What are the disadvantages of a multiple baseline design?

The multiple baseline design is useful for interventions that are irreversible due to learning effects, and when treatment can't be withdrawn. In this design, behavior is measured across either multiple individuals, behaviors, or settings.

What is a multiple baseline design ABA?

an experimental approach in which two or more behaviors are assessed to determine their initial, stable expression (i.e., baseline) and then an intervention or manipulation is applied to one of the behaviors while the others are unaffected.

What are the disadvantages of a multiple baseline design?

It is important to note that a major disadvantage of MB across settings design is that extraneous variables that may influence responding in different settings can be difficult to control or predict.

What is a delayed multiple baseline design?

delayed multiple baseline design. a variation of the multiple baseline design in which an initial baseline, and perhaps intervention, are begun for one behavior (or setting, or subject), and subsequent baselines for additional behaviors are begun in a staggered or delayed fashion. You just studied 7 terms!

What is a Nonconcurrent multiple baseline design?

Abstract. Argues that the multiple baseline across-individuals design can be usefully subdivided into 2 separate designs—concurrent and nonconcurrent. The nonconcurrent design, unlike the more traditional concurrent design, involves the observation of different individuals at different times.

What is the main difference between a multiple baseline and a multiple probe design?

Multiple Baseline Design – analyzes the effects of an independent variable across multiple behaviors/settings/participants (dependent variable) without having to withdraw the treatment. Multiple probe design – analyzing a successive approximation or task sequence.

What is multiple baseline across participants?

The multiple-baseline across subjects design involves delivering the intervention across two or more clients at different points in time.

What does it mean to say that treatment is staggered in a multiple baseline design?

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What is an ABAB reversal design?

In an ABAB Reversal design, an experimenter rotates two or more conditions and has a participant complete several consecutive sessions in each condition. Typically, an experimenter rotates baseline and intervention conditions. This design is useful for demonstrating functional relations with performance behaviors.

What is a big advantage of using a multiple treatment design quizlet?

What is a big advantage of using a multiple-treatment design? The data can provide more in-depth information about the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

What is a multiple baseline design quizlet?

Multiple-baseline designs are those in which the treatment variable is introduced in temporal sequence to different behaviors, subjects, or settings. ... This means that the target behavior is not independent of other variables.

What is a multiple probe design ABA?

Definitions: Multiple Probe Design: a variation of the multiple baseline design that features intermittent measures, or probes, during baseline.

What is multiple probe design?

A multiple probe design is a variation on the multiple baseline in which the entities encounter fewer repeated sessions in each condition (see multiple baseline description).

What are the key features of a multiple probe design?

The technique features: (1) one initial probe of each step in the training sequence, (2) an additional probe of every step after criterion is reached on any training step, and (3) a series of “true” baseline sessions conducted just before the introduction of the independent variable to each training step.

What is a multiple treatment design?

In a multiple-treatment reversal design , a baseline phase is followed by separate phases in which different treatments are introduced. ... In an alternating treatments design , two or more treatments are alternated relatively quickly on a regular schedule.

What is a multielement design?

A multielement design is also known as an alternating treatments design, because it measures the effect of multiple treatments delivered one after the other. For instance, two treatments may be compared in order to see which is most efficient in producing the target behavior.

Which of the following is considered a limitation in the use of reversal design?

Which of the following is considered a limitation in the use of multiple treatment reversal design? Sequence effect is considered a limitation in the use of multiple treatment reversal design.

What is withdrawal design?

an experimental design in which the treatment or other intervention is removed during one or more periods.

What is the difference between a withdrawal and a reversal?

Distinction between reversal and withdrawal Reversal Design: reversing between treatments (e.g., baseline, treatment, NCR, treatment, NCR, treatment, etc.) Withdrawal Design: reversing between treatment and no treatment (e.g., baseline, treatment, baseline, treatment, etc.)

What is withdrawal design in ABA?

Withdrawal designs, also known as ABAB designs, rely on the comparisons between conditions when an intervention is in place and conditions when that intervention is not being implemented. ... Within these designs, typically an initial baseline condition (A1) is first implemented in which the IV is not in place.

Why is an ABAB design also called a reversal design?

The purpose of the design is to demonstrate a functional relationship between the target behavior and the intervention. ... When the behavior reverts to the baseline, it is possible to reinstate the intervention (phase B). The design is called the ABAB design because the phases A and B are alternated (Kazdin 1975).

What is the biggest drawback to the ABA design?

Replications. The major limitation of single case designs is that since they are limited to a single participant it is difficult to generalize the findings. The best way to strengthen the external validity is to replicate the ABA design with multiple participants.

What is the value of using ABAB design?

ABAB designs have the benefit of an additional demonstration of experimental control with the reimplementation of the intervention. Additionally, many clinicians/educators prefer the ABAB design because the investigation ends with a treatment phase rather than the absence of an intervention.

When would you use a quasi experimental design?

Like a true experiment, a quasi-experimental design aims to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between an independent and dependent variable. However, unlike a true experiment, a quasi-experiment does not rely on random assignment. Instead, subjects are assigned to groups based on non-random criteria.

What is an advantage of using a quasi experiment?

The greatest advantages of quasi-experimental studies are that they are less expensive and require fewer resources compared with individual randomized controlled trials (RCTs) or cluster randomized trials.

A multiple baseline design is used in medical, psychological, and biological research. The multiple baseline design was first reported in 1960 as used in basic operant research. It was applied in the late 1960s to human experiments in response to practical and ethical issues that arose in withdrawing apparently successful treatments from human subjects. In it two or more (often three) behaviors, people or settings are plotted in a staggered graph where a change is made to one, but not the other two, and then to the second, but not the third behavior, person or setting. Differential changes that occur to each behavior, person or in each setting help to strengthen what is essentially an AB design with its problematic competing hypotheses.

Because treatment is started at different times, changes are attributable to the treatment rather than to a chance factor. By gathering data from many subjects (instances), inferences can be made about the likeliness that the measured trait generalizes to a greater population. In multiple baseline designs, the experimenter starts by measuring a trait of interest, then applies a treatment before measuring that trait again. Treatment does not begin until a stable baseline has been recorded, and does not finish until measures regain stability.[1] If a significant change occurs across all participants the experimenter may infer that the treatment is effective.

Multiple base-line experiments are most commonly used in cases where the dependent variable is not expected to return to normal after the treatment has been applied, or when medical reasons forbid the withdrawal of a treatment. They often employ particular methods or recruiting participants. Multiple baseline designs are associated with potential confounds introduced by experimenter bias, which must be addressed to preserve objectivity. Particularly, researchers are advised to develop all test schedules and data collection limits beforehand.

Although multiple baseline designs may employ any method of recruitment, it is often associated with "ex post facto" recruitment. This is because multiple baselines can provide data regarding the consensus of a treatment response. Such data can often not be gathered from ABA (reversal) designs for ethical or learning reasons. Experimenters are advised not to remove cases that do not exactly fit their criteria, as this may introduce sampling bias and threaten validity.[1] Ex post facto recruitment methods are not considered true experiments, due to the limits of experimental control or randomized control that the experimenter has over the trait. This is because a control group may necessarily be selected from a discrete separate population. This research design is thus considered a quasi-experimental design.

Multiple baseline studies are often categorized as either concurrent or nonconcurrent.[1][2][3] Concurrent designs are the traditional approach to multiple baseline studies, where all participants undergo treatment simultaneously. This strategy is advantageous because it moderates several threats to validity, and history effects in particular.[2][4] Concurrent multiple baseline designs are also useful for saving time, since all participants are processed at once. The ability to retrieve complete data sets within well defined time constraints is a valuable asset while planning research.

Nonconcurrent multiple baseline studies apply treatment to several individuals at delayed intervals. This has the advantage of greater flexibility in recruitment of participants and testing location. For this reason, perhaps, nonconcurrent multiple baseline experiments are recommended for research in an educational setting.[3] It is recommended that the experimenter selects time frames beforehand to avoid experimenter bias,[1] but even when methods are used to improve validity, inferences may be weakened.[2] Currently, there is debate as to whether nonconcurrent studies represent a real threat from history effects.[2][5] It is generally agreed, however, that concurrent testing is more stable.

Although multiple baseline experimental designs compensate for many of the issues inherent in ex post facto recruitment, experimental manipulation of a trait gathered by this method may not be manipulated. Thus these studies are prevented from inferring causation if there are no phases to demonstrate reversibility. However, if such phases are included (as is the standard of experimentation), they can successfully demonstrate causation.

A priori (beforehand) specification of the hypothesis, time frames, and data limits help control threats due to experimenter bias.[1] For the same reason researchers should avoid removing participants based on merit. Multiple probe designs may be useful in identifying extraneous factors which may be influencing your results. Lastly, experimenters should avoid gathering data during sessions alone. If in-session data is gathered a note of the dates should be tagged to each measurement in order to provide an accurate time-line for potential reviewers. This data may represent unnatural behaviour or states of mind, and must be considered carefully during interpretation.[2]

  • Single-subject design
  • Single-subject research

  1. ^ a b c d e Christ, T. (2007). Experimental control and threats to internal validity of concurrent and nonconcurrent multiple baseline designs. Psychology in the Schools, 44(5), 451-459. doi:10.1002/pits.20237.
  2. ^ a b c d e Recommendations for Reporting Multiple-Baseline Designs across Participants. Behavioral Interventions, 20(3), 219-224. doi:10.1002/bin.191.
  3. ^ a b Harvey, M., May, M., & Kennedy, C. (2004). Nonconcurrent Multiple Baseline Designs and the Evaluation of Educational Systems. Journal of Behavioral Education, 13(4), 267-276. doi:10.1023/B:JOBE.0000044735.51022.5d.
  4. ^ Harris, F., & Jenson, W. (1985). Comparisons of multiple-baseline across persons designs and AB designs with replication: Issues and confusions. Behavioral Assessment, 7(2), 121-127. doi:10.1007/BF00961078.
  5. ^ Watson, P., & Workman, E. (1981). The non-concurrent multiple baseline across-individuals design: An extension of the traditional multiple baseline design. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 12(3), 257-259. doi:10.1016/0005-7916(81)90055-0.

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