Object-oriented databases organize data by classes, attributes, methods, and:

Beatris LopezComputer Literacy: Week 12: Chapter 11: Multiple Choice1.Facts or observations about people, places, things, and events are :

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"Which view of data deals with how the data is actually formatted and located? A) physical view B) logical view C) information view

D) technical view"

Physical view

"A data field that represents a description or characteristic of some entity. A) Character B) Attribute C) Record

D) Entity"


"A collection of related fields such as a person’s name, address, and age. A) Character B) Record C) Field

D) File"


"A field that uniquely identifies each record. A) Id B) Primary Key C) Common

D) Numeric"

Primary Key

"In ________, data from transactions are collected over time and then processed all at once. A) Batch Processing B) Group Processing C) Real-Time Processing

D) Consignment Processing"

Batch Processing

"In ________, data is processed at the same time the transaction occurs. A) Batch Processing B) Group Processing C) Real-Time Processing

D) Consignment Processing"

Real-Time Processing

"Having several instances of the same data is called data ________. A) Repetition B) Duplication C) Doubling

D) Redundancy"


"If Mr. Smith’s bike has been sent to his new address, but the bill to his old one, it can most likely be attributed to a lack of data ________. A) Integrity B) Maintenance C) Redundancy

D) Administration"


"Which of the following is not an advantage of using a database? A) Security B) Reliability C) Sharing

D) Data Integrity"


"Analysis tools that support viewing all or selected parts of data, querying the database, and generating reports include query-by-example as well as a specialized programming language called ________. A) SQL B) HTML C) XML



"This subsystem defines the logical structure of the database by using a data dictionary or schema. A) Data Manipulation B) Application Generation C) Data Administration

D) Data Definition"

Data Definition

"In this subsystem, a user can create data entry forms. A) Data Administration B) DBMS Engine C) Data Definition

D) Application Generation"

Application Generation

"In this database model, the fields or records are structured in nodes. A) Relational B) Hierarchical C) Multidimensional

D) Object-Oriented"


"A network database utilizes these special connections between parent nodes and child nodes that allow multiple paths between records. A) Connectors B) Links C) Strings

D) Pointers"


"This type of database is organized into many tables with common data items (key fields) linking the tables to one another. A) Hierarchical B) Multidimensional C) Relational

D) Network"


"Which of the following is an advantage of using multidimensional databases? A) Smaller Hard Disk Usage B) Network Ability C) Simpler Relationships

D) Conceptualization"


"These databases store not only data but also instructions to manipulate the data. A) Hierarchical B) Network C) Object-Oriented

D) Multidimensional"


"In the object-oriented database model, this term is the equivalent to a field in a relational model. A) Entity B) Class C) Method

D) Attribute"


"In this type of database, the data and the DBMS are stored either on the user’s hard-disk drive or on a LAN file server. A) Company B) Individual C) Commercial

D) Web"


"These types of databases are also called information utilities or data banks. A) Distributed B) Individual C) Shared

D) Commercial"


"The combined information presented on this type of database can be used to change the whole merchandising strategy of a store. A) Commercial B) Individual C) Company

D) Distributed"


"If all the data in a database is not physically located in one place, it would be a(n) ________ database. A) Individual B) Web C) Commercial

D) Distributed"


"This commercial database offers news and information on legal, public records, and business issues. A) CSi B) Proquest Dialog C) Dow Jones Factiva

D) Lexisnexis"


"Information collected by an organization from a variety of external and internal databases is stored in this special type of database. A) Data Warehouse B) Commercial Database C) Company Database

D) Company Warehouse"

Data Warehouse

"Access to these databases is offered to the public or selected outside individuals, for a fee. A) Data Warehouses B) Commercial Databases C) Company Databases

D) Distributed Databases"

Commercial Databases

"The most basic logical element of data is a ________. A) Bit B) Word C) Binary

D) Character"


"A(n) ________ represents a collection of attributes that describe an entity. A) Record B) Character C) Attribute

D) Entity"


"A(n) ________ is a group of related characters. A) Record B) Field C) Entity

D) Attribute"


"A(n) ________ is a collection of related records. A) Entity B) Field C) Table

D) Attribute"


"A monthly bank credit card bill is the result of ________ processing. A) Real-Time B) Group C) Consignment

D) Batch"


"________ processing is also known as online processing. A) Real-time B) Batch C) Consignment

D) Group"


"________ ensures that there aren’t multiple sources of the same data. A) Security B) Data integrity C) Reliability

D) Sharing"

Data integrity

"The scenario wherein many files about the same person exist across different departments within an organization is called data ________. A) Repetition B) Doubling C) Redundancy

D) Duplication"


"The data ________ or schema contains a description of the structure of data in the database. A) Attribute B) Generation C) Entity

D) Dictionary"


"The analysis tools associated with the data manipulation subsystem that support querying databases include ________ and structured query languages (SQL). A) Query-By-Example B) Data Redundancy C) Attribute Analysis

D) Data Definition"


"The analysis tools associated with the ________ subsystem include query-by-example and structured query languages (SQL). A) Application Generation B) Data Manipulation C) Attribute Analysis

D) Data Administration"

Data Manipulation

"The duties of a database administrator include determining which people have access to what kinds of data in the database; these are referred to as ________ rights. A) Analysis B) Management C) Processing

D) Application"


"Each entry in a(n) ________ database has one parent node, with the parent node having several child nodes. A) Relational B) Object-Oriented C) Multidimensional

D) Hierarchical"


"In a(n) ________ database, any action on one element immediately affects the elements related to it. A) Hierarchical B) Multidimensional C) Object-Oriented

D) Relational"


"In a network database, a node may be reached through more than one path with the help of ________. A) Strings B) Pointers C) Links

D) Connectors"


"In a(n) ________ database, a node may be reached through more than one path with the help of pointers. A) Multidimensional B) Object-Oriented C) Network

D) Relational"


"In the ________ database, data elements are stored in different tables, each of which consists of rows and columns. A) Network B) Hierarchical C) Object-Oriented

D) Relational"


"A(n) ________ database, sometimes called a data cube, allows data to be viewed as a cube having three or more sides and consists of cells. A) Multidimensional B) Relational C) Hierarchical

D) Object-Oriented"


"Object-oriented databases organize data using objects, classes, attributes, and ________. A) Characters B) Methods C) Networks

D) Entities"


"Users of a(n) ________ database have access through their personal computers linked to local or wide area networks. A) Commercial B) Individual C) Company

D) Distributed"


"A(n) ________ database is a collection of integrated files primarily used by just one person. A) Company B) Distributed C) Commercial

D) Individual"


"In a(n) ________ database, not all the data in a database is physically located in one place. A) Distributed B) Commercial C) Individual

D) Company"


"LexisNexis is an example of a(n) ________ database. A) Individual B) Commercial C) Distributed

D) Company"


Data consists of only numbers, letters, and symbols.

"FALSE: Data includes – ~ Audio captured, interpreted, and saved using microphones and voice recognition systems ~ Music downloaded from the Internet and saved on smartphones, tablets, and other devices ~ Photographs captured by digital cameras, edited by image editing software, and shared with others over the Internet ~ Video captured by digital video cameras, TV tuner cards, and webcams"

The logical view of data focuses on meanings and content of the data.


A record is a collection of related tables.

"FALSE: ~ A record is a collection of related FIELDS ~ A database is an integrated collection of logically related tables"

Database tables can be related or connected to other tables by common key fields.


The ATM works on the principle of real-time processing.


Data redundancy can occur due to lack of data integrity.


In order to create, modify, and gain access to a database, special software, called the database management system, is required.


Querying the database and generating reports is assisted by the application generation subsystem.

"FALSE: Analysis tools support viewing all or selected parts of the data, querying the database, and generating reports. Specific tools include Query-by-Example and a specialized programming language called Structured Query Language (SQL)"

Typically, one of the duties of a database administrator is to interact with the data administration subsystem.


The logical arrangement of data in a database is called the database model.


A hierarchical database uses many-to-many relationships.

"FALSE: ~ A hierarchical database uses ONE-to-many relationship ~ A network database uses many-to-many relationships."

In a network database, a node can be traced down through different branches.


The database in which data elements are organized using classes, objects, attributes, and methods is called the object-oriented database.


Relational database tables require a common data item.


In a network database, nodes may have a many-to-many relationship.


In an object-oriented database, attributes are specific instances of a class that can contain both data and instructions to manipulate the data.

"FALSE: ~ OBJECTS are specific instances of a class that can contain both data and instructions to manipulate the data ~ Attributes are the data fields an object possesses"

In a distributed database, all the data must be physically located in one place.

"FALSE: ~ The data in a company is stored in several locations and is accessible through a variety of communications networks. The database, then, is a distributed database"

The company database may be stored on a central database server and managed by a database administrator.


A commercial database is generally an enormous database that an organization develops to cover particular subjects.


Individual databases are the foundation of management information systems.

"FALSE: COMPANY databases are the foundation for management information systems"

List the components of data organization from smallest (simpilest) to largest (most complex).

"1) Character 2) Field 3) Record 4) Table 5) Database"

What are the advantages of having databases?

"~ Sharing ~ Security ~ Less data redundancy ~ Data integrity"

List the five basic DBMS subsystems.

"1) DBMS engine 2) Data definition 3) Data manipulation 4) Application generation 5) Data administration"

Describe the structure and functionality of a hierarchical database.

Database in which fields or records are structured in nodes. Organized in the shape of a pyramid, and each node is linked directly to the nodes beneath it. Also called one-to-many relationship.

Differentiate between the individual database and the company database.

Individual databases are used by one person and stored on ones personal computer/device. Company databases are stored on central servers and accessed by multiple people

What are some measures that can be taken to ensure a database’s security?

Use firewalls to protect internal networks

What components do information systems consist of?

"~ People ~ Procedures ~ Software ~ Hardware ~ Data ~ Internet"


Facts or observations about people, places, things, and events.

What are the two perspectives to view data?

Physical View and Logical View

Which perspective view of data focuses on the actual format and location of the data?

Physical View

Which perspective view of data focuses on the meaning, content, and context of the data?

Logical View

Data is recorded as ___1___ that are typically grouped together into ___2___ that represent characters using a coding scheme such as ___3___ .

"1) Digital bits 2) Bytes 3) Unicode"

Typically, only very specialized computer professionals are concerned with what view perspective of data?

Physical View

End users and most computer professionals are concerned with what view perspective of data, as they are involved with actually using the data with application programs?

Logical View

In logical view data, how is data categorized?

Groups or categories


The most basic logical data element. It is a single letter, number, or special character, such as a punctuation mark, or a symbol, such as $


"~ Group of related characters ~ The name, ""Brown"" is in the data field for the Last Name of an employee. It consists of the individual letters (characters) that make up the last name. ~ Represents an attribute of some entity "


Description or characteristic


Person, place, thing, or object


"~ A collection of related fields ~ Represents a collection of attributes that describe an entity ~ Example: The payroll record for an employee consists of the data fields describing the attributes for one employee. These attributes are First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, and Salary."


"~ A collection of related records ~ Example: The Payroll Table would include payroll information (records) for the employees (entities) all together as a whole."


"~ An integrated collection of logically related tables. ~Example: The Personnel Database would include all related employee tables, including the Payroll Table and the Benefits Table."

Each record in a table has at least one distinctive field, uniquely identifying the record, called the ___1___ .

Key Field

What is a primary key?

Another name for a key field

Tables can be related or connected to other tables by:

Common key fields

For most employee databases, what is a key field?

Employee ID number

What are two different methods used to handle common record-keeping activities such as payroll and sales orders for data to be processed?

Batch Processing and Real-Time Processing

Batch Processing

"~ ""Later"" ~ Data is collected over several hours, days, or even weeks ~ IData is processed all at once as a "batch." ~ Ex: A credit card bill reflects batch processing. During the month, purchases are charged to the card. Each time charged, an electronic copy of the transaction is sent to the card company. At some point in the month, the data processing dept. puts all transactions together and processes them at one time. A single bill is sent totaling the amount owed."

Real-Time Processing

"~ ""Now"" ~ Occurs when data is processed at the same time the transaction occurs ~ Ex.: When one requests funds at an ATM, real-time processing occurs. "

What is another name for Real-Time Processing?

Online Processing

Data Redundancy

When an organization has multiple files on the same subject or person

Data Integrity

When there are multiple sources of data, each source may have variations

What are four advantages to having databases?

"~ Sharing ~ Security ~ Less data redundancy ~ Data integrity"

Describe the "sharing" advantage to having a database.

In organizations, information from one department can be readily shared with others

Describe the "security" advantage to having a database.

Users are given passwords or access only to the kind of information they need

Describe the "less data redundancy" advantage to having a database.

Without a common database, individual departments have to create and maintain their own data, and data redundancy results. Redundant data causes inefficient use of storage space and data maintenance problems.

What is DBMS?

"Database Management System ~ A special software required to create, modify, and gain access to a database"

What is an example of a DBMS designed for personal comoputers?

Microsoft Access

What are the five parts or subsystems of a DBMS software?

"1) DBMS engine 2) Data definition 3) Data manipulation 4) Application generation 5) Data administration"

DBMS Engine

"~ Provides a bridge between the logical view of the data and the physical view of the data. ~ When users request data (logical perspective), the DBMS engine handles the details of actually locating the data (physical perspective)"

Data Definition Subsystem

Defines the logical structure of the database by using a data dictionary or schema

Data Dictionary or Schema

"~ Contains a description of the structure of data in the database. ~ For a particular item of data, it defines the names used for a particular field. ~ It defines the type of data for each field (text, numeric, time, graphic, audio, and video)"

Data Manipulation Subsystem

Provides tools for maintaining and analyzing data

Data Maintenance

"~ Maintaining data ~ Involves adding new data, deleting old data, and editing existing data"


A specific tool in database management that shows a blank record and lets you specify the information needed, like the fields and values of the topic you are looking to obtain

Structured Query Language (SQL)

A program control language used to create sophisticated database applications for requesting information from a database

Application Generation Subsystem

Provides tools to create data entry forms and specialized programming languages that interface or work with common languages

Data Administration Subsystem

Helps to manage the overall database, including maintaining security, providing disaster recovery support, and monitoring the overall performance of database operations

Database Administrator (DBA)

"~ Highly trained computer specialists that interact with the data administration subsystem. ~ Additional duties include determining processing rights"

Processing Rights

Determining which people have access to what kinds of data in the database

Database Model

"~ DBMS programs are designed to work with data that is logically structured or arranged in a particular way. ~ Defines rules and standards for all data in a database"

What are the five database models?

"1) Hierarchical 2) Network 3) Relational 4) Multidimensional 5) Object-oriented"

Hierarchical Database

Database in which fields or records are structured in nodes. Organized in the shape of a pyramid, and each node is linked directly to the nodes beneath it. Also called one-to-many relationship.


Points connected like the branches of an upside-down tree

Parent Node

Node one level above the node being considered in a hierarchical database or network. Each entry has one parent node, although a parent may have several child nodes (also called one-to-many relationship)

Child Nodes

A node one level below the node being considered in a hierarchical database or network

One-to-Many Relationship

In a hierarchical database, each entry has one parent node, and a parent may have several child nodes

In a hierarchical database, to find a particular field, you have to:

Start at the top with a parent and trace down the tree to a child

In a hierarchical database, the nodes farther down the system are ___1___ to the ones above.


The problem with a hierarchical database is that if one parent node is deleted, what then happens?

All the subordinate child nodes are also deleted

In a hierarchical database, a child node cannot be added unless:

A parent node is added first.

The most significant limitation to a hierarchical database is the rigid structure:

One parent only per child, and no relationships or connections between the child nodes themselves

Network Database

Database with a hierarchical arrangement of nodes, except that each child node may have more than one parent node. Also called many-to-many relationship.

Many-to-Many Relationship

In a network database, each child node may have more than one parent node and vice versa


Within a network database, pointers are additional connections between parent nodes and child nodes. Thus, a node may be reached through more than one path and can be traced down through different branches

Relational Database

In this structure, there are no access paths down a hierarchy. Rather, the data elements are stored in different tables, each of which consists of rows and columns


A table in a relational database in which data elements are stored in rows and columns

Common Data Item

In a relational database, all related tables must have a common data item or key field enabling information stored in one table to be linked with information stored in another

What is the most valuable feature of relational databases?

Their simplicity

What database model is most common for personal use?

Relational Database

Multidimensional Database

"~ A variation and an extension of the relational data model. ~ Data can be viewed as a cube with three or more sides consisting of cells. ~ Each side of the cube is considered a dimension of the data; thus, complex relationships between data can be represented and efficiently analyzed. ~ Sometimes called a data cube and designed for analyzing large groups of records."

Data Cube

"~ A multidimensional data model. ~ Data can be viewed as a cube with three or more sides consisting of cells. ~ Extends the two-dimensional data model to include additional or multiple dimensions"

What are the two significant advantages that a multidimensional database has over a relational database?

"1) Conceptualization 2) Processing speed"


Multidimensional databases and data cubes provide users with an intuitive model in which complex data and relationships can be conceptualized.

Processing speed

Analyzing and querying a large multidimensional database can be much faster. For example, a query requiring just a few seconds on a multidimensional database could take minutes or hours to perform on a relational database.

Object-Oriented Database

A more flexible type of database that stores data as well as instructions to manipulate data and is able to handle unstructured data such as photographs, audio, and video

Object-oriented databases organize data by using:

"~ Classes ~ Objects ~ Attributes ~ Methods"

Object-Oriented Database Organization: "Classes"

General definitions

Object-Oriented Database Organization: "Objects"

Specific instances of a class that can contain both data and instructions to manipulate the data

Object-Oriented Database Organization: "Attributes"

The data fields an object possesses

Object-Oriented Database Organization: "Methods"

Instructions for retrieving or manipulating attribute values

Which database models (out of the five) are most popular today?

Relational, Multidimensional, and Object-Oriented

Which database model has data structured in nodes organized like an upside-down tree; each parent node can have several children; each child node can have only one parent?

Hierarchical Database

Which database model is like hierarchical except that each child can have several parents?

Network Database

Which database model has data stored in tables consisting of rows and columns?

Relational Database

Which database model has data stored in data cubes with three or more dimensions?

Multidimensional Database

Which database model organizes data using classes, objects, attributes, and methods?

Object-Oriented Database

What is the individual database also called?

Personal Computer Database

Individual Database

It is a collection of integrated files primarily used by just one person. Typically, the data and the DBMS are under the direct control of the user. They are stored either on the user’s hard-disk drive or on a LAN file server

Where are individual databases stored?

Either on the user’s hard-disk drive or on a LAN file server

Company Database

Also called shared database. Stored on a mainframe, users throughout the company have access to the database through their personal computers linked by a network

Distributed Database

Database that can be made accessible through a variety of communications networks, which allow portions of the database to be located in different places

Commercial Database

Enormous database an organization develops to cover certain particular subjects. Access to this type of database is usually offered for a fee or subscription. Also known as data bank and informational utility.

What are some examples of commercial databases?

"1) ProQuest Dialog—offers business information, as well as technical and scientific information. 2) Dow Jones Factiva—provides world news and information on business, investments, and stocks. 3) LexisNexis—offers news and information on legal news, public records, and business issues."

What are the four types od databases?

"1) Individual 2) Company 3) Distributed 4) Commercial"

What type of database integrates files used by just one person?

Individual Database

What type of database is a common operational or commonly used files shared in an organization?

Company Database

What type of database is spread geographically and accessed using database server?

Distributed Database

What type of database has information utilities or data banks available to users on a wide range of topics?

Commercial Database

Data Warehouse

Data Mining

List some kinds of databases that are available to help users with both general and specific business purposes.

"~ Business directories ~ Demographic data ~ Business statistical information ~ Text databases ~ Web databases "

Business Directories

Providing addresses, financial and marketing information, products, and trade and brand names

Demographic Data

Such as county and city statistics, current estimates on population and income, employment statistics, census data, etc.

Business Statistical Information

Such as financial information on publicly traded companies, market potential of certain retail stores, and other business data and information

Text Databases

Providing articles from business publications, press releases, reviews on companies and products, and so on

Web Databases

Covering a wide range of topics, including all of those previously mentioned. As mentioned earlier, web search sites like Google maintain extensive databases of available Internet content.

What are some of the privacy concerns with databases?

"~ May be used for the wrong purposes ~ Illegal use of data ~ Unauthorized users gaining/granting access to a database"

Most major corporations today use what type special hardware and software to control access to their internal networks?
