How to show your boyfriend you love him over text

A simple text message can brighten a person’s day and when you’re texting your significant other, it’s only natural to have the need to make him smile.

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Sending a nice message is the perfect way of expressing the way you feel through words as it helps to show how much you care. You may want a good morning text every day but what’s to say he doesn’t want a cute message too?

We’ve put together a list of 51 of the best and most perfect text messages you should send your other half to make him smile and miss you. Perhaps don’t send all of them at once but you could send one or two and see if he thinks it’s cute, we can almost guarantee he will love it. These text messages are perfect for any couples who spend a lot of time away from each other, those who are long distance, or even just for the working couple to send throughout the day.

Take The Quiz: Is He Losing Interest?

Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Is He Losing Interest” Quiz right now and find out if he’s really losing interest in you…

How to show your boyfriend you love him over text

MORE: 24 Amazing Goodnight Texts (And How They Work To Melt His Heart)

  1. “I don’t think anyone makes me laugh as much as you do.”
  2. “You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.”
  3. “I’m so glad we met!”
  4. “Thank you for always being there for me, I really don’t know what I would do without you.”
  5. “Can’t stop thinking about you today.”
  6. “You. Me. Takeout. Tonight.”
  7. “I hope you know how wonderful and great you are”
  8. “Our relationship is perfect, you’re my prince.”
  9. “You’re the most beautiful person I have ever seen.”

How to show your boyfriend you love him over text

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  1. “I’m so crazy about you.”
  2. “I wish we were together right now, cuddling.”
  3. “Thinking about you really does brighten my day.”
  4. “Hey, sexy.”
  5. “I had such a good time the other day, I wish every day was like that.”
  6. “You’re so hot.”
  7. “I’m ordering food later, you in?”
  8. “I can’t fall asleep, you’re all I can think about.”
  9. “Why do I smile like an idiot when you’re texting me?”
  10. “We go together like Nutella and a spoon.”
  11. “You take my breath away!”

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  1. “When can I see you again?”
  2. “You’re the most interesting person I’ve ever met.”
  3. “Are you even real? You’re so dreamy.”
  4. “Nobody understands me like you do.”
  5. “I just want to be curled up in your arms right now.”
  6. “I think our lips should have a meeting. asap.”
  7. “I can’t to eat food together and have a good time.”
  8. “I really miss you.”

How to show your boyfriend you love him over text

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  1. “A kiss burns like 7 calories a minute, wanna workout?”
  2. “How’s your day going? I’m in need of a handsome man later”
  3. “You make me blush when you’re not even here.”
  4. “All my friends are jealous of our relationship, they want a man like you!”
  5. “Thanks for always killing the spiders for me when I’m too scared.”
  6. “When can I see you again?”
  7. “I’m in serious need of a cuddle.”

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  1. “Wow! You’re super smart.”
  2. “I’m so glad we met.”
  3. “Shall we just call in sick tomorrow and spend the whole day together?”
  4. “No one else compares to you, you’re my one in a million.”
  5. “You look so hot in your new Instagram photo, have you ever thought about going into modelling?”
  6. “My bed is way too big for just me, do you want to come and keep me warm?”
  7. “You’re my whole world.”

How to show your boyfriend you love him over text

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  1. “You never fail to amaze me with how perfect you are.”
  2. “I’m so proud of you.”
  3. “I can’t remember a life before you, and I wouldn’t want too, you light up my life like nobody else.”
  4. “If you wanna stop by my house tonight I’ll make it worth the journey.”
  5. “Forever still isn’t enough time with you.”
  6. “You’re my lobster!”
  7. “You still give my stomach butterflies like no one else.”
  8. “I adore you.”
  9. “I love you.”

No matter how long you two have been together, even if you’re still dating, any guy would love to receive texts like these. It makes them feel appreciated and is sure to put a huge smile on their face. All the texts are true too so you’re simply expressing yourself in a more forward way than you normally would, he’ll love it!

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This article shows you excellent text messages that will make him miss you, now in any relationship I’ve found there are 2 pivotal moments that determine if your relationship ends in heartbreak or you get to live happily ever after so it’s vitally important that you take the next step and read this right now, because at some point the man you want is going to ask himself: Is this the woman I should commit to for the long term? That answer determines everything… Do you know how men determine if a woman is girlfriend material (the type of woman he commits himself to) or if he sees you as just a fling? If not you need to read this next: The #1 Thing Men Desire In A Woman…

The second problem almost all women experience: At some point he starts to lose interest. He doesn’t call you back or he becomes emotionally closed off. He seems like he’s losing interest or pulling away – do you know what to do? If not you’re putting your relationship and the future of your love life in great danger, read this now or risk losing him forever: If He’s Pulling Away, Do This…

Want to find out if he’s really losing interest? Click here to take our quick (and shockingly accurate) “Is He Losing Interest” Quiz right now and find out if he’s really losing interest in you…

Take The Quiz: Is He Losing Interest?

How to show your boyfriend you love him over text

Is He Losing Interest?Take the Quiz

Who doesn’t love to be told that they are loved? We decided to find some cute ways to tell him you love him that are more unique than just  “ I love you.”

It’s fun to to be a little unexpected by saying something flirty. These are all cute ways to tell him you love him. It’s a perfect way to cheer him up, especially after a difficult day.

Letting your boyfriend or husband know that you are thinking of him is a great way to connect. Use these as quick texts, messages or notes.

Be creative, you can add them to his lunch or wallet. A quick text in the afternoon will definitely make them smile.

Making and keeping connections is the most important. Life gets in the way of taking a moment to be grateful for what we have. Telling those we love that we are thinking of them and that they are special is something that we often forget.

I know that I need to be reminded sometimes that making someone feel loved shouldn’t happen only on special occasions but should be a regular reminder.

This is something that keeps the spark alive with long term relationships. We need something to snap us out of the daily routine and to appreciate the little things that they do for us.

It’s easy to talk about the stresses or the frustrations of the day but that cannot be the only topic of conversation.

Guys need to hear how we feel just as much as we want to hear it from them. So take a minute to express your feelings with some cute ways to say that you love him.

How to show your boyfriend you love him over text



Cute ways to tell him you love him

1.“When I think of you it makes me smile.”

This is a simple way for him to feel special. He will love the idea that he makes you happy.

2. “I feel special when I am around you.”

This is a great way to show your appreciation for all that he does and how he treats you. Telling him how he makes you feel will likely lead to more of the same special treatment!

3. “When I wake in the morning, you are my first thought.”

It’s great to have a first thought about someone that you love instead of the other million things that are vying for your attention.

4. “I am so lucky to have you in my life.”

Show him how grateful you are that he is in your life, by letting him know that you truly feel lucky that he is your partner.

5.“You are my favorite distraction.”

We have a million distractions throughout our day, but let him know that he is your favorite one!

6.“Hey there handsome.”

Change up your greeting with this is a surefire way to make him smile! It’s like a snowball, when you make someone feel good, they will want to reciprocate.

7. “I appreciate you so much.”

This one is a biggie, we ALL want to feel appreciated for what we bring to the relationship. Give the compliment, it’s important for guys to hear.

8. “You are my best friend.”

I think this is one of the most special things in a relationship when you find it. To have a best friend and partner is by far the best!

9. “I am so happy you are in my life.”

When you find someone that adds happiness to your life, you want to make sure that they know it.

10. “You mean everything to me.”

Let him know where he falls in the hierarchy of people in your life.

11.“You are my favorite person.”

This one says it all…

12. “I love it when you hold me tight.”

This puts into words something that feels wonderful.

13. “You make my heart sing.”

When you are in love, everything comes alive and this is a cute way to let him know that you love him.

14. “My heart actually races when I see you.”

This is an amazing feeling that you just want to share when it happens.

15. “I didn’t think it was possible to love you more today than yesterday.”

This is just a great heartfelt way to say “I love you.”

How to show your boyfriend you love him over text



Innocent words that turn him on

Sometimes you just want to be a little flirty. So send a text or write a note and surprise him with these innocent words that turn him on.

He will have a tough time getting you out of his head with these simple little words.

16. “I had a dream about you last night, I will tell you all about it.”

17. “I love how safe you make me feel.

18. “I feel electricity all around me when I am with you.”

19. “I am drowning in your eyes.”

20. “I can smell you on my clothes.”

21. “You are the hottest guy I have ever known.”

22. “I am crazy about you.”

23. “Tell me more.”

24. “I love it when you look at me the way that you do.”

25. “Your looking really good today.”

26. “Just wait until you get home!”

27. “I could really use a massage.”

28. “I am just laying around today.”

Cute things to say to your boyfriend

All of the quotes are a simple way to say “I love you” in  a different way. He will love the thoughtfulness of these messages.

These simple messages are cute things to say to your boyfriend or husband. Make his day by communicating your feelings in ways that are special to just you and him. These can get your started. 

Maybe use his favorite hobbies, or sports teams for ideas. An example might be, “tonight when you get home, I will be wearing an Eagles jersey and nothing else.” or “You know how we feel when we go hiking? I feel that same exhilaration dreaming of our life together.” You get the idea…

How to show your boyfriend you love him over text



29. “I would love to stay in this moment forever by just holding you.”

30. ‘I miss you whenever you are not with me.”

31. “I am grateful to have you by my side.”

32. “When I look at you, I know that we will get through anything together.”

33. “Everyday just seems brighter since you are in my life.”

34. “ I love planning our future adventures together.”

35. “I love that you are my best friend and partner.”

36. “I am truly me when I am with you.”

37. “You are the only one for me.”

38. “You are my happy place.”

39. “Everything is just better since you are in my life.”

40. “We are a really cute couple.”

Expressing our feelings is not always easy and having a “cheat sheet” can get your creative ideas flowing! Choose the words that best fit your relationship.

Obviously we do nice things for those that we love, because we want them to feel good. But there is something interesting that happens when we do this, called the law of reciprocity.

The “Law of reciprocity” means that when you do something nice for someone they will have a deep-rooted psychological urge to do something nice in return. Sort of “what comes around, goes around.”  Kindness creates more kindness.

The more love and kindness you show, the more you receive and so on… this keeps relationship bonds strong.

How to show your boyfriend you love him over text



How to tell him you love him

Is it the right time to tell him that you love him? Or is it too early, or should you wait for him? Tricky stuff. Often it just feels right and you dive in. If you both already feel that you are a couple then saying it out loud is just the cherry on top.

By communicating honestly, you can learn about each others’ true personalities. Let him know how you are truly feeling. Being vulnerable is necessary to create strong connections.

If you are sure you are feeling it and keep thinking about telling him, well then it is time.

Letting someone know that they are loved helps to make them feel secure in the relationship. The sweetest way is to just say, “You know, I really love you.” This is the best way to make sure you both are on the same page moving forward.

Remember that although these are all important words, nothing speaks louder than actions.

Make sure to show him that you love him.

Everyone can be a little apprehensive opening up to another person and we all want our feelings reciprocated. The reality is that anything worthwhile requires taking chances.

Loving someone means being bold and a little courageous.

Each experience teaches us more about ourselves and who we are at that moment. We are all are growing and having someone to love and share those moments with, is a great gift.

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Cute Flirty Texts to make them smile & blush

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