What must the cardholder do to become qualified to make Governmentwide commercial purchase up to $25000 outside of the United States and its jurisdictions?

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What must the cardholder do to become qualified to make Governmentwide commercial purchase up to $25000 outside of the United States and its jurisdictions?

By: mrwhitman732 • 4 weeks ago

What must the cardholder do to become qualified to make Governmentwide commercial purchase up to $25000 outside of the United States and its jurisdictions?

By: firedawgs9112002 • 5 months ago

What must the cardholder do to become qualified to make Governmentwide commercial purchase up to $25000 outside of the United States and its jurisdictions?

By: lsmyrick • 5 months ago

What must the cardholder do to become qualified to make Governmentwide commercial purchase up to $25000 outside of the United States and its jurisdictions?

By: nlomezno • 6 months ago

What must the cardholder do to become qualified to make Governmentwide commercial purchase up to $25000 outside of the United States and its jurisdictions?

By: campbellrohan2004 • 6 months ago

21. In step 10 of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program, what

are three pieces of information that should be included in the Cardholder

Purchase Log? Answer- a. Name of the requestor

b. Date on which the item/service was ordered

c. Total dollar value of the transaction

22. Whose responsibility is it to comply with Government agency Standards of

Conduct? (Select the three that apply.) Answer- a. Supervisor

b. Agency/Organization Program Coordinator

Approving/Billing Officer

23. Frustrated freight may never reach the intended recipient Answer- True

24. Failure to certify a Managing Account Billing Statement is a timely manner results

in what three things? Answer- a. Interest penalties

b. Automatic suspension of accounts

c. Disruption to Government purchases

25. Which three of the following describe the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase

Card? Answer- a. Similar in nature to a commercial credit card

b. Reduced invoicing costs

c. Used to make mission-essential purchases

26. You use your Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card to purchase a case

of envelopes from a merchant. When you get back to the office, you realize that

the envelope size will not meet the requirement, so you return the item to the

merchant. Which of the following are you authorized to accept? Answer- Credit to

your Cardholder account

27. According to 10 United States Code 2784, which two of the following could result

from a Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program violation. Answer-

a. Adverse personnel actions

b. Recovery of cost from Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card officials

28. Cardholders who have been formally granted the appropriate authority in their

Letter of Delegation may use the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card to

make Simplified acquisitions up to $25,000 outside the United States and its

jurisdictions Answer- True

29. The Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card ___ used as the method of

payment for commercial training requests using the SF-182, valued at or below

$25,000, in lieu of an employee reimbursement by miscellaneous payment.

Answer- Must be

30. What are three advantages of using the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase

Card? Answer- a. Enables the Government to earn refunds

In order to use the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card for simplified acquisitions up to $25,000 outside the United States and its jurisdictions, the Cardholder, merchant, and supply delivery/service execution must all be outside the United States and its jurisdictions.

Who is responsible for making regular reviews of existing cardholders and their monthly spending limits?

Who is responsible for making regular reviews of existing? SUPERVISORS-must make regular reviews of existing cardholders and their monthly spending limits to insure that the monthly spending limits are appropriate for the expected purchasing activity. #1.

What do you do if you have a requirement that exceeds your single purchase limit SPL limit?

Requirements that exceed the CH’s single purchase limit must be sent to the contracting office for award. A/BOs and CHs should contact their contracting office when they identify repetitive requirements for supplies, services, or construction increasing to levels that will surpass the CH’s single purchase limit.

Is the co required to pursue a waiver?

Answer (9/11/2020): The contractor’s use of all covered technology requires a waiver. When completing the representation, the contractor/offeror must review the definition of “covered telecommunications equipment or services” as defined in FAR Subpart 4.21.

What must the cardholder do to become qualified to make GPC purchases up to $25 000 outside of the US and its jurisdictions?

To qualify for making GPC purchases up to $25,000 outside the U.S. and its jurisdiction, the CH can be located within the United States as long as the merchant and supply/delivery execution is outside the United States and its jurisdiction.

What are three examples of abuse of the government wide commercial purchase card?

Examples of misuse include: (1) purchases that exceed the cardholder’s limit; (2) purchases not authorized by the agency; (3) purchases for which no funding exists; (4) purchases for personal consumption; (5) purchases that do not comply with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and/or other applicable procurement …

Who is responsible for granting waivers 889 quizlet?

The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) is the only person that can issue a true waiver, which must be based on national security interests. While the head of an executive agency may grant a one-time waiver on a case-by-case basis, these types of waivers are really just delayed implementations.

Who is responsible for granting waivers 889?

Agency heads may grant contractors a one-time waiver if the contractor shows a compelling reason for needing extra time to implement Section 889 requirements and identifies the equipment or services, and the agency head reports the waiver to the appropriate committees of Congress, along with an identification of the …

What’s the single purchase limit on a mguide card?

The cardholder’s single purchase limit is $3,000. The items to be purchased total $3,500. The cardholder divides the purchase into several charges to stay within the authorized single purchase limit. The monthly purchase limit is the maximum total dollar amount a cardholder is authorized to procure each month.

Is there a spending limit on a purchase card?

This quantity varies by Schedule and is noted in GSA Advantage. While most orders issued using the purchase card will be under the micro-purchase level, purchase card holders may have a spending limit above the micro-purchase threshold.

Who is the immediate supervisor of a government purchase card?

The AO should be the cardholder’s immediate supervisor. In the case where the AO is not the cardholder’s supervisor, the AO has the ability to influence the cardholder’s performance appraisal and make recommendations to the cardholder’s supervisor when disciplinary action is warranted.

What are the responsibilities of a government purchase card?

With mediation by the AO and CO on transactions cardholders hold a public trust and must meet the highest ethical standards. Cardholders are responsible for: Receiving proper training and authorization in accordance with agency procedures. Using the card “For Official Use Only.”