What are the 5 aspects of job satisfaction?

What are the 5 aspects of job satisfaction?
Job satisfaction is a big factor in employee engagement, and the level of discretionary effort team members are likely to make. No doubt, people’s work performance suffers when they don’t feel satisfied with their jobs, not to mention their quality of life.

Of course, every person is unique in what they wish to achieve from their work, but there are some job satisfaction factors that psychologists usually agree on.

Job satisfaction depends on several different factors such as satisfaction with pay, promotion opportunities, fringe benefits, job security, relationship with co-workers and supervisors, etc.

Job satisfaction may lead to cost reduction by reducing absences, task errors, conflicts at work and turnover.

As work is an important aspect of people’s lives and most people spend a large part of their working lives at work, understanding the factors involved in job satisfaction is crucial to improving employees ‘performance and productivity.

Factors affecting the level of job satisfaction are;

  1. Working Environment.
  2. Fair Policies and Practice.
  3. Caring Organization.
  4. Appreciation.
  5. Pay.
  6. Age.
  7. Promotion.
  8. Feel of Belongings.
  9. Initiation and Leadership.
  10. Feel of Being Loved.
  11. Safety and Security.
  12. Challenges.
  13. Responsibilities.
  14. Creativity in Job.
  15. Personal Interest and Hobbies.
  16. Respect from Co-Workers.
  17. Relationship with Supervisors.
  18. Feedback.
  19. Flexibility.
  20. Nature of Work.

What are the 5 aspects of job satisfaction?

Working Environment

It is essential to provide employees with a work environment that is conducive to their overall development.

They need an environment which is healthy and safe and which caters to both personal comforts and facilitates doing a good job. If the working conditions are good (clean, attractive surroundings), the personnel will find it easier to carry out their jobs.

On the other hand, if the working conditions are poor (hot, noisy surroundings), personnel will find it more difficult to get things done.

Hence, it can be said that having a friendly, and supportive environment can lead to increased job satisfaction.

Fair Policies and Practice

Individuals who perceive that promotion decisions are made in a fair and just manner are likely to experience satisfaction from their jobs.

Very often employees are demotivated and dissatisfied with their jobs because unfair policies and practices prevail at their place of work.

It is therefore of utmost importance for an organization to have a fair and equal system regarding practices and policies so that there is no discrimination and frustration.

Caring Organization

Care can be shown in various ways, but it takes into consideration career development, adult treatment, being taken seriously and being appreciated for a job well done.

When people feel that the organization; for which they are working, cares for them and takes actions to improve their work and lives, they are happy, and this creates higher satisfaction.


The human race loves to be appreciated.

Even for the smaller job that does one seek to have an appreciation, from colleagues, boss, and seniors. When one gets acknowledged in front of everyone, it gives up a boost to their morale.

When appreciation leads to encouragement, the ultimate result is reflected in the efficiency of work automatically.

Therefore, the level of job satisfaction is always higher wherever appreciation is higher.


Wages and salaries are recognized to be a significant but cognitively complex (Carraher, & Buckley, 1996) and multidimensional factor in job satisfaction. Money not only helps people attain their basic needs but is also instrumental in providing upper-level need satisfaction.

Employees often see pay as a reflection of how management views their contribution to the organization. Fringe benefits are also significant, but they are not as influential.

One reason undoubtedly is that most employees do not even know how much they are receiving in benefits. Moreover, most tend to undervalue these benefits because they do not realize their significant monetary value.


Age is one of the factors affecting job satisfaction. Various studies carried out in this field have shown that job satisfaction tends to increase with age.

That is older employees tend to report higher satisfaction, and younger employees say the lowest job satisfaction rates.


Promotional opportunities seem to have a varying effect on job satisfaction. This is because promotions take some different forms and have a variety of accompanying rewards.

In recent years, the flattening of organizations and accompanying empowerment strategies, promotion in the traditional sense of climbing the hierarchical corporate ladder of success is no longer available as it once was.

Feel of Belongings

Most of the organization fails to understand this fundamental factor, whereas many have started acting towards it.

If an employee feels that he is considered an important part of the team, he belongs to the organization then there are higher chances of job satisfaction.

Texting or emailing an employee on his/her birthday, communicating the crisis to even at the ground level employee, making special efforts during festive seasons, all these small little gestures make an employee believe that he or she belongs to the firm.

This brings job satisfaction and loyalty together.

Initiation and Leadership

If an employee is given an equal number of opportunities to show their talent, take the lead and initiate then the chances of having a higher level of job satisfaction is more.

Suppose in an organization; no employee is asked to give suggestions, nobody is bothered to inform them of the decision.

There are only a few figures who lead the team always.

In such conditions, an employee wouldn’t feel satisfied with whatever job he or she is currently doing.

Feel of Being Loved

It is noticed that if an employee has a good bonding with colleagues arid seniors, then the job satisfaction level is higher.

One feels like coming to the office and performing the job. If the environment is not friendly, office politics is at its peak, and malpractices are done, then all these factors together leave no stone unturned in discouraging an employee from not coming to the office.

Safety and Security

These days companies are taking endless measures in order to see that an employee is catered to a different kind of facilities like health care and medical checkups.

There are a few institutions that also provide insurance policies at a lower rate.

Hence, this aspect of safety and security plays a major role. If an employee didn’t feel safe and secured at the organization that he or she works in, the level of job satisfaction is ultimately going to fall.


There are a few types of employees who love to experiment; they like it when the challenging job is assigned to them. To them, the challenge is always associated with ability and capability.

They feel that if an employee is given a challenging job, it means that the leader trusts his or her capacity to fulfill the expectations.

Thus, wherever challenges have involved the level of job satisfaction automatically raises up.


This suggests that when an employee is given a bigger responsibility it makes him or her conscious about the fact that the employers think him or her as a capable and trustworthy candidate.

Jobs where responsibility is involved always carry a higher level of satisfaction. The idea of responsibility and the feel that one gets when the responsibility gets accomplished cannot be traded for anything in the world.

If an employee is not given any responsibility to handle, ultimately the result is that the person feels detached and doubts about self-worth which immediately affects job satisfaction.

Creativity in Job

Job satisfaction is always higher wherever creativity is involved. The creative freedom gives a sense of fulfillment whenever any project is complete.

It makes an employee feels as if the project belongs to them for their creativity is there. Even if it is just a creative sentence that they have put in, it means a lot to them.

On the other hand, in jobs that are monotonous, the employee won’t feel like he or she belongs to the project. The alienation takes place, and hence the job satisfaction level falls drastically.

Personal Interest and Hobbies

People who pursue their hobbies and interest as their career, gain the highest level of satisfaction in whatever they do at their workplace.

This is because their job is not a job for them, but a way of getting closer to their interest and making money. Whatever, they will be more than just to have a promotion.

Respect from Co-Workers

Employees seek to be treated with respect by those they work with. A hostile work environment with rude or unpleasant coworkers is one that usually has lower job satisfaction.

Managers need to take a step and mediate conflicts before they escalate into more serious problems requiring disciplinary action.

Employees may need to be reminded of what behaviors are considered inappropriate when interacting with coworkers.

Relationship with Supervisors

One of the major reasons employees think about quitting a company is that their supervisor does not care about them.

A participative climate created by the supervisor seems to have a more substantial effect on workers’ satisfaction than does participation in a specific decision.

Effective managers know their employees need recognition and praise for their efforts and accomplishments.

Employees also need to know their supervisor’s door is always open for them to discuss any concerns they have that are affecting their ability to do their jobs. It will lead to their satisfaction in the office.


Not receiving feedback on their work can be quite discouraging for most people. Effective feedback will help the team members know where they are and how they can improve.

Authority also needs to know what kind of feedback the team members respond to best. Research shows that learners seek and respond to positive feedback, while experts respond to negative feedback.

In the case of negative feedback, it’s not enough to simply point out what is wrong. One should explain the reason something they did isn’t working, and how it might be corrected.


Offering flexibility is a great way to show the team members that what is expected from them. What’s more, the gift of time is one of the most appreciated workplace perks. Smart people work best when they can choose their schedule.

Flexible hours can increase engagement and productivity. But keep in mind that these may decrease collaboration.

Nature of Work

The nature of work can define the willingness to work. Most individuals have a liking for certain tasks and would prefer to handle these tasks. One should make sure that he/she is going for firms where he/she gets to apply the skills, abilities, and knowledge to the fullest.

Recent research has found that such job characteristics and job complexity mediate the relationship between personality and job satisfaction, and if the creative requirements of employees’ jobs are met, then they tend to be satisfied.

For each working personal job satisfaction has a different meaning. There are different factors that influence the level of job satisfaction. The ones that are listed above are the most common ones.

It is vital for an employee to have a satisfaction level derived from the job that he or she is doing.