The multitude of servers in googles windowless data centers serves as an example that represents

The multitude of servers in googles windowless data centers serves as an example that represents

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Full file at Systems in Organizations (Wallace)Chapter 1 Information Systems and People1) China is known as the world's "back office" because innumerable companies in China manageinformation system applications for a growing number of multinational corporations.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 6AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Discuss the role of information systems in supporting business processes2) A survey of retailers found that modern point-of-sale technology was rated the least valuableelement in customer satisfaction.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 8AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the functions of customer relationship management (CRM) systems3) A person's online behavior is an important source of business intelligence.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 9AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Explain how information systems can be used to assist in decision making4) The information systems that support virtual teamwork and collaboration are, in somerespects, still in their infancy compared to the more mature operational systems.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 9AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Explain how IS can enhance systems of collaboration and teamwork5) The development and application of innovative information systems improve the operations ofan organization; however, they do not lead to any competitive advantage.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 10AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Explain how IS can enhance systems of collaboration and teamwork6) Binary code for SOS is an example of useful, actionable this full document at Full file at FALSEPage Ref: 11AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 2Difficulty: Moderate7) "01010011 01001111 01010011" is an example of data, while the binary code for SOS isinformation, and the word "HELP!!!" is knowledge.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 11AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 2Difficulty: Easy8) A news agency requires an immediate account of the casualties in an airplane accident for anews alert. In this situation, a quick, approximate report is more valuable than a detailed,accurate report that requires considerable time to gather.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 12AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 2Difficulty: Moderate9) Orange fiber-optic cables, the coaxial cables used by cable TV companies, and the slendercopper telephone wiring common in homes are a part of the telecommunications infrastructure.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 14AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)10) Information system processes are not influenced by human motivations and the way peoplelook at process improvements.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 15AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: Easybuy this full document at Full file at Most volunteer organization are concerned with safeguarding and increasing the security oftheir information.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 16AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe different methods of managing IS security12) Analysts can use software to simulate business processes and conduct "what if" experimentsto find innovative approaches that leverage the power of information systems.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 15, 16AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 3Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Compare and contrast different methods for developing information systems13) Research of the impact of IT on markets increased substantially because of the Internet.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 18AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 4Difficulty: Easy14) When team members use online tools, the psychology of group dynamics change for thepositive.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 19AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 4Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Explain how IS can enhance systems of collaboration and teamwork15) In certain situations, such as fund-raising for an NGO, information systems are not of muchuse.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 20AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 5Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Discuss the role of information systems in supporting business processesbuy this full document at Full file at In larger organizations and major companies, there are usually several staff positions with"chief" in their titles along with the position of chief information officer.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 21AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 5Difficulty: Easy17) Disconnects in communication between IT staff and others in the organization often arisebecause of the jargon barrier.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 22AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 5Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Discuss the role of information systems in supporting business processes18) Information technology and strategy are so closely integrated with every aspect of businessthat every manager is really an "information officer."Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 23AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 5Difficulty: Easy19) Privacy breaches in modern information systems involve far less risk, and affect fewerpeople, compared to the older information systems.Answer: FALSEPage Ref: 24AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 6Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Discuss the ethical and social issues raised by the use of information systems20) Any online communication, including e-mails, can be amplified by modern informationsystems.Answer: TRUEPage Ref: 24AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 6Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Discuss the ethical and social issues raised by the use of information systemsbuy this full document at Full file at Which of the following is a function of accounting information systems?A) procuring goods and servicesB) designing a service delivery systemC) developing an induction process for all new hiresD) strategizing for business diversificationAnswer: APage Ref: 6AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Discuss the role of information systems in supporting business processes22) Which of the following led to tighter standards for accounting practices, particularly inbanking, and demanded more transparency and reporting?A) the global financial crisis of 2009B) the popularity of net-bankingC) the great depressionD) increasing rates of e-commerce fraudsAnswer: APage Ref: 6Chapter LO: 1Difficulty: Easy23) Which of the following is a function of operations management?A) tracking financial transactionsB) delivering goods and servicesC) formulating a strategy for business diversificationD) introducing a new productAnswer: BPage Ref: 6AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Discuss best practices for selecting, evaluating, and managing information systemsprojectsbuy this full document at Full file at Which of the following is not true of information systems?A) Information systems are crucial for tracking employee payroll, taxes, benefits, and timesheets.B) Information systems are crucial for tracking assets and inventories.C) Most organizations develop their own information systems to handle their back-officeinformation needs.D) Many organizations are moving these information system functions to service providers oreven outsourcing them entirely.Answer: CPage Ref: 6AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Discuss the role of information systems in supporting business processes25) Achieving excellence in operations can result in ________.A) higher cost savingsB) improved organizational justiceC) increased brand dilutionD) increased employee turnoverAnswer: APage Ref: 7AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Discuss the role of information systems in supporting business processes26) A grocery store would be able to improve customer satisfaction by providing ________.A) self-service checkoutsB) items without barcodesC) inventory information to customersD) elaborate identification checks to avoid theftAnswer: APage Ref: 8AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 1Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the functions of customer relationship management (CRM) systemsbuy this full document at Full file at A high-end women's clothing store has an inefficient checkout system. This will have________.A) a negative impact on customer relationshipB) a positive impact on accountingC) a negative impact on talent managementD) a positive impact on turnover ratesAnswer: APage Ref: 8AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the functions of customer relationship management (CRM) systems28) How do web-based front offices and online self-service applications transform anorganization's relationships with its customers?A) reduce customer-service facilities available to a customerB) educate the customer on the business process of the companyC) provide customers with a decision support systemD) free the customers from most routine direct contactAnswer: DPage Ref: 8AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Discuss the role of information systems in supporting business processes29) Which of the following is true about web-based front offices and online self-serviceapplications?A) They reduce understanding of customer requirements and motives.B) They often mimic the brick-and-mortar versions.C) They help in streamlining the talent management.D) They improve sales in the short term, and reduce customer loyalty in the long term.Answer: BPage Ref: 8AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the functions of customer relationship management (CRM) systemsbuy this full document at Full file at Decision making that draws on billions of pieces of data that can be aggregated to revealimportant trends and patterns is called ________.A) intuitive decision makingB) informed decision makingC) scientific decision makingD) data-driven decision makingAnswer: DPage Ref: 8AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Explain how information systems can be used to assist in decision making31) An NGO uses historical trends to determine when charitable giving peaks, and then sets thedates for its donation drives based on the trends. This is an example of ________.A) data-driven decision makingB) business intelligenceC) customer relationship managementD) operations managementAnswer: APage Ref: 8AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 1Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Explain how information systems can be used to assist in decision making32) The information that managers use to make decisions, drawn from the company's owninformation systems or external sources is called ________.A) business intelligenceB) data-driven decision makingC) internal dataD) operations-related dataAnswer: APage Ref: 9AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Explain how information systems can be used to assist in decision makingbuy this full document at Full file at Nintendo uses data from information systems of partners, suppliers, and distributors todevelop new applications for the Wii console. Which type of information is Nintendo using inthis example ?A) customer-centric informationB) business intelligenceC) technical informationD) social-networking informationAnswer: BPage Ref: 9AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Explain how information systems can be used to assist in decision making34) Which of the following is a disadvantage of using social networking sites for businesscollaboration?A) Social networking sites do not support most business applications.B) Social networking sites do not allow users to share documents and applications.C) Social networking sites do not allow interactions using microphones and video cameras.D) Social networking sites are not very secure.Answer: DPage Ref: 9AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Explain how IS can enhance systems of collaboration and teamwork35) Which of the following statements is true about FedEx's social networking site, FaceNet?A) It reduced employee productivity rates.B) It became popular, and spread much faster than expected.C) It increased security risks.D) It improved inter-departmental collaboration.Answer: BPage Ref: 9AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Explain how IS can enhance systems of collaboration and teamworkbuy this full document at Full file at Which of the following is true of information systems that support collaborative humanactivities?A) These information systems do not have tools for business collaboration, such as documentmanagement, project updates, issue tracking, and shared calendars.B) These systems, besides being complex and difficult to implement, are not successful.C) These systems need to accommodate numerous possibilities.D) These systems are equipped with sophisticated technology that is required in matureoperational systems.Answer: CPage Ref: 9AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Explain how IS can enhance systems of collaboration and teamwork37) Chicago University starts an online course called "Comparative Religion." While developingthe information systems to support virtual, collaborative education, which of the followingfactors needs to be taken into account?A) the way students actually interact in a classroom settingB) the information shared in the virtual classroom must be very secureC) the negative impact of social networking sites on studentsD) the religious sentiments of the studentsAnswer: APage Ref: 9AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 1Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Explain how IS can enhance systems of collaboration and teamwork38) Anything that gives a firm a lead over its rivals is called ________.A) economies of scaleB) business growthC) differentiationD) competitive advantageAnswer: DPage Ref: 10Chapter LO: 1Difficulty: Easybuy this full document at Full file at Information systems are ________.A) not relevant to the strategy of nonprofit organizationsB) a core feature of a company's strategic visionC) not relevant to the strategy of government agenciesD) a core feature of a company's marketing campaignAnswer: BPage Ref: 10AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Explain how IS can be used to gain and sustain competitive advantage40) Tiny Navigon included free traffic updates with its portable navigation devices by tappinginto FM radio stations from major cities that make up a central database of traffic information.How did this strategy impact them?A) It improved their operations management.B) It improved customer relationship.C) It lowered their total revenue.D) It gave them a competitive advantage.Answer: DPage Ref: 10AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Explain how IS can be used to gain and sustain competitive advantage41) In Malaysia, the government partners with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in an innovativeeffort to identify especially talented youth. They use a test that can be delivered onlinethroughout the country's schools, which makes it accessible to students everywhere. This is anexample of ________.A) data-driven decision makingB) strategic use of information systemsC) use of business intelligenceD) use of information systems for revenue generationAnswer: BPage Ref: 10AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 1Difficulty: Moderatebuy this full document at Full file at Peter processes his e-mail inbox to zero using automated filtering tools as needed. In thisexample, he is using information system tools to ________.A) improve individual productivityB) keep his information secureC) transform his informationD) make data-driven decisionsAnswer: APage Ref: 10AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 1Difficulty: Moderate43) What are individual facts or pieces of information called?A) dataB) byteC) informationD) knowledgeAnswer: APage Ref: 11AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 2Difficulty: Easy44) What are facts that are assembled and analyzed to add meaning and usefulness called?A) dataB) informationC) knowledgeD) systemsAnswer: BPage Ref: 11AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 2Difficulty: Easy45) A single high-temperature reading of an incoming patient at Patient First, a 24-hour walk-inclinic in Laurel, Maryland, is one ________.A) piece of informationB) piece of knowledgeC) piece of evidenceD) piece of dataAnswer: DPage Ref: 11AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 2Difficulty: Moderatebuy this full document at Full file at When a single high-temperature reading of an incoming patient is entered into the patientrecords information system and combined with the patient's other symptoms and previousmedical records, it becomes ________.A) inaccessibleB) a dataC) informationD) an element in the information systemAnswer: CPage Ref: 11AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 2Difficulty: Moderate47) When the time people spend waiting in line to vote, i.e., 5 minutes and 32 seconds in aspecific area, is aggregated, and then a graph of average waiting times by location is created, itbecomes ________.A) dataB) factsC) knowledgeD) informationAnswer: DPage Ref: 11AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 2Difficulty: Moderate48) A broker recommends that his clients buy, hold, or sell stock of Microsoft by referring to acombination of a graph of Microsoft highs and lows for one year and an analysis of otherinformation. This is an example of ________.A) informationB) factsC) knowledgeD) dataAnswer: CPage Ref: 11AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 2Difficulty: Moderatebuy this full document at Full file at Which of the following is true of data, information, and knowledge?A) They blend together and form a continuum.B) They are mutually exclusive categories.C) They fail to help in understanding how information systems work.D) They are diverse terms and may not be used interchangeably.Answer: APage Ref: 11AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 2Difficulty: Moderate50) People pay monthly subscription fees to financial service companies to get current stockprices. This highlights which of the following valuable characteristics of information?A) timelinessB) accuracyC) completenessD) relevanceAnswer: APage Ref: 12AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 2Difficulty: Easy51) A marketing survey polls customers as they enter a store to ask their opinion about theirproducts and the store's e-commerce website. Which of the following is a drawback of the datacollected through this poll?A) It is not authentic.B) It is incomplete.C) It is not a valid method of soliciting customer feedback.D) It is an unscientific method of collecting data.Answer: BPage Ref: 12AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 2Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Discuss the role of information systems in supporting business processesbuy this full document at Full file at ________ adds considerable value to information, particularly as a means to avoid bias orspin.A) TimelinessB) AccuracyC) RelevanceD) CompletenessAnswer: DPage Ref: 12AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 2Difficulty: Easy53) Which of the following is NOT one of the four critical components of an informationsystem?A) technologyB) strategyC) processesD) dataAnswer: BPage Ref: 13AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 2Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)54) In an organization that is open to ideas from all employees, ________.A) it becomes tougher to implement new information systemsB) user-generated content is more easily acceptedC) information systems are more likely to succeedD) innovative concepts for information systems can come from every levelAnswer: DPage Ref: 13AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 2Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)buy this full document at Full file at The information technology team works closely with ________.A) the customers or clientsB) the staff in other functional areas of the organizationC) senior managers of the organizationD) contributors from outside the organizationAnswer: BPage Ref: 13AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)56) The customer reviews posted for various products in is an example of________.A) business dataB) collective intelligenceC) user-generated contentD) collaborative informationAnswer: CPage Ref: 13AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)57) Most of the information in Wikipedia is ________.A) collaborative informationB) collective intelligenceC) creative commonsD) user-generated contentAnswer: DPage Ref: 13AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)buy this full document at Full file at Which of the following statements is not true about user-generated content?A) It is people and technology driven, and does not require processes and data.B) It is an important ingredient in what has come to be known as Web 2.0.C) It makes up most of the information in systems such as eBay, Craigslist, and many others.D) It is often produced by non-professionals without the expectation of profit or remuneration.Answer: APage Ref: 13AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 3Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)59) Which of the following is true about information and communications technology?A) Increasingly, wireless transmission is favored because of its speed and flexibility althoughextra costs are incurred.B) Information and communications technology is a separate category, and does not come underthe IT component.C) The term information and communications technology is often used more broadly to refer toinformation systems.D) The main role of the telecommunications component involves moving electronic signals fromone place to another, and properly routing traffic.Answer: DPage Ref: 14AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)60) Which of the following is true of information technology?A) Information technology is comprised of hardware, software, and information technologyprofessionals.B) Anything capable of collecting, processing, storing, or displaying electronic data is potentiallypart of an information system.C) Telecommunications and networks are not a part of the IT component.D) The Internet and the World Wide Web reduced software creativity.Answer: BPage Ref: 14AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)buy this full document at Full file at The multitude of servers in Google's windowless data centers are examples of ________.A) business dataB) business information toolsC) information technologyD) user-generated contentAnswer: CPage Ref: 14AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)62) In a college registrations office, employees send letters to students who could not be enrolledin a class that they selected, to explain why. The college designs a feature that automaticallygenerates form letters, instead of typing the letter, and the employees can check the reason beforemailing the letters. Which of the following type of process change has the college used in thisexample?A) eliminating the earlier process entirelyB) strategy developmentC) software optimizationD) process improvementAnswer: DPage Ref: 14AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 3Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)63) The question, "should the system log every change an employee makes to the data?" isrelated to which of the following components of an information system?A) strategyB) technologyC) processD) dataAnswer: CPage Ref: 15AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)buy this full document at Full file at Which of the following is NOT an example of information technology?A) transponder chip on a car's windshield that allows electronic toll collectionB) personal digital assistantC) bar-code scannersD) geographic coordinate systemAnswer: DPage Ref: 14AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)65) ________ encompass a broad collection of information processing that includestelecommunications and networks.A) Information systemsB) Market information systemsC) IT-communications systemsD) Information and communications technologiesAnswer: DPage Ref: 14AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)66) Which of the following is NOT a function of the telecommunications component?A) moving electronic signals from one place to anotherB) properly routing trafficC) providing support for Internet-based applicationsD) providing various services to analyze traffic patternsAnswer: CPage Ref: 14AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)buy this full document at Full file at What is a set of activities designed to achieve a task?A) a business processB) a business componentC) a business commitmentD) a business approachAnswer: APage Ref: 15AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)68) Which of the following is NOT a consequence of implementing information systems?A) supporting business processesB) streamlining business processesC) eliminating business processesD) creating business processesAnswer: DPage Ref: 15AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Discuss the role of information systems in supporting business processes69) ________ focuses on designing, optimizing, and streamlining business processes throughoutthe organization.A) Business process automationB) Business process managementC) Business process reengineeringD) Business process restructuringAnswer: BPage Ref: 15AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe the components of an information system (IS)buy this full document at Full file at Which of the following organizations will be most likely to restrict its employees' Internetusage?A) a hospitalB) a start-up IT companyC) a travel agencyD) a child-development NGOAnswer: APage Ref: 16AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 3Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Describe different methods of managing IS security71) A quantitative analyst working in an investment bank will be able to ________.A) post party photos on the bank's serversB) access some information on the bank's serversC) use the Internet freelyD) take files home on portable USB flashdrivesAnswer: BPage Ref: 16AACSB: Use of information technology; Analytic skillsChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe different methods of managing IS security72) Which of the following allows an organization to keep its information secure?A) epoxy glueB) captchaC) warm bootD) middlewareAnswer: APage Ref: 16AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: ModerateCourse LO: Describe different methods of managing IS security73) Which of the following is a top business priority for IT leaders?A) business process improvementB) creating technical infrastructureC) improving the brand image of productsD) improving enterprise workforce effectivenessAnswer: APage Ref: 17Chapter LO: 3Difficulty: Easy74) ________ refers to the processes by which electronic data that might be used as legalbuy this full document at Full file at are requested, secured, and searched.A) Risk managementB) Digital forensics analysisC) Cyberspace managementD) E-discoveryAnswer: DPage Ref: 17AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe different methods of managing IS security75) Electronic documents cover a wide scope, and they can be quite slippery as people edit, cutand paste, and make copies. As a result of this ________.A) more than 75 percent of U.S. corporations have solid retention policies in placeB) organizations find it difficult to manage the retention processC) companies no longer find it necessary to invest in e-discoveryD) organizations invest a lot of money in business process automationAnswer: BPage Ref: 17AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 3Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Describe different methods of managing IS security76) Which of the following supports tactical decision making at the managerial level?A) operations managementB) enterprise architectureC) business intelligenceD) management information systemsAnswer: DPage Ref: 18AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 4Difficulty: EasyCourse LO: Explain how information systems can be used to assist in decision makingbuy this full document at Full file at ________ boasts of the largest number of Internet users, topping 825 million.A) AfricaB) AsiaC) AmericaD) EuropeAnswer: BPage Ref: 19AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 4Difficulty: Easy78) Which of the following is an example of "micro-volunteering"?A) A volunteer uses his cell phone to translate books into Spanish while commuting to work.B) A volunteer donates some money to CRY every Christmas.C) A volunteer spends every summer teaching English in schools in Africa.D) A volunteer donates his old clothes to an orphanage in his neighborhood.Answer: APage Ref: 21AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 5Difficulty: Easy79) Some people, who are unable to dedicate many hours per week, spend just a few minutes oftheir time helping with various causes through their cell phones. This type of volunteering iscalled ________.A) volunteer-sourcingB) temporary-volunteeringC) micro-volunteeringD) collaborative-volunteeringAnswer: CPage Ref: 21AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 5Difficulty: Easy80) ________ is the person who heads the department responsible for managing and maintaininginformation systems, and ensuring they support the organization's strategic goals.A) Chief Information OfficerB) Chief Technology OfficerC) Chief Knowledge OfficerD) Chief Privacy OfficerAnswer: APage Ref: 21AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 5Difficulty: Easy81) In an information systems department, which functional subunit develops, installs, maintains,buy this full document at Full file at oversees the organization's mission critical software applications?A) Telecommunications and Network servicesB) SystemsC) OperationsD) Services AdministrationAnswer: BPage Ref: 22AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 5Difficulty: Easy82) Which of the following common functional areas in an information systems departmentprovides services to internal and external customers on technology issues?A) Services AdministrationB) Telecommunications and Network servicesC) OperationsD) End-User Support and Help DeskAnswer: DPage Ref: 22AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 5Difficulty: Easy83) Which of the following common functional areas in an information systems departmentmaintains the environmentally controlled areas in which servers and communications equipmentare located?A) OperationsB) End-User Support and Help DeskC) Services AdministrationD) SystemsAnswer: APage Ref: 22AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 5Difficulty: Easybuy this full document at Full file at In an information systems department, the Systems subunit is responsible for ________.A) installing, managing, and updating serversB) providing services to internal and external customers on technology issuesC) developing, installing, maintaining, and overseeing the organization's mission criticalsoftware applicationsD) maintaining the environmentally controlled areas in which servers and communicationsequipment are locatedAnswer: CPage Ref: 22AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 5Difficulty: Easy85) In an information system department, Operations is responsible for ________.A) installing and managing communications technologies and networksB) providing services to internal and external customers on technology issuesC) installing and updating serversD) handling backups and archivingAnswer: DPage Ref: 22AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 5Difficulty: Easy86) In an information systems department, which of the following persons is responsible forensuring that the company's confidential information is well protected from hackers, disasters,accidents, and rogue employees?A) Chief Information Security OfficerB) Chief Privacy OfficerC) Chief Technology OfficerD) Chief Knowledge OfficerAnswer: APage Ref: 22AACSB: Use of information technologyChapter LO: 5Difficulty: Easybuy this full document at