Consent required Instagram how to fix

Consent required Instagram how to fix

Consent required Instagram how to fix

Consent required Instagram how to fix

When you boost an Instagram post from your professional account, Instagram uses a connected Facebook Page to identify a connected ad account. If you switch the Facebook Page connected to your Instagram professional account, it can create permission errors.

Consent required Instagram how to fix

Check that your Instagram professional account is connected to a Facebook Page.

Consent required Instagram how to fix

You can do this in your Instagram settings under Linked accounts.

Troubleshoot permission errors:

To change the Facebook Page linked to your Instagram professional account:

Go to your profile and tap in the top right-hand corner.

Tap Settings.

Tap Linked accounts, then tap Facebook.

Tap Unlink Account and confirm that you want to disconnect your Facebook Page by tapping Yes, Unlink.

Now you can connect your Instagram professional account to a Facebook Page. Log in to the Facebook Page that you'd like to connect. Before you continue, make sure that you have admin permissions for that Page.

To add a Facebook Page to your Instagram professional account:

Go to your Instagram profile.

Under Public business information, tap Page.

Select a Page that you manage.

Try boosting the post again.

Consent required Instagram how to fix

Add people to your ad account

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Consent required Instagram how to fix

Consent required Instagram how to fix

If you can’t authorize on Instagram because of this error, you should login Instagram via computer or mobile phone

Consent required Instagram how to fix

and accept privacy policy and indicate your age.

Consent required Instagram how to fix

Then you will be able to login Instagram via Social Rabbit plugin.