How to fix no sound on chromebook

When it comes to the primary functions of a Chromebook, users want to be able to see the screen, have access to various apps and features, and hear audio without an issue. However, if the sound isn’t working on your Chromebook, what are a few things that can be done?

If the sound is not working on your Chromebook, verify that the device has not been muted and that any content you are trying to play has not been muted from within its specific platform, change the audio settings while headphones are plugged in, and turn your device off and back on.

How to fix no sound on chromebook

Chromebooks are an incredible device that allows users to have the speed of a great processes system while also using all apps and other features through Chrome OS, making this device great for those avid Google users. When you find that you want to navigate beyond certain work or leisure activities and need the abilities of sound and audio, what do you do when it stops working? If sound isn’t working on your Chromebook, continue reading to find the right solution.

Chromebooks can be used for a wide array of different tasks and functions, and whether you are sitting down to watch your favorite movie, are gearing up for a team meeting, or simply need a bit of background music when you are in the middle of a project, you need the sound to function. If you are using a Chromebook and notice that the sound is not working properly, read below to find out what you can do to restore the audio on your device.

If your Chromebook sound isn’t working, one of the first things you need to check is that the sound on your device has not been muted or turned down to a level that is inaudible. On the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, select the taskbar icon and then slide the volume slider to the right.

Once you have the volume turned up to an audible level, try playing the content you were previously experiencing sound issues with. If you are still not able to hear any sound, check to make sure that the content you are trying to play has not been muted from within the app you are using. For example: if you are using YouTube, there is an option to control the volume from within the video, therefore, if the sound has been muted, you will not be able to hear sound.

Chromebook Sound Not Working On Zoom

How to fix no sound on chromebook

There are a slew of different reasons that sound might be needed when using a Chromebook, but when it comes to work and connecting from far away, one of the most popular video teleconferencing platforms is Zoom. Before the meeting begins, of course, you want to be able to keep all sound from being transferred, however, when it begins, the need for sound is unavoidable. If you are using Zoom with your Chromebook and the sound isn’t working, read on.

If the sound on your Chromebook isn’t working when using zoom, try adjusting the sound from within the platform. To do this, click on the status area located at the bottom right corner of the zoom screen and adjust the speaker volume as well as the mic level to increase the sound.

If you have adjusted the sound from within zoom and are still not able to hear any sound coming from the platform when using it on your Chromebook, be sure to check that you have the volume turned up to an audible level on your Chromebook. If you are still having problems hearing sound, it could be that you simply need to log out of the platform and then log back in. This can cause any small glitches to stop, which can restore sound once logged back in.

Chromebook Sound Not Working Without Headphones

How to fix no sound on chromebook

You may not be experiencing issues with the sound working when you are in the middle of a Zoom meeting, but if you find yourself needing to share audio content with those around you, you will need to unplug your headphones and turn up the volume so all are able to hear. However, if you can hear the sound on your Chromebook when using headphones, but the audio goes silent when they are unplugged, what might be the cause of the issue?

If the sound on your Chromebook isn’t working without headphones, this is typically contributed to a small glitch within the audio of the device. To resolve this problem, plug your headphones into the headphone jack, click on ‘Settings’ > tap the right arrow > ‘Headphone,’ and unplug the headphones.

Once you have the headphones unplugged, your Chromebook should switch back to the internal speaker, and you should then be able to hear audio coming from those speakers. If you are still not able to hear sound after you have completed the previous troubleshooting steps, try turning off your Chromebook or shut it down completely. Once it has shut down, restart your device and try once more to see if the sound has been restored within the internal speakers.

Chromebook Sound Not Working With HDMI

How to fix no sound on chromebook

There are times when a Chromebook has everything you need right within its screen, but if you find yourself needing to connect to another device through the use of an HDMI cord, you not only need the connection to be successful, but you need the sound to work as well. If you have an HDMI cord connected to your Chromebook and the sound is not working, take a look below to see what can be done to ensure this connection is strong and has working audio.

If the sound is not working on your Chromebook when connected to an HDMI cord, confirm that you have the volume turned up to an audible level on both your Chromebook and the device you are connecting your Chromebook to.

If you have confirmed that the volume is turned up on both devices, then a hard reboot may be the solution. To perform a hard reboot, hold down the refresh and power keys on the keyboard at the same time until your Chromebook shuts down. Once it has shut down, you will then allow it time to reboot, where you can then reestablish the HDMI connection and test the sound without losing any important files or data on your device.

Chromebook Sound Not Going To TV

How to fix no sound on chromebook

In the previous section, it was noted that Chromebook users can connect their devices to other devices through the use of an HDMI cord, with one of these being a TV. For those trying to share content with larger groups or even get a larger screen to cast what they are working on, connecting to a TV is a great way to enlarge your screen while still having the function of your Chromebook. If sound is not working when connected to a TV though, what can you do?

If the sound on your Chromebook isn’t going to your TV, you need to first ensure that you are using an HDMI cord when trying to connect both devices. Chromebooks are not able to cast to other devices without the use of an HDMI cord, making this a necessary step to connect sound.

Once you have the HDMI cord, be sure that you are connecting your device to the TV. To connect a Chromebook to the TV, first start by turning off the Chromebook and TV. You will then plug the HDMI cord into the Chromebook and the other end into the TV. Turn on the TV and power on the Chromebook and wait for your computer to find the HDMI connection to which you can adjust the volume either on the Chromebook or on the TV itself.

Chromebook Sound Not Working On Google Meet

How to fix no sound on chromebook

Google meet is another video-communication service that is great for those who like to keep their digital world rooted in various Google platforms. Whether you are using Google Meet for conference calls, are wanting to get in a quick chat with coworkers, or are looking to talk to a friend overseas, you not only need to be able to see people, but you need to be able to hear them as well. If sound isn’t working on your Chromebook when using Google Meet, read below.

If the sound on your Chromebook isn’t working when using Google Meet, make sure that you have the volume on and turned up from within the platform. To do this, click on the Settings icon > ‘Audio Options’ > ‘Input/Output’ > then see if the sound indicator moves when you talk.

If you speak and the sound indicator doesn’t move this means that you have the audio muted from within Google Meet. To resolve this, simply unmute Google Meet and turn up the volume to an audible level. If you still aren’t able to hear sound, try closing out of all other tabs that are currently open, as if you are running something in the background that requires audio output, it can cause Google Meet to act like it is muted and thus, cause the sound to stop working.

Chromebook Sound Not Working With Headphones

How to fix no sound on chromebook

Opposite of the previous problem of the sound not working when headphones were unplugged is the issue some users have faced when the sound stops working once headphones have been plugged in. There are times when sound needs to be limited to personal use, which is where headphones come into play. However, if you plug in your headphones to your Chromebook and notice that no sound is coming from them, what might be the cause and how can it be fixed?

If the sound on your Chromebook isn’t working with headphones, your device could be having a hard time recognizing the headphones. To resolve this issue, unplug the headphones, close the lid of your Chromebook, wait 10 seconds, open the lid, then plug your headphones back in and test the sound.

If this doesn’t work, try another workaround to get the sound working when using headphones with your Chromebook. Unplug the headphones from the headphone jack and turn off the Chromebook. Once the computer has completely shut down, you will then close the lid, plug the headphones back in, open the lid once again, and turn the device back. This will cause your Chromebook to scan for new audio devices, which will recognize the headphones.

It is also important to note that the sound settings should be changing when you switch from using the speakers on your Chromebook to using headphones. If this setting does not change automatically, it will remain on the internal speakers, which will prevent sound from coming out when using headphones. To ensure headphones have been selected, go to your settings and check that headphones have been selected for your output settings.

If the sound isn’t working on your Chromebook, check that both devices have the volume turned up if you are using an HDMI cord, try completing a hard reboot, be sure you are setting up an HDMI connection properly when connecting to a TV, and unplug headphones and reinsert headphones for recognition.

Chromebook Not Turning On