What can the reader infer about the fears and values of the ancient Greeks Based on this description of the Cyclops island the ancient Greeks valued solitude?

What can the reader infer about the fears and values of the ancient Greeks based on thisdescription of the Cyclops's island?

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Question 5c of 10( Analyze: The Heroic and Monstrous 1027798 )Maximum Attempts:1Question Type:Multiple ChoiceMaximum Score:2Question:Read this passage.They have no meeting place for council, no laws either,no, up on the mountain peaks they live in archingcavernseach a law to himself, ruling his wives and children,not a care in the world for any neighbor.What can the reader infer about the fears and values of the ancient Greeks based on thisdescription of the Cyclops's island?

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Question 6a of 10( Analyze: The Heroic and Monstrous 1027799 )Maximum Attempts:1

Mythological monsters in Ancient Greece were described as living in a cave (Chimaera, Cyclops, Gorgons), a lair (Hydra), in/on mountains (Sphinx), in the woods (Napaeae), in trees (Dryads, Hamadryads, Meliae), on an island (Sirens), in the Underworld (Kerberos), in or near bodies of water, or in/under the sea (Nerieds, Oceanids, Cetus).