What are the roles and responsibilities of the project management team in terms of project management resource activities?

So where do you begin? If you don’t already have a team in place, you’ll want to create a project management team structure. This can be accomplished with some key team members:

1. Project sponsor

Project team member roles and responsibilities wouldn’t be complete without a project sponsor. This person oversees the project from a high level. They are usually a member of senior management and are responsible for steering the overall vision. The project sponsor will create S.M.A.R.T. goals, resolve conflicts, remove obstacles, and sign off on any major project components.


  1. Create overall project vision

  2. Make key decisions within the project

  3. Approve budget and changes

  4. Take inventory of project resources

2. Project leader

The role of a project leader, or project manager, is primarily to oversee the day-to-day details of the project. Some of the project lead’s roles and responsibilities include making sure the project proceeds within a given timeframe, under the stated budget, and achieves the goals and objectives set. The project manager’s responsibilities also include the people component. This person needs to oversee the project team to keep everyone on task, mitigate problems and make sure that everyone understands their individual role within the greater project.


3. Project team members

Once you’ve established a project lead, you’ll need to fill in support team members. A project team member could be an external consultant brought in to create a new website or an internal employee who researches and gathers feedback from various department heads. Project team member roles can be both full-time or part-time depending on the project’s unique demands.


  1. Solve project objectives

  2. Complete tasks in areas of expertise

  3. Deliver project responsibilities within deadlines

  4. Communicate with project lead on roadblocks

  5. Document progress, setbacks, and new processes

4. Business analyst or resource manager

A project can’t run efficiently without the necessary resources. A business analyst, sometimes also called a resource manager, makes sure the tools are in place for the project to keep moving forward efficiently. They will also recommend new tools when needed to streamline the overall process and maximize deliverables.


  1. Solve problems with resources

  2. Use available tools to help team members

  3. Document and analyze project requirements

  4. Analyze that resources meet the defined objectives

  5. Assess solutions to make sure they are effective

5. Committees

Projects have various scopes and involve different audiences. Committees can be comprised of senior management (Steering Committee), customers (Project Client) and employees (Project Management Office). Depending on the size and complexity of your project, all three of these committees could be part of your project team.

Steering Committee - This committee represents the company management and other senior-level stakeholders. This group’s goal is to oversee the project by providing strategic direction. They serve as a support for the project and solve problems in which the Project Manager may need some assistance, help steer a project in a different direction, and approve budget changes.

Project Client - If your project has a direct effect on your clients or customers, then it’s smart to include them in your project management team structure. For larger projects, you might even dedicate a second Project Manager to oversee the needs of your clients. This committee can approve project plans, request changes, raise issues, approve timelines, and approve project benchmarks.

Project Management Office - This committee is formed from a group of employees. Their job is to look at the project management structure within your organization. By dedicating time to the project management process, there'll be a better synergy across all company projects. Their tasks include sharing project resources, tools, techniques, and successful case studies to strengthen all future projects.

The project team is the group of people responsible for executing the tasks and producing deliverables outlined in the project plan and schedule, as directed by the project manager, at whatever level of effort or participation defined for them. Project team members may or may not be involved during the entire life cycle of the project and may or may not be full time to the project. Project teams are comprised of many different roles such as project manager, subject matter experts, business analysts, and other stakeholders.

How do I define who should be on the project team?

Individuals responsible for doing the work associated with a project will be members of the project team. The project team will include a number of defined roles such as project manager (PM), subject matter expert (SME), and business analyst (BA). A project team for an IT project will likely include technical representation, functional/business representation, and vendor representation (if applicable).

In partnership with the sponsor, the PM will negotiate with functional managers for their resources’ time on the project, targeting the resources who are most qualified (skills and ability) for the specific project needs.  The PM will want to acquire commitment and time from resources who are knowledgeable about the work that needs to be done, are able to represent the stakeholders, and will work both independently on their tasks as well as in partnership with the project team towards the final deliverable(s). As a group, the project team should represent the diversity of skills and knowledge necessary, in the proportion required, to successfully complete the project and represent stakeholders.

Project team members should support the project objectives and be willing to work together towards that common goal.

What are the project team responsibilities?

Project team members may have a specific role on the project (such as PM, SME, BA). If so, the responsibilities of that member include those identified for their particular role. 

The project team is responsible for contributing to the overall project objectives and specific team deliverables, by contributing towards the planning of project activities and executing assigned tasks/work within the expected quality standards, to ensure the project is a success. The project team will:

  • Provide information, estimates and feedback to the PM during project planning
  • Provide business and/or technical expertise to execute project tasks (work)
  • Liaise with stakeholders to ensure the project meets business needs
  • Analyze and document current and future processes and systems (functional and technical)
  • Identify and map information needs
  • Define and document requirements
  • Support and provide end user training
  • Report issues and status to PM
  • Work collaboratively with other team members towards achieving common project goals/objectives

What are the roles and responsibilities of the project management team in terms of project management resource activities?
We may not have always called them “project managers,” but since the building of the pyramids, someone had to do the planning, budgeting and delegating responsibilities that laid the groundwork for the career. In recent years, project management has become a distinct profession in which many find success. New positions are emerging so fast, the Project Management Institute found that job growth exceeded earlier projections for 2020 by 2017. Whether you’re beginning your research into a possible career change or gearing up for a new position, it’s important to have a basic understanding of this fast-growing occupation.

What Does a Project Manager Do?

As the name suggests, project managers are in charge of projects from initiation to close, making sure the work gets done efficiently and satisfactorily. As team leaders with day-to-day schedules that are constantly changing, a static project manager job description would be hard to come by. Days can be filled with planning the project process, creating a budget, managing a team or communicating with clients.

Project managers span across a wide range of industries from engineering to financial services. Every company wants to keep costs down without lowering standards, and project managers help make this possible.

What Are the Responsibilities of a Project Manager?

Though there are variations to project management positions across industry lines, the general project manager duties stay the same. Those responsibilities include:

Plan and Develop the Project Idea

Every project starts as an idea. It’s a project manager’s job to work with internal stakeholders and external clients to define that concept and create a process to bring it to fruition. This includes setting and managing client expectations, developing a detailed project plan, defining the scope of the project and assigning team members to specific tasks.

Create and Lead Your Dream Team

Project managers are accountable for every aspect of the project, including leading a team capable of meeting or exceeding client expectations for their vision. Successful project managers assemble and manage these individuals to make a fine-tuned project machine. If the team needs guidance, training or coaching, it’s a project manager’s responsibility to set them up for success.

In order to build and maintain a dynamic team mentality, a project manager must be able to keep open and honest communication, form working relationships and motivate anyone who needs it.

Monitor Project Progress and Set Deadlines

Organization and follow-through are a big part of a project manager’s job. From creating an accurate timeline of project completion to ensuring tasks are finished within the confines of the assignment, the project manager must remain aware of how the project is progressing.

The project manager also anticipates delays that may occur on the client side and apprises the team of any changes in the client’s needs.

Solve Issues That Arise

During every project, issues arise that need to be solved. The project manager is the first person who clients and team members turn to when something goes wrong, so it is in these professionals’ best interest to anticipate any potential hiccups before they happen. Adaptability and problem solving are key to keeping control of a project.

One issue that project managers need to have a plan for is change or expansion in a project’s deliverables throughout a project, also known as scope creep. This usually occurs when the scope of a project wasn’t properly defined from the start, and it can seriously affect the timeline and budget.

Manage the Money

Budget management is another primary project manager duty. These professionals make sure that the project gets done without excessive spending. A good project manager has mastered the art of cost efficiency.

Project managers also must be transparent and realistic about the cost so clients are aware from the beginning how much they are likely to spend.

Ensure Stakeholder Satisfaction

Project managers have the closest relationship with clients of anyone who works on a project. Because of this, it is important that they keep open lines of communication for updates and feedback. If any issues or changes arise in the timeline of a project, for example, the project manager is in charge of keeping the client up to date.

Evaluate Project Performance

After a project is finished, the project manager is responsible for evaluating its efficiency and effectiveness. With the data they’ve tracked throughout the process, they can begin to identify shortcomings and plan for ways to fix similar issues in the future. This is also an opportunity to highlight what went right, including building camaraderie and rewarding team members who excelled during the project.

Project Manager Skills

Because project manager responsibilities are abundant, a broad range of skills is helpful in propelling them through the process, including:

  • Accountability
  • Adaptability
  • Budget Management
  • Clear Communication
  • Creativity
  • Decisiveness
  • Delegation
  • Forecasting
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Organization
  • Problem Solving
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Stress Management

How to Become a Project Manager

If you’ve been pondering how to get your start in the project management field, begin by doing your research. Read first-hand accounts of project managers’ experiences, reach out to practicing project managers and seek training. Many of a project manager’s tools are learned, so finding a mentor or training program that equips you with the skills necessary to succeed is key.

Consider getting certified. A Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification can better your chances for career opportunities and growth, and it also gives you a chance to train alongside qualified professionals. Employers worldwide consider PMP® certification as an industry standard.

The project management field is continually growing with the Project Management Institute predicting 2.2 million new project-oriented jobs each year through 2027. It’s a career for problem solvers and collaborators who enjoy variety in their work. Though high expectations can make this role stressful, project managers are a vital part of many industries, and the work can be extremely rewarding.

Purdue University’s Online Project Management Series

Professionals who participate in Purdue University’s online project management series can gain a wealth of field knowledge, solid foundational skills, and exceedingly effective preparation for the PMP exam in order to obtain a project management certificate. Course materials and activities align closely with A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) to help students retain project management knowledge and apply it to their current projects.

Project Management Essentials
This 100% online, instructor-led course runs for eight weeks and allows working professionals to gain familiarity with basic project management concepts and terms. Students are empowered to begin effectively applying their newly acquired knowledge and skills to current projects and earn project management hours that can help qualify them to take the PMP exam. Experienced PME instructors engage students in a stimulating range of learning activities including directed study of the PMBOK® Guide; participation in online threaded discussion forums; viewing recorded lecture videos; taking quizzes and self-tests; and completing written assignments. They also participate in online discussions and welcome the opportunity to coach interested students on an individual basis via email or scheduled phone appointment.

PMP Exam Preparation
This 100% online, self-study course is for project managers with a minimum of three years’ experience and assumes prior knowledge of the PMBOK® Guide. It includes four live webinars presented by an instructor for in-depth review of some of the most challenging learning material. PMI’s 180-question, multiple-choice PMP exam is demanding, and students must engage in independent study following the course to pass the PMP exam.

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