When a neurons axon fibers become twisted together they form spiral-shaped masses called:

Middle Adulthood: When does "middle" begin?

ages 40 to 65

midpoint, not end of life

continuations of adulthood changes

Physical Changes with Age

Vision: by the 40's, visual "accommodation" becomes more difficult for nearby objects

by the 60's, the lenses loses their capacity to adjust to objects at varying distances entirely, presbyopia ("old eyes")

color vision declines, "night vision" declines

glaucoma--poor fluid drainage leading to destructive buildup of pressure in eye--becomes the leading cause of blindness


about 14% of Americans between 45 and 64 suffer from hearing loss, often due to age-related changes called presbycusis ("old hearing")

after age 50 high frequency loses become more apparent

gender, and possibly population differences

males have earlier, more rapid loss


the skin become less elastic and supple, "age spots" appear, blood vessels in the skin become more visible

sun exposure tends to exacerbate wrinkling and spotting



young adult voices tend to be full and resonate; older adult voices tend to be thinner or weaker

age related changes show lowering of pitch, increased breathlessness, and mumbling, slower & less precise pronunciation, decrease volume

may reflect changes in larynx, respiratory system, and muscles; may reflect poor health that are not part of normal aging


both males and females tend to loss muscle mass and gain weight

basal metabolic rate slows, leading to a decreased caloric need (but not appetite)

weight bearing/resistance training exercise can help offset both excess weight and muscle loss


mineral content of bones declines, bones become more porous, and bone density declines

disk collapse in the spinal column lead to a decrease in height

great loss of bone density lead to the disorder of osteoporosis

Reproductive System

the climacteric, the mid-life transition in which fertility declines, brings an end to reproductive capacity in women and decreased fertility in men

menopause: estrogen production decreases over a decade the concludes with menopause, late 30's to late 50's--the end of menstruation and reproductive capacity

decreased genital size and sensitivity, become less easily stimulated, and the vagina lubricates more slowly during arousal

hot flashes and sexual problems are linked with menopause

common reports of less satisfying sleep, irritability, and mood problems are not clearly linked to menopause

psychological and physical effects

expectation and "meaning" dramatically affects the experience of menopause

marked cultural and subcultural differences

males experiences a decrease in quantities of semen and sperm produced after age 40, testosterone production reduces

erectile dysfunction--inability to attain/sustain an erection when desired--becomes more common in mid-life

drugs that increase blood flow to the penis and commonly prescribed for treatment

sildenafil (Viagra) was approved by the FDA in 1998 for treatment of erectile dysfunction in males