What are the three types of knowledge embedded in subjective experiences of physical activity?

Chapter 4 Lecture Questions 

Chapter 4 Lecture Notes 

Subjective experience refers to the entire range of emotions and cognitions, dispositions, knowledge, and meanings that we derive from physical activity rather than the actual performance itself (activity experience).

Four truths about sport and exercise:

  • Physical activity is always accompanied by subjective experiences.
  • Subjective experiences of physical activity are unique.
  • We might overlook the subjective experiences that accompany physical activity.
  • Physical activity should be meaningful.

    The interior and sometimes mysterious aspect of our lives, in which we collect, recall, and reflect on the feelings and meanings physical activity has for us, is the realm of subjective experience. One of the primary reasons we seek out exercise and sport is that they supply us with unique forms of human experience unavailable to us in our everyday lives.

Why subjective experiences are important: focus is on internal dynamics rather than external performance.

The nature of subjective experiences

  • Immediate subjective experiences
  • Replayed subjective experiences

     All physical activity is accompanied by sensations that we can convert to perceptions, emotions, and knowledge. To get the full experience of a physical activity, we must be open to the emotional and cognitive impressions that the activity provides. The subjective experiences that accompany physical activity may have a profound effect on us during and immediately after our performance. Reflecting on these experiences months or years later often helps us put them into a more comprehensive and meaningful frame of reference.

Components of subjective experiences

  • Sensations and perceptions
  • Emotions and emotional responses
  • Knowledge and subjective experience
    • Psychoanalytic self-knowledge
    • Mystical knowledge
    • Socratic self-knowledge
    • Communicating about subjective experiences 
    • Describing our subjective experiences

    Physical activity is always accompanied by the internal sensations of moving our limbs and bodies, changes in our physiological functioning, and sensations from outside our bodies, including visual, auditory, touch, and smell sensations. When organized into perceptions, these can give rise to emotions that we associate with particular physical activities. Performing physical activities can be a source of knowledge, including knowledge about our motivations for engaging in activity, knowledge about different dimensions of reality, and knowledge of our personal performance capabilities. In attempting to communicate our subjective experiences in sport and exercise to others, finding the correct words to express our feelings is usually difficult. This activity is important; however, because it helps us better understand the meanings that we find in physical activity.

  Intrinsic and extrinsic approaches to physical activity

  • Extrinsic approaches to physical activity
  • Intrinsic (autotelic) approaches to exercise for health
  • Subjective approaches to physical activity for health
  • Internalizing physical activity (see figure 4.2)

    Physical activity usually is accompanied by external benefits, whether in the form of health benefits from exercise, developing friendships through sport, or earning a salary through physical activity at work. Nevertheless, activities—especially those connected with sport and exercise—are more likely to become personally meaningful to us if we are attracted to the subjective experiences of the activity itself. Although exercise provides participants with numerous health benefits, many people may engage in it because of the unique subjective experiences that it offers.

Factors affecting our enjoyment of physical activity (see figure 4.3)

  • Factors related to the activity
    • Evenly matched challenges
    • Clear goals and feedback
    • Competition
  • Factors related to the performer 
    • Disposition (temporary or situational) 
      • Perceived competency 
      • Absorption 
      • Perceived control
  • Attitudes toward physical activity (Kenyon’s ATPA) (WSG activity 4.3) 
    • Physical activity as a social experience 
    • Physical activity for health and fitness
    • Physical activity as the pursuit of vertigo 
    • Physical activity as an aesthetic experience
    • Physical activity as a cathartic experience 
    • Physical activity as an ascetic experience 
  • Factors related to the social context 
    • Physical activity and the environment 
    • Physical activity and the sense of freedom
    • Physical activity alone versus with others

    We are more likely to enjoy physical activities when the challenges of the activity match our abilities, when the activity has clear goals and is followed by feedback, and when the activity is arranged in a competitive framework. Everybody harbors certain temporary dispositions that affect her enjoyment of physical activity. Enjoyment tends to increase when we feel competent in the activity, when we become absorbed or lost in the activity, and when we feel we have control over our bodies and the environment. Some people are attracted to activities requiring a great deal of strength and endurance, possibly because of the health benefits that such activities bring or because they enjoy pushing their bodies to their physiological limits. People who find enjoyment in the aesthetic side of physical activity are likely to engage in gymnastics, diving, skating, and other movement forms that emphasize grace and beauty of motion. People who have a natural affinity for social experiences are likely to seek out physical activities that provide opportunities for social interaction. Participating in sport and exercise will not purge us of hostility and aggression, but it may calm, relax, and refresh us. Sometimes participating in exercise and sport can be painful and can lead to uncomfortable subjective experiences. Participants do not always interpret these sensations negatively, and, indeed, the discomfort may be a source of attraction. 

Watching sports as a subjective experience

  • Ways of watching sports
    • Vicarious participation
    • Disinterested sport spectating 
  • Factors affecting enjoyment of sports watching
    • Game knowledge
    • Feelings about competing teams and players
    • Human drama of sport competition

    Vicarious participation in sport occurs when spectators imagine themselves performing the same activities as the athletes they are watching.  Having a comprehensive knowledge of the players, rules, and competitive strategies adds to our enjoyment of watching sports, as do the feelings we harbor toward the participating teams. Our enjoyment of an activity is one of the greatest determinants of whether we  continue to engage in that physical activity. (This is significant if maintaining or increasing participation is key) 

Importance of subjective experience

  • Physical activity involves emotions, thoughts, and reactions.
  • Physical activity professionals help people appreciate physical activity.
  • Subjective experiences are gained by participating or watching.

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