What foods never expire

Dried beans such as pinto beans, black beans and lentils can last for up to 30 years. Beans are also incredibly versatile, filling and full of fiber. Researchers at Brigham Young University found that, although dried beans do decrease in quality over time, 30 years on they were still edible. Make a chili, daal soup or vegetarian shepherd’s pie and you’ll be all set for the months to come.

2. Powdered milk

Powdered milk is not just for wars and camping. While some use-by dates advise that powdered milk should be consumed within 18 months, you can buy certain brands with a 25-year shelf life. You can also freeze powdered milk to keep it as fresh as possible.

3. Hard liquor

If you’re going to be stuck indoors, you might as well enjoy yourself. While you may wish to toss out the Baileys or advocaat, anything that is 100% alcohol is safe to consume for basically the rest of time. Oxidation may alter the taste, but the effect will be the same.

4. Pemmican

Pemmican is a Native American dried meat and has long been a favorite of survivalists. It’s made by drying and grinding meat from big game animals like elk or buffalo, and mixing it with available berries and rendered fat. It can be eaten raw or fried.

5. Raw honey

Honey is considered to be the only food that can last forever. Archeologists excavating ancient Egyptian tombs have often found something unexpected amongst the tombs’ artifacts: pots of honey, thousands of years old, and yet, unbelievably, still preserved. Honey also has medicinal purposes, it is packed with antioxidants and can be applied topically to burns. Handy to have around.

6. Vinegar

Is there anything apple cider vinegar can’t do? Besides offering a number of health benefits, it can also stay in your pantry forever. It’s not only apple cider vinegar that you can hang onto, though. White vinegar, balsamic vinegar, raspberry vinegar, rice wine vinegar and red wine vinegar also don’t have expiration dates. “Because of its acid nature, vinegar is self-preserving and does not need refrigeration,” according to The Vinegar Institute.

7. Sugar

Continuing the sweet theme, sugar has an incredibly long shelf life if keep in an airtight container. Though sugar is not a health food, it can give you an energy boost if times really do get tough.

8. White rice

White (or polished) rice will maintain its nutrient content and flavor for around 30 years when stored in oxygen-free containers in temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Brown rice, however, doesn’t fair so well. The recommended shelf-life of brown rice is six months due to the natural oils found in its bran layer.


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Ruthie DarlingAugust 2, 2020

RD.COM Food News & Advice

Every editorial product is independently selected, though we may be compensated or receive an affiliate commission if you buy something through our links. Ratings and prices are accurate and items are in stock as of time of publication.

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Oksana Shufrych /Shutterstock

Honey is often referred to as “God’s medicine” and has tons of health benefits—and it’s great for your hair. “Honey has actually be used in wound care in some cultures and studies for its ability to naturally resist bacteria,” says Dr. Elizabeth Trattner A.P. DOM, doctor of Chinese and Integrative Medicine. The best part? It never expires! In fact, it’s not unusual for archaeologists to find thousand-year-old honeypots in ancient Egyptian tombs. So what’s the deal? According to Smithsonian, its sugar, low moisture levels, excessive acidity, natural gluconic acid, and natural hydrogen peroxide are the keys to its longevity.  You’ll want to keep a closer eye in most of your other foods, especially meats to make sure they won’t make you sick. Here’s how to tell if your chicken has gone bad.

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Madeleine Steinbach /Shutterstock

Is there anything apple cider vinegar can’t do? Besides having an incredible amount of health benefits, like helping with weight loss, and being a natural stomachache remedy, it can also stay in your pantry forever. But it doesn’t stop there. According to Eat By Date, white vinegar, balsamic vinegar, raspberry vinegar, rice wine vinegar, and red wine vinegar also don’t have expiration dates. “Because of its acid nature, vinegar is self-preserving and does not need refrigeration,” according to The Vinegar Institute. Because of this, you can also use vinegar to help keep other foods from spoiling.

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Panya Anakotmankong /Shutterstock

Depending on how cornstarch is stored, it definitely deserves a spot on our immortal foods list. As long as it doesn’t get wet—which causes the starch molecules to bond with hydrogen molecules—and is kept in a dry, cool place, you won’t need to pick up another container of cornstarch for a long, long time.

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Yulia Firman /Shutterstock

Pure sodium chloride has been around for billions of years, so it’s no surprise that it lasts forever. Not to mention, salt is often used to protect foods from mold and bacteria so they’re preserved longer. This occurs as a result of osmosis—when water is drawn out of the food by the salt itself, thus creating too dry of an environment for mold and bacteria to thrive.“It is a mineral and stable,” says Dr. Trattner. “The worst thing that [can happen is] it can get wet.” You may want to stock up on salt because not only is it never going bad, but you can use it for more than just seasoning your food. Here are 60 clever uses for salt that don’t involve cooking.

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haveseen /Shutterstock

Not to be confused with canned or fresh beans, dried beans also last forever—if they’re stored in sealed or airtight packaging. However, older beans may take longer to cook which results in a rather time-consuming process.

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Fascinadora /Shutterstock

Similar to salt, sugar can also last forever if kept away from moisture and sources of heat. And we’re not just talking about pure sugar, either. According to Eat By Date, granulated white sugar, white sugar cubes, raw sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, sugar substitute, Equal, and Sweet n Low all last indefinitely. Although their textures might change, sugar never completely expires. Don’t want to eat that old sugar anyway? Try one of these 8 inventive ways you can use sugar besides eating it.

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DeymosHR /Shutterstock

Hard liquor is only “immortal” when it’s stored in a cool place and left unopened. So no, you can’t open that bottle of Barcadi and drink it again years later. After it is first exposed to air, it might begin to lose its flavors and structure due to oxidation. The alcohol can also be affected if it’s exposed to extreme weather conditions, intense light, or heat. “In part that’s because the temperature can break down a type of organic molecule called a terpene,” according to Wired. Storing foods incorrectly is just one of the cooking mistakes you might be making that are ruining your food.

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Africa Studio /Shutterstock

Since pure vanilla extract contains alcohol, it helps prolong its shelf life. It’s important that it’s pure vanilla extract, though. Imitation vanilla extract doesn’t have as much alcohol as its pure counterpart does. So as long as your extract is pure and properly sealed so no bacteria can find its way into the bottle, you can look forward to all the vanilla you want—that is, at least until you run out. Oddly enough, this baking staple also made it onto the list of unexpected things you should be adding to your coffee.

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Pimonpim w /Shutterstock

Regardless of whether you store your uncooked white rice in the pantry, the refrigerator, or the freezer, you’ll never need to replace it. According to Still Tasty, “White, wild, Arborio, jasmine and basmati rice all have an indefinite shelf life when kept free from contaminants. The exception is brown rice—thanks to its higher oil content, it won’t keep nearly as long.” Whether the rice you’re cooking is old or new, as long as you don’t make these common rice cooking mistakes, you’ll end up with a great end product.

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Originally Published: October 13, 2020

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