What does Capulet tell his wife to say to Juliet

The characters in scene one of Romeo and Juliet are: Sampson and Gregory-Serving-men of the Capulets Abram-Montague's serving-men Benvolio-Montagues nephew Tybalt-Capulets nephew Capulet- Juliet's father Capulets wife- Juliet's mother Montague- Romeo's father Montague's wife- Romeo's father Escalus- Prince of Verona

  • How, how, how, how? Chopped-logicis always foolishRomeo is far from being a villainno man can cause me the distress he hasmade angrywhen he has ithatesat a time when we need it mostsadnessand I wasn't expecting how luckyI'm astonished atwhat a thing to tell mefrom youwater pipeyou imitateshipmy decisionhold on, explainpersuadedover-clever arguments? What is this?
    "Proud", and "I thank you", and "I thank you not".  [150]
    And yet "not proud", mistress minionis always foolishRomeo is far from being a villainno man can cause me the distress he hasmade angrywhen he has ithatesat a time when we need it mostsadnessand I wasn't expecting how luckyI'm astonished atwhat a thing to tell mefrom youwater pipeyou imitateshipmy decisionhold on, explainpersuadedover-clever argumentsspoilt little madam you? Thank me no thankings, nor, proud me no prouds,

    But fettle your fine jointsis always foolishRomeo is far from being a villainno man can cause me the distress he hasmade angrywhen he has ithatesat a time when we need it mostsadnessand I wasn't expecting how luckyI'm astonished atwhat a thing to tell mefrom youwater pipeyou imitateshipmy decisionhold on, explainpersuadedover-clever argumentsspoilt little madamget your fussy self ready 'gainst Thursday next,

    To go with Paris to Saint Peter's Church,

    Or I will drag thee on a hurdleis always foolishRomeo is far from being a villainno man can cause me the distress he hasmade angrywhen he has ithatesat a time when we need it mostsadnessand I wasn't expecting how luckyI'm astonished atwhat a thing to tell mefrom youwater pipeyou imitateshipmy decisionhold on, explainpersuadedover-clever argumentsspoilt little madamget your fussy self readyrough wooden frame used to drag traitors to execution thither.                [155]

    Out you green-sickness carrionis always foolishRomeo is far from being a villainno man can cause me the distress he hasmade angrywhen he has ithatesat a time when we need it mostsadnessand I wasn't expecting how luckyI'm astonished atwhat a thing to tell mefrom youwater pipeyou imitateshipmy decisionhold on, explainpersuadedover-clever argumentsspoilt little madamget your fussy self readyrough wooden frame used to drag traitors to executionbloodless corpse, out you baggage,
    You tallow-faceis always foolishRomeo is far from being a villainno man can cause me the distress he hasmade angrywhen he has ithatesat a time when we need it mostsadnessand I wasn't expecting how luckyI'm astonished atwhat a thing to tell mefrom youwater pipeyou imitateshipmy decisionhold on, explainpersuadedover-clever argumentsspoilt little madamget your fussy self readyrough wooden frame used to drag traitors to executionbloodless corpseface as white as candle wax!

  • Hang thee young baggage, disobedient wretch! [160]I tell thee what, get thee to church o' Thursday, Or never after look me in the face. Speak not, reply not, do not answer me. My fingers itch. Wife, we scarce thought us blest

    That God had lent us but this only child,          [165]

    But now I see this one is one too much, And that we have a curse in having her.

    Out on her, hildingis always foolishRomeo is far from being a villainno man can cause me the distress he hasmade angrywhen he has ithatesat a time when we need it mostsadnessand I wasn't expecting how luckyI'm astonished atwhat a thing to tell mefrom youwater pipeyou imitateshipmy decisionhold on, explainpersuadedover-clever argumentsspoilt little madamget your fussy self readyrough wooden frame used to drag traitors to executionbloodless corpseface as white as candle waxI long to slap youa good-for-nothing horse or woman!

  • God's bread, it makes me mad! Day, night, hour, tide, time, work, play, Alone, in company, still my care hath been

    To have her matched.                 [180]

    Of fair demesnesis always foolishRomeo is far from being a villainno man can cause me the distress he hasmade angrywhen he has ithatesat a time when we need it mostsadnessand I wasn't expecting how luckyI'm astonished atwhat a thing to tell mefrom youwater pipeyou imitateshipmy decisionhold on, explainpersuadedover-clever argumentsspoilt little madamget your fussy self readyrough wooden frame used to drag traitors to executionbloodless corpseface as white as candle waxI long to slap youa good-for-nothing horse or womanscold her so violentlybabble away with your women friendssay your piece when drinking with your friendswith plenty of land and income, youthful, and nobly alliedis always foolishRomeo is far from being a villainno man can cause me the distress he hasmade angrywhen he has ithatesat a time when we need it mostsadnessand I wasn't expecting how luckyI'm astonished atwhat a thing to tell mefrom youwater pipeyou imitateshipmy decisionhold on, explainpersuadedover-clever argumentsspoilt little madamget your fussy self readyrough wooden frame used to drag traitors to executionbloodless corpseface as white as candle waxI long to slap youa good-for-nothing horse or womanscold her so violentlybabble away with your women friendssay your piece when drinking with your friendswith plenty of land and incomewith important connections, Stuffed, as they say, with honourable parts, Proportioned as one's thought would wish a man -

    And then to have a wretched pulingis always foolishRomeo is far from being a villainno man can cause me the distress he hasmade angrywhen he has ithatesat a time when we need it mostsadnessand I wasn't expecting how luckyI'm astonished atwhat a thing to tell mefrom youwater pipeyou imitateshipmy decisionhold on, explainpersuadedover-clever argumentsspoilt little madamget your fussy self readyrough wooden frame used to drag traitors to executionbloodless corpseface as white as candle waxI long to slap youa good-for-nothing horse or womanscold her so violentlybabble away with your women friendssay your piece when drinking with your friendswith plenty of land and incomewith important connectionswhining fool,

    A whining mammetis always foolishRomeo is far from being a villainno man can cause me the distress he hasmade angrywhen he has ithatesat a time when we need it mostsadnessand I wasn't expecting how luckyI'm astonished atwhat a thing to tell mefrom youwater pipeyou imitateshipmy decisionhold on, explainpersuadedover-clever argumentsspoilt little madamget your fussy self readyrough wooden frame used to drag traitors to executionbloodless corpseface as white as candle waxI long to slap youa good-for-nothing horse or womanscold her so violentlybabble away with your women friendssay your piece when drinking with your friendswith plenty of land and incomewith important connectionswhiningdoll, in her fortune's tender,  [185]To answer, "I'll not wed, I cannot love.  I am too young, I pray you, pardon me." But, and you will not wed, I'll pardon you! Graze where you will you shall not house with me.

    Look to't, think on't, I do not use to jestis always foolishRomeo is far from being a villainno man can cause me the distress he hasmade angrywhen he has ithatesat a time when we need it mostsadnessand I wasn't expecting how luckyI'm astonished atwhat a thing to tell mefrom youwater pipeyou imitateshipmy decisionhold on, explainpersuadedover-clever argumentsspoilt little madamget your fussy self readyrough wooden frame used to drag traitors to executionbloodless corpseface as white as candle waxI long to slap youa good-for-nothing horse or womanscold her so violentlybabble away with your women friendssay your piece when drinking with your friendswith plenty of land and incomewith important connectionswhiningdollI'm not joking.An you be mine, I'll give you to my friend.

    And you be not: hang, beg, starve, die in the streets, For, by my soul, I'll ne'er acknowledge thee,

    Nor what is mine shall never do thee good.     [195]

    Trust to't, bethink you, I'll not be forsworn. 

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