What steps would you take to control the spread of infectious diseases?

Healthy habits prevent germs and infectious diseases from spreading. Learn, practice, and teach healthy habits.  

Food can carry germs. Wash hands, utensils, and surfaces often when preparing any food, especially raw meat. Always wash fruits and vegetables. Cook and keep foods at proper temperatures. Don’t leave food out – refrigerate promptly.

One of the most important healthy habits to prevent the spread of germs is to clean your hands.  Our hands can carry germs, so it is important to wash them often, even if they don’t look dirty.

When to Wash Your Hands

Make sure to clean your hands before and after:

  • Using the bathroom or changing diapers
  • Eating
  • Cooking or serving food
  • Treating a cut or wound
  • Contact with a sick person
  • Putting on and removing protective equipment like a face mask

Clean your hands after these actions:

  • Coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose
  • Touching another person’s hands or touching an animal or pet
  • Handling garbage

Touching frequently touched areas (doorknobs) or contaminated items (dirty laundry or dishes).

How to Wash Hands with Soap and Water

  1. Wet hands and apply soap.
  2. Rub hands for at least 20 seconds. Scrub all surfaces.
  3. Rinse hands.
  4. Dry hands with a clean cloth or paper towel. If in a public place, use the paper towel to turn off the faucet. Then, throw in the trash.

*When helping a child, wash their hands first, and then your own.

How to Clean Hands with Hand Sanitizer

  1. Use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available and if your hands do not look dirty. To be effective, hand sanitizer must have at least 60% alcohol content.
  2. Apply hand sanitizer to both hands.
  3. Rub hands covering all surfaces until dry. If your hands dry before 10 seconds you did not use enough. Apply more and repeat.

*Although not as effective as washing one’s hands with soap and water or using hand sanitizer, pre-moistened cleansing towelettes with at least 60% alcohol content can be an alternative.

Germs can live on surfaces. Cleaning with soap and water is usually enough. However, you should disinfect your bathroom and kitchen regularly. Disinfect other areas if someone in the house is ill. You can use an EPA certified disinfectant (look for the EPA registration number on the label) or a bleach solution.

If you are sick, the air that comes out of your mouth when you cough or sneeze may contain germs. Someone close by can breathe in your air, or touch a surface contaminated with your germs, and become ill. Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your shirt sleeve-not into your hands. Remember to throw away the tissue and wash your hands. You can wear a face mask when you are sick with a cough or sneezing illness.  Learn how to put on and remove a face mask.

Avoid sharing personal items that can’t be disinfected, like toothbrushes and razors, or sharing towels between washes. Needles should never be shared, should only be used once, and then thrown away properly.

Vaccines can prevent many infectious diseases. You should get some vaccinations in childhood, some as an adult, and some for special situations like pregnancy and travel. Make sure you and your family are up-to-date on your vaccinations. If your regular doctor does not offer the vaccine you need, visit the Adult Immunization and Travel Clinic.

You and your pets should avoid touching wild animals which can carry germs that cause infectious diseases. If you are bitten, talk to your doctor. Make sure that your pet’s vaccinations are up-to-date.

When you are sick, stay home and rest. You will get well sooner, and will not spread germs.

The past twelve months has really emphasised the importance of infection control in childcare. The emergence of COVID-19 has highlighted how quickly a communicable disease can spread and the risks of infection in child care centres are very real, ones that have to be mitigated.  Other infectious diseases that can easily be transmitted in a childcare environment include

  • Influenza and the common cold
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Hand, foot and mouth disease
  • Whooping cough

Naturally all child care centres should have appropriate infection control strategies in place.

Infection Control in the Childcare setting

Logic dictates that children in childcare are more likely to contract some form of infection than those that stay at home. They are simply in an environment where there is more contact with others and this increased exposure increases the risk of infection. To contain the risk of infection it is necessary for childcare centres to enforce rigorous infection control procedures.
Some strategies include:

  • immunisation of children and staff,
  • hand washing and appropriate use of gloves,
  • sanitisation and cleaning practices
  • policies concerning the separation of children in nappies from other infants
  • policies in relation to staying home when ill
  • vigilance
  • education
  • reporting of outbreaks where appropriate

Why is infection control important?

Infection control essentially minimises the risk of harm to everybody attending the childcare centre or kindergarten.

How to prevent infection

Constant contact with and exposure to others makes children much more susceptible to infection. While total prevention of all infections may not be possible, quality hygiene and infection control procedures can control, slow and prevent the most troublesome infections. Procedures should be part of the centres daily routine and everyone should take part. Effective procedures and policies can include:

Introduce Hand Sanitiser at the entrance…

Placing hand sanitiser at the childcare centre entrance and encouraging children to use it by modelling the behaviour will help to contain the spread of germs in the centre, while also eliminating the overuse of paper towels to open doors and effectively role modelling healthy habits.

Temperature Taking

One of the common symptoms of COVID-19 is a high fever. In response to this it is recommended that one of the first steps to take in reducing the risk of infection is to monitor each child’s temperature upon arrival at the centre. This should be done using an infrared thermometer.. Temperatures of 38 degrees Celcius or higher are considered to constitute a fever. Any child who records a temperature at this level should be sent home

Introduce a Stay at Home Policy

COVID -19 has brought attendance at childcare centres, kindergartens and schools into sharp focus. It is standard policy in Australia that families and staff should stay home and keep away from the childcare centre if they are exhibiting any symptoms of illness. Such symptoms as fever, headaches, tiredness, sore throat, cough and loss of taste or smell are consistent with COVID-19. Other symptoms where families should be instructed to keep away include any vomiting, sniffles or rashes. In the event that someone has come into contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the previous 14 days, they should not be allowed to enter the centre until they have either self-isolated for a period of 14 days or tested negative to the virus

Food Policy Procedure

Current evidence suggests that diarrhoea is three times more likely to occur in childcare centres where staff members are required to change nappies as well as being involved with the preparation or serving of food. For this reason, it is prudent to assign these duties to different people.

Kitchen staff should be trained appropriately in all aspects of food handling including the proper ways to handle raw and cooked food, as well as approved methods of food storage, cooking and reheating. Food hygiene procedures in childcare should also include training on  how to store and heat breast milk. Proper formula preparation methods should also be provided. Additional safe infection control practices related to food include

  • Tables or benches designated as eating areas should be washed with water and detergent before each meal
  • Everyone should wash their hands before meals.
  • Staff members should ensure that children do not share food.
  • Babies are supplied with separate bottles.
  • The kitchen area should be vermin proof and insect free
  • Food waiting to be served should be covered.
  • Kitchen staff members should be given protective

Hand Washing Essential

When considering hand washing policies it is important to view such policies in the context of what is the aim of infection control? – which is to reduce the spread of communicable disease and protect the health and safety of both staff and children. Pathogenic viruses have been demonstrated to survive on hands for many hours. Hand to hand contact is a key element in the  transmission of many infections.

Hand washing, using soap and warm running water, is the best way to reduce disease transmission. Carers and children should be encouraged to wash their hands in the following instances

●     Upon  arrival at the centre,

●     Prior to handling food

●     After using the toilet

●     After carers change nappies.

Staff  should also wash their hands after wiping noses or cleaning up any body fluids like blood, faeces, vomit or urine. A final hand wash at the end of the day before going home is also recommended.

A hand basin or alcohol- based hand rinses should be in close proximity to any designated nappy change areas..

Handling an infectious outbreak in the centre

When responding to any infectious outbreak within your childcare centre , it is imperative that you take swift and decisive action that complies with all legislation.. In respect to most common childhood illnesses like influenza or diarrhea, the response will usually involve notification of all   families and instigating a deep clean of the premises.

If, however, you become aware that any visitor, staff member, child or family member that has had contact with your facility has a confirmed case of COVID-19, there are some important additional steps that you will need to take:

  1. In most instances the process will commence when the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) notifies you of a confirmed case. They will also advise you as to whether the facility needs to be closed or whether it can remain operational.
  2. All families and staff should be informed as soon as possible. The Department will make resources available to assist you in this regard.
  3. You will then be required to notify the National Quality Agenda IT System.
  4. A COVID-19 compliant deep clean needs to be organised and completed as soon as possible. All reputable cleaning contractors will have the appropriate knowledge and training on how to perform this.
  5. Keep the lines of communication with families open. Regular communication should be maintained throughout the process. Similarly the DHHS will remain in contact with the centre and advise of what the next steps will be.
  6. It will also be necessary to inform Work safe of any outbreak

Additional resources

Help with dealing with the demands of COVID-19 is available through the Australian Government Department of Health who have developed an online COVID-19 infection control training program. Completion of this training by your staff will ensure that they are familiar with best practices in preventing infectious diseases in childcare.

The challenges presented by COVID-19 have placed a huge mental burden on many people. There is no need to shoulder this burden alone as all Federal and State governments have made additional mental health resources readily available for anyone experiencing emotional strain.

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