are loved and valued.

Family first seems to be a motto for many, but do they really mean it? What does it mean to put your family first and be family oriented? We all want more time with our families and we want to be there for the special moments as well as the family night dinners, but work and other life commitments can make that a challenge sometimes. Why is being family oriented important anyway? Here I will answer those questions and address those challenges. I will talk about the meaning of being a family oriented person, why it is important, and how to become more centered around your family.

Family Oriented Meaning

What is orientation in the family?

What is family oriented? Simply put, a person who’s family oriented never loses sight of the importance of their family. Yes, other commitments may take them away at times. However, he or she will always focus on maintaining a strong presence in their family.

What is another way of saying family oriented? Synonyms are family based, family focused, and family centered. By any name, family oriented means someone who has their family at the heart of all that they do and all of the decisions that they make. It is someone who considers the well being of the family as a unit and thinks about maintaining that.

What does it mean to be family oriented? A family oriented person is someone who cares deeply about each family member and makes sure they feel seen and heard as well as accepted for who they are. Young children may need guidance and family support, but someone who is family centered makes sure their family relationships reflect love even when delivering criticism or discipline. Family life brings those who are family oriented great joy and family is the priority that they work to maintain. Family issues and family events come first whenever possible.

What is orientation in the family?

Why Is Being Family Focused Important?

A family man or woman goes further than just being present for special occasions and important moments. They are mentally and emotionally present as well. It is in this way that we maintain our family bonds that hold us together.

Making sure you’re home for your child’s birthday party won’t mean anything if you spend the whole party on the phone talking about work. Instead, it means putting the phone away so that you can focus on your child and their happiness during the party.

Being family centered is important because there are so many distractions in this modern world. If we don’t make a true effort to protect the thing that is most important to us, family, it can be lost. A loving family is not a given. It takes effort to maintain it. Growing anything takes work and consistency, especially children! Love is a verb. We have to make connecting to our spouse and our children a priority.

What is orientation in the family?

This quote illustrates the point that we must actively care for what we love.

“Love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it’s going to get on by itself. You’ve got to keep on watering it. You’ve got to really look after it and nurture it.”

― John Lennon

What Is The Opposite Of Family-Oriented?

The opposite of family oriented is selfish and isolated. A person who lacks family values and thinks about themself first and put their needs, wants, and desires before that of the family. While we may all need to be selfish on occasion and put ourselves first so that we can recharge our personal batteries, we have to pick and chose the appropriate times to do so. A self oriented person will chose to hang out at the bar with friends every week night because they need a break without thinking about how that may impact their spouse or children. A selfish person will not notice or mind that they miss all of the child’s extracurricular activities or they don’t play games or engage with their children.

Worse yet, are those who are extramarital affair oriented and spend all their time and money pursing relationships outside of the marriage. This behavior will, of course, lead to divorce and a lowered mental state for both parents and the children as they try to cope with the ramifications of this destructive behavior.

5 Ways to Be A More Family Oriented Person

How do you become family oriented? Being a more family oriented person may seem like a challenge in your busy life, but it doesn’t have to be. A few simple choices can bring you and your entire family closer together. You can chose to have the characteristics of a family oriented person. It may take some time and effort but try adopting the 5 action points below.

1. Be There for The Important Moments

You may not make every daytime school event or every baseball game. However, do your best to schedule the important moments, like the school play or the baseball playoff game. Be there for the ones that really matter. And if you promise to make it to something, keep your promise; it shows your child that you love them and you’re committed to their happiness.

2. Schedule Family Time

Plan regular family time every week. Choose a night when everyone’s home and make it game night or pizza night or movie night. Or change your family time theme every week. It doesn’t matter what you do only that you do it together. Turn off the electronic devices and connect with each other face-to-face for some quality time. 

3. Show Your Love

Your family doesn’t need you to buy them a lot of gifts or clear an entire day every week for them. They just want to know that they’re loved, appreciated, and important. Leave a note of encouragement for your child on a day when they have a big test. Make hot chocolate and snuggle on the couch when your child has had a bad day. And don’t forget words and actions of love for your spouse.

4. Be an Active Listener

You know that feeling when you’re trying to tell someone something important and they’re clearly not listening? Don’t be that listener. Give your family your attention when they talk to you. Put the phone down, turn down the volume on the TV, and give them your full attention. Make eye contact, ask relevant questions, and engage them in conversation. Being a good listener for 5 minutes is more important than being a distracted listener for 30. Let your family be the center of your world for at least a few minutes each day!

5. Practice Self-Care

Family oriented meaning doesn’t preclude ever focusing on yourself. Time to yourself may seem counteractive to your goal of being family oriented, but it’s not. A little time to yourself to decompress and unwind allows you to be more present for the people you love. Don’t forget to take care of your own needs so that you can take care of the people you love.


Don’t take family for granted. It is a sure fire way to create distance from those you love. Frederick Douglass once said, “It is easier to easier to build strong children than repair broken men.” I would add to that, it is easier to show you care for your spouse each day, than repair a broken marriage which is the foundation for your family unit. So start today and put your family at the center of your heart. Furthermore, know they are important and their happiness and well-being are tied to your own happiness and well-being.

The family oriented meaning is not about spending every waking moment of every day with your family. All you really need to do is regularly prioritize family time. Then, make the time you spend together matter by building and nurturing close relationships.

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