What about the internal structure of the cavefish and minnow suggest common ancestry?


1. The functions of the limbs of each of the animals listed are different, although some are very similar.

2.The arrangement of the bones, are similar when referring to the human and the crocodile, and possibly when referring to the bat and the whale. The bird and the cat, though containing some similarities to the other limbs, they are less obvious.

3.The similar bone structure possibly suggests a common ancestry among the animals, although that is not for certain. If, by chance, there were some common ancestry, I don't believe all the animals in the Homologous group would share a common ancestor.

4.A possible evolutionary explanation, as to the similarity of the skeletons is, that the bone structure is similar, because the animals are using the particular limbs for similar purposes, and all have the need for a certain amount of stability, flexibility or flight.


5.The butterfly and bird's wing structure is similar in that, that there are, little separations from the main component were everything is attached.

6.The structures differ in that the bird only has one main bone structure in its wing

What about the internal structure of the cavefish and minnow suggest common ancestry?
, and expanding from that are feathers, whereas, the butterfly has about 14 sections of bone in it's wing, all attached to the body.

7.The biggest difference between the Homologous structures and the Analogous structures is this: the Homologous structures have a recent ancestors, and the Analogous stugtures' ancestors are more ancient.


8.Eyesight is not an important adaptation to life in a deep sea cave, because it's to dark to see.

9.The appearances of the cave fish and the minnow can suggest some common ancestry as, though different sizes, they appear to have a similar basic structure, externally, which leads me to believe this may also be the case internally.


10.The Homologous structures provide evidence of a common ancestor, as having relatively structures, throughout most of the samples presented in this lab.

11.The relationship between the fin of a fish and the flipper of a whale is, that they both help the animal more around. Due to a lack of bone structure samples, I am unable to make any further observation and conclusions.

12.A Vestigial structure in humans, can be that of their whole body, as over time it is continually growing and changing.

9. Does the appearance of the cavefish and the minnow suggest a common ancestry? Why? The appearance of the cavefish and the minnow suggests a common ancestry since they possess homologous structures. Based on observations made on the characteristics of the cavefish and minnow, the structures of the fins, tails, and overall shape of the bodies make the two types of fish seem exceedingly related. Both fish share the same one-part dorsal fin, caudal fin (tail), anal fin, and pelvic fins. These fins or also likely similar in bones, cartilage, or muscle composition. Even more, both the minnow and cavefish share the same lateral line running down the middle of their bodies. 10. Structure Probable Function Why Vestigial? Appendix Digest a cellulose/starch rich diet Human diets changed from eating plants to other forms of sustenance Coccyx (tail bone) Helped the tail generate momentum to swing in trees Humans evolved from moving among the trees to walking on lang Muscle that move ears Aid in hearing and tonal detection abilities Humans moved away from relying on hearing as a main sense Muscles that make hair stand up

Much like felines,

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With convergent evolution, two structures have common features because of said structures fulfilling similar purposes despite having unrelated origins and ancestors. From this, regarding the fin of a fish and the flipper of a whale, it can be concluded that fishes and whales were subjected to similar environments even though both types of animals were previously independent of each other. Since both fish and whales are found in water, it may have been rising sea levels or weather changes that could have prompted the evolution. The evolution of a fish and whale do interact with each, as both evolve independently, but it just so happened that the evolutionary lines encountered similar environment