What is an example of participatory democracy?

This year your student government decided to hold a meeting to determine this year's homecoming theme. You opt not to go. To your dismay, you later find out this year's theme is "Under the Sea." You're wondering: how could this have happened?

This is the result of participatory democracy in action! The student government allowed students to voice their opinions in the class meeting you missed, and apparently, those in attendance decided that "Under the Sea" was the way to go.

While this is just a simple example, it underscores how participatory democracy gives citizens a direct say in policy and governance.

What is an example of participatory democracy?
Figure 1. Hands in Action - Participatory Democracy, Studysmarter Originals

Participatory Democracy Definition

Participatory democracy is a type of democracy in which citizens have the opportunity to make decisions, either directly or indirectly, regarding laws and matters of state. Participatory democracy is closely related to direct democracy.

Direct Democracy

Direct democracy is a democracy in which citizens vote for each law and state matters directly, without representation.

In a participatory democracy, citizens participate more broadly than in direct democracy and may or may not involve elected officials. In contrast, in a direct democracy, there are no elected officials, and all citizens make decisions on every aspect of governance; the decisions made by citizens are what become law.

Participatory Democracy Meaning

Participatory democracy is egalitarian. It gives citizens a way of self-ruling through voting and having public discussions while promoting equality. It calls for decentralizing political power and aims to give citizens a prominent role in making decisions. However, participatory democracy is most successful when applied in cities or areas with small populations.

It might help to view participatory democracy as a mechanism for democracy based on citizen participation. Elements of participatory democracy are used in conjunction with other forms of democracy.

For example, the United States is a representative democracy. However, it features elements of participatory, elitist, and pluralistic democracy mechanisms within its system.

What is an example of participatory democracy?
Figure 2. Citizen Participation in Participatory Democracy, StudySmarter Originals

Participatory Democracy vs. Representative Democracy

Representative Democracy

Representative deomocracy is a democracy in which elected officials vote on laws and state matters.

A representative democracy relies on elected officials to make decisions on behalf of their constituents. However, this obligation is not legally binding. Representatives tend to vote along party lines and sometimes make decisions based on their party or individual interests rather than what their constituents may want. Citizens in this type of democracy do not have a direct voice in government. As a result, many vote for a representative from a political party that closely matches their political views and hope for the best.

Because participatory democracy promotes self-governance, citizens take charge of creating laws and decisions on state matters. There is no need for individuals to vote along party lines because they have a voice. When representatives are involved in a participatory government, they are obligated to act in the interests of their constituents, unlike in a representative democracy. Participatory democracy creates trust, understanding, and consensus between the government and the citizens.

However, participatory democracy and representative democracy don't need to be opposing forces. This is where viewing participatory democracy as a mechanism of democracy rather than a primary governmental system comes into play. Participatory democracy elements within a representative democracy help ensure an efficient government with citizen participation, furthering democratic values.

What is an example of participatory democracy?
Figure 3. Citizens Using Their Voice to Vote, StudySmarter Originals

Participatory Democracy examples

For now, participatory democracy as a primary form of governance remains a theory. However, it is commonly used as a mechanism for democracy. In this section we list some examples of these mechanisms in action.

Petitions are written requests signed by many people. The right to petition is a right given to United States citizens under the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution. This shows how the founding fathers believed that citizen participation was essential to the country's governance.

Nonetheless, this mechanism of participatory democracy is considered more a symbolic form of participation on federal levels because the outcome of the petitions depends on what represented leaders decide to do, regardless of how many people signed a petition. Nonetheless, it helps give people a voice, which is the primary goal of participatory democracy.

Petitions often carry more weight with referendums and initiatives on the state and local levels.


The referendum is another mechanism of participatory democracy used in the United States at the state and local levels. Referendums are ballot measures that allow citizens to accept or reject specific legislation. Legislative referendums are placed on the ballot by legislators for citizens to approve. Citizens initiate popular referendums through petitions regarding legislation that the legislature has already approved. If there are enough signatures on the petition (this varies by state and local law), the legislation goes on the ballot to allow citizens to overturn that piece of legislation. Therefore, referendums enable people to voice their opinion on legislation already passed, giving them a direct way to influence policy.


Initiatives are similar to referendums because they are undertaken at the state and local levels and placed on the ballot. Direct initiatives allow citizens to get their proposed laws and changes to the state constitution on the ballot, while indirect initiatives are sent to the legislature for approval. Initiatives start with citizens creating proposals, often called props, and through the petition process, receive enough signatures (again, this varies by state and local law) to get the proposal onto the ballot or the state legislature's agenda. This is a prime example of participatory democracy because it gives citizens a direct say on how governance should occur.

Town Halls

Town Halls are public meetings held by politicians or public officials in which they welcome input from the people attending them regarding specific topics. Local Town Halls help representatives understand how to operate cities best. However, politicians and public officials don't necessarily have to do what the citizens suggest. Unlike initiatives and referendums where citizens have a direct impact, in town hall meetings, citizens play more of an advisory role.

Participatory Budgeting

In participatory budgeting, citizens are in charge of allocating governmental funds. This method was first used as an experimental project in Porto Alegre, Brazil. In participatory budgeting, people get together to discuss the neighborhood's needs. The information is passed to their elected representatives and then discussed with the representatives of other nearby communities. Then, with much consideration and collaboration, the budget is distributed amongst the neighborhoods, as seen fit. Ultimately, these citizens have a direct impact on their city budget.

More than 11,000 cities use participatory budgeting worldwide. Cities using this method have had promising results, such as higher spending on education, low infant mortality rates, and the creation of more robust forms of governance.


Only 175 cities in North America use participatory budgeting, as opposed to Europe, Asia, and Latin America, with more than 2000 cities employing this method each.

There are many benefits to adopting a participatory democracy. However, there are many drawbacks as well. In this section, we will discuss both sides of the coin.


  • Education and Engagement of Citizens

    • Since governments want their citizens to make informed decisions, educating the population would be a top priority. And with more education, the more engaged citizens are willing to be. The more involved citizens are, the better-informed decisions they make and the more prosperous the state will become.

    • Citizens who think their voice is being heard are more likely to be involved in governance policies.

  • Higher quality of life

    • When people have a more direct impact on the politics surrounding their life, they are more likely to choose things that will benefit themselves and the community, such as education and safety.

  • Transparent Government

    • The more directly citizens are involved in governance, the more politicians and public officials will be held accountable for their actions.


  • Design Process

    • Participatory government isn't a one size fits all solution. Designing a process that works may be more complex and take longer than expected, requiring trial and error.

  • Less efficient

    • In larger populations, having millions of people casting votes or attempting to state their opinion on a multitude of topics is time-consuming, not just for the state but for the citizens as well, which in turn lengthens the process of establishing the new legislation.

  • Minority role

    • Minority voices will less likely be heard because the majority opinion will be the only one that matters.

  • Expensive

    • For citizens to make informed voting decisions, they must be educated on the necessary topics. Although educating citizens is something positive, the cost of educating them is not.

    • Implementing participatory democracy mechanisms would also incur heavy expenses - especially setting up the structure and equipment necessary to allow citizens to vote more regularly

Participatory Democracy - Key takeaways

  • Participatory Democracy is a democracy in which citizens have the opportunity to make decisions either directly or indirectly regarding laws and matters of state.
  • Representative Democracy uses elected officials to make decisions on behalf of its constituency, while in a participatory democracy, citizens have a more active role in the decisions being made by the government.
  • The United States implements participatory democracy via petitions, referendums, initiatives, and town halls.
  • Participatory budgeting is a common participatory democracy element used internationally.

In a participatory democracy, citizens have a more impact on governance as compared to a representative democracy where elected officials are the ones who make that impact. 

Participatory Democracy is a type of democracy in which citizens have the opportunity to make decisions, either directly or indirectly, regarding laws and matters of state 

Participatory budgeting is a prime example of participatory democracy in action. 

Participatory democracy and direct democracy are not the same thing. 

Participatory Democracy is a type of democracy in which citizens have the opportunity to make decisions, either directly or indirectly, regarding laws and matters of state 



A democracy in which citizens vote for each law and state matters directly, without representation. 



A democracy in which elected officials vote on laws and state matters. 


True or False. You can have a representative democracy while using participatory democracy mechanisms. 



Which is not an example of participatory democracy? 



True or False. Direct democracy and participatory democracy are the same thing. 



True or False. Minorities have a greater role in participatory democracy or in representative democracy.



In participatory budgeting: 


Citizens have a strong direct impact on what the budget is used for. 


True or False. In town halls, citizens vote directly on decisions proposed by legislators. 



If a legislator puts legislation on a ballot for citizens to approve, this is an example of a: 



If a citizen initiates the process of putting approved legislation for all citizens to reject or accept on a ballot, it's a... 



If a citizen attempts to put their own piece of legislation on the ballot, it's called a...



If a citizen attempts to change a part of the state constitution on the ballot, it's called a...



If a citizen attempts to change a part of the state constitution by sending it to legislators, it's called a...



Yes or No. Can Referendums and Initiatives be done at a federal level? 


True or False. Today more than 11,000 cities use participatory budgeting worldwide
